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Rework annotation ordering/optimisations (#54289)
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Improvements to the consistency and semantics of AnnotatedStrings, mainly around the ordering of annotations.
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tecosaur authored Apr 30, 2024
2 parents 831ebe0 + 4c18472 commit fe554b7
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Showing 7 changed files with 122 additions and 83 deletions.
152 changes: 90 additions & 62 deletions base/strings/annotated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,17 @@ and a value (`Any`), paired together as a `Pair{Symbol, <:Any}`.
Labels do not need to be unique, the same region can hold multiple annotations
with the same label.
Code written for `AnnotatedString`s in general should conserve the following
- Which characters an annotation is applied to
- The order in which annotations are applied to each character
Additional semantics may be introduced by specific uses of `AnnotatedString`s.
A corollary of these rules is that adjacent, consecutively placed, annotations
with identical labels and values are equivalent to a single annotation spanning
the combined range.
See also [`AnnotatedChar`](@ref), [`annotatedstring`](@ref),
[`annotations`](@ref), and [`annotate!`](@ref).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,56 +266,26 @@ annotatedstring(c::AnnotatedChar) =

AnnotatedString(s::SubString{<:AnnotatedString}) = annotatedstring(s)

Merge contiguous identical annotations in `str`.
function annotatedstring_optimize!(s::AnnotatedString)
last_seen = Dict{Pair{Symbol, Any}, Int}()
i = 1
while i <= length(s.annotations)
region, keyval = s.annotations[i]
prev = get(last_seen, keyval, 0)
if prev > 0
lregion, _ = s.annotations[prev]
if last(lregion) + 1 == first(region)
s.annotations[prev] =
deleteat!(s.annotations, i)
delete!(last_seen, keyval)
last_seen[keyval] = i
i += 1

function repeat(str::AnnotatedString, r::Integer)
r == 0 && return one(AnnotatedString)
r == 1 && return str
unannot = repeat(str.string, r)
annotations = Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}()
len = ncodeunits(str)
fullregion = firstindex(str):lastindex(str)
for (region, annot) in str.annotations
if region == fullregion
push!(annotations, (firstindex(unannot):lastindex(unannot), annot))
if allequal(first, str.annotations) && first(first(str.annotations)) == fullregion
newfullregion = firstindex(unannot):lastindex(unannot)
for (_, annot) in str.annotations
push!(annotations, (newfullregion, annot))
for offset in 0:len:(r-1)*len
for (region, annot) in str.annotations
if region != fullregion
for offset in 0:len:(r-1)*len
for (region, annot) in str.annotations
push!(annotations, (region .+ offset, annot))
AnnotatedString(unannot, annotations) |> annotatedstring_optimize!
AnnotatedString(unannot, annotations)

repeat(str::SubString{<:AnnotatedString}, r::Integer) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,14 +316,9 @@ reverse(s::SubString{<:AnnotatedString}) = reverse(AnnotatedString(s))
function _annotate!(annlist::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}, range::UnitRange{Int}, @nospecialize(labelval::Pair{Symbol, <:Any}))
label, val = labelval
if val === nothing
indices = searchsorted(annlist, (range,), by=first)
labelindex = filter(i -> first(annlist[i][2]) === label, indices)
for index in Iterators.reverse(labelindex)
deleteat!(annlist, index)
deleteat!(annlist, findall(ann -> ann[1] == range && first(ann[2]) === label, annlist))
sortedindex = searchsortedlast(annlist, (range,), by=first) + 1
insert!(annlist, sortedindex, (range, Pair{Symbol, Any}(label, val)))
push!(annlist, (range, Pair{Symbol, Any}(label, val)))

Expand All @@ -352,6 +328,9 @@ end
Annotate a `range` of `str` (or the entire string) with a labeled value (`label` => `value`).
To remove existing `label` annotations, use a value of `nothing`.
The order in which annotations are applied to `str` is semantically meaningful,
as described in [`AnnotatedString`](@ref).
annotate!(s::AnnotatedString, range::UnitRange{Int}, @nospecialize(labelval::Pair{Symbol, <:Any})) =
(_annotate!(s.annotations, range, labelval); s)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,6 +363,9 @@ annotations that overlap with `position` will be returned.
Annotations are provided together with the regions they apply to, in the form of
a vector of region–annotation tuples.
In accordance with the semantics documented in [`AnnotatedString`](@ref), the
order of annotations returned matches the order in which they were applied.
See also: `annotate!`.
annotations(s::AnnotatedString) = s.annotations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,10 +500,19 @@ function write(dest::AnnotatedIOBuffer, src::AnnotatedIOBuffer)

_clear_annotations_in_region!(annotations::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}, span::UnitRange{Int})
Erase the presence of `annotations` within a certain `span`.
This operates by removing all elements of `annotations` that are entirely
contained in `span`, truncating ranges that partially overlap, and splitting
annotations that subsume `span` to just exist either side of `span`.
function _clear_annotations_in_region!(annotations::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}, span::UnitRange{Int})
# Clear out any overlapping pre-existing annotations.
filter!(((region, _),) -> first(region) < first(span) || last(region) > last(span), annotations)
extras = Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}[]
extras = Tuple{Int, Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}[]
for i in eachindex(annotations)
region, annot = annotations[i]
# Test for partial overlap
Expand All @@ -532,31 +523,68 @@ function _clear_annotations_in_region!(annotations::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int},
# If `span` fits exactly within `region`, then we've only copied over
# the beginning overhang, but also need to conserve the end overhang.
if first(region) < first(span) && last(span) < last(region)
push!(extras, (last(span)+1:last(region), annot))
push!(extras, (i, (last(span)+1:last(region), annot)))
# Insert any extra entries in the appropriate position
for entry in extras
sortedindex = searchsortedlast(annotations, (first(entry),), by=first) + 1
insert!(annotations, sortedindex, entry)
# Insert any extra entries in the appropriate position
for (offset, (i, entry)) in enumerate(extras)
insert!(annotations, i + offset, entry)

_insert_annotations!(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, annotations::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}, offset::Int = position(io))
Register new `annotations` in `io`, applying an `offset` to their regions.
The largely consists of simply shifting the regions of `annotations` by `offset`
and pushing them onto `io`'s annotations. However, when it is possible to merge
the new annotations with recent annotations in accordance with the semantics
outlined in [`AnnotatedString`](@ref), we do so. More specifically, when there
is a run of the most recent annotations that are also present as the first
`annotations`, with the same value and adjacent regions, the new annotations are
merged into the existing recent annotations by simply extending their range.
This is implemented so that one can say write an `AnnotatedString` to an
`AnnotatedIOBuffer` one character at a time without needlessly producing a
new annotation for each character.
function _insert_annotations!(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, annotations::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}, offset::Int = position(io))
if !eof(io)
for (region, annot) in annotations
region = first(region)+offset:last(region)+offset
sortedindex = searchsortedlast(io.annotations, (region,), by=first) + 1
insert!(io.annotations, sortedindex, (region, annot))
for (region, annot) in annotations
region = first(region)+offset:last(region)+offset
push!(io.annotations, (region, annot))
run = 0
if !isempty(io.annotations) && last(first(last(io.annotations))) == offset
for i in reverse(axes(annotations, 1))
annot = annotations[i]
first(first(annot)) == 1 || continue
if last(annot) == last(last(io.annotations))
valid_run = true
for runlen in 1:i
new_range, new_annot = annotations[begin+runlen-1]
old_range, old_annot = io.annotations[end-i+runlen]
if last(old_range) != offset || first(new_range) != 1 || old_annot != new_annot
valid_run = false
if valid_run
run = i
for runindex in 0:run-1
old_index = lastindex(io.annotations) - run + 1 + runindex
old_region, annot = io.annotations[old_index]
new_region, _ = annotations[begin+runindex]
io.annotations[old_index] = (first(old_region):last(new_region)+offset, annot)
for index in run+1:lastindex(annotations)
region, annot = annotations[index]
start, stop = first(region), last(region)
push!(io.annotations, (start+offset:stop+offset, annot))

function read(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, ::Type{AnnotatedString{T}}) where {T <: AbstractString}
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

This file was deleted.

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion stdlib/StyledStrings.version
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
STYLEDSTRINGS_SHA1 = bfdb4c3f73a93a956ad48b0f06f89eb1cd40ff6b
STYLEDSTRINGS_SHA1 = ac472083359dde956aed8c61d43b8158ac84d9ce
47 changes: 29 additions & 18 deletions test/strings/annotated.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
@test Base.AnnotatedString(str[3:4]) ==
Base.AnnotatedString("me", [(1:2, :thing => 0x01), (1:2, :all => 0x03)])
@test Base.AnnotatedString(str[3:6]) ==
Base.AnnotatedString("me s", [(1:2, :thing => 0x01), (1:4, :all => 0x03), (4:4, :other => 0x02)])
@test str == Base.AnnotatedString("some string", [(1:4, :thing => 0x01), (1:11, :all => 0x03), (6:11, :other => 0x02)])
Base.AnnotatedString("me s", [(1:2, :thing => 0x01), (4:4, :other => 0x02), (1:4, :all => 0x03)])
@test str == Base.AnnotatedString("some string", [(1:4, :thing => 0x01), (6:11, :other => 0x02), (1:11, :all => 0x03)])
@test str != Base.AnnotatedString("some string")
@test str != Base.AnnotatedString("some string", [(1:1, :thing => 0x01), (6:6, :other => 0x02), (11:11, :all => 0x03)])
@test str != Base.AnnotatedString("some string", [(1:1, :thing => 0x01), (1:11, :all => 0x03), (6:6, :other => 0x02)])
@test str != Base.AnnotatedString("some string", [(1:4, :thing => 0x11), (1:11, :all => 0x13), (6:11, :other => 0x12)])
@test str != Base.AnnotatedString("some thingg", [(1:4, :thing => 0x01), (1:11, :all => 0x03), (6:11, :other => 0x02)])
@test Base.AnnotatedString([Base.AnnotatedChar('a', [:a => 1]), Base.AnnotatedChar('b', [:b => 2])]) ==
Expand All @@ -51,15 +51,8 @@
# @test collect(Base.eachstyle(str)) ==
# [("some", [:thing => 0x01, :all => 0x03]),
# (" string", [:all => 0x03, :other => 0x02])]
@test ==(Base.annotatedstring_optimize!(
Base.AnnotatedString("abc", [(1:1, :val => 1),
(2:2, :val => 2),
(2:2, :val => 1),
(3:3, :val => 2)])),
Base.AnnotatedString("abc", [(1:2, :val => 1),
(2:3, :val => 2)]))
@test chopprefix(sprint(show, str), "Base.") ==
"AnnotatedString{String}(\"some string\", [(1:4, :thing => 0x01), (1:11, :all => 0x03), (6:11, :other => 0x02)])"
"AnnotatedString{String}(\"some string\", [(1:4, :thing => 0x01), (6:11, :other => 0x02), (1:11, :all => 0x03)])"
@test eval(Meta.parse(repr(str))) == str
@test sprint(show, MIME("text/plain"), str) == "\"some string\""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,8 +142,8 @@ end
# Check `annotate!`, including region sorting
@test truncate(aio, 0).io.size == 0
@test write(aio, "hello world") == ncodeunits("hello world")
@test Base.annotate!(aio, 7:11, :tag => 2) === aio
@test Base.annotate!(aio, 1:5, :tag => 1) === aio
@test Base.annotate!(aio, 7:11, :tag => 2) === aio
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(1:5, :tag => 1), (7:11, :tag => 2)]
# Reading
@test read(seekstart(deepcopy(, String) == "hello world"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,24 +171,42 @@ end
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(1:5, :tag => 1), (7:11, :tag => 2)] # Should be unchanged
@test write(seek(aio, 0), Base.AnnotatedString("hey-o", [(1:5, :hey => 'o')])) == 5
@test read(seekstart(aio), String) == "hey-o alice"
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(1:5, :hey => 'o'), (7:11, :tag => 2)] # First annotation should have been entirely replaced
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(7:11, :tag => 2), (1:5, :hey => 'o')] # First annotation should have been entirely replaced
@test write(seek(aio, 7), Base.AnnotatedString("bbi", [(1:3, :hey => 'a')])) == 3 # a[lic => bbi]e ('alice' => 'abbie')
@test read(seekstart(aio), String) == "hey-o abbie"
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(1:5, :hey => 'o'), (7:7, :tag => 2), (8:10, :hey => 'a'), (11:11, :tag => 2)]
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(7:7, :tag => 2), (11:11, :tag => 2), (1:5, :hey => 'o'), (8:10, :hey => 'a')]
@test write(seek(aio, 0), Base.AnnotatedString("ab")) == 2 # Check first annotation's region is adjusted correctly
@test read(seekstart(aio), String) == "aby-o abbie"
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(3:5, :hey => 'o'), (7:7, :tag => 2), (8:10, :hey => 'a'), (11:11, :tag => 2)]
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(7:7, :tag => 2), (11:11, :tag => 2), (3:5, :hey => 'o'), (8:10, :hey => 'a')]
@test write(seek(aio, 3), Base.AnnotatedString("ss")) == 2
@test read(seekstart(aio), String) == "abyss abbie"
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(3:3, :hey => 'o'), (7:7, :tag => 2), (8:10, :hey => 'a'), (11:11, :tag => 2)]
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(7:7, :tag => 2), (11:11, :tag => 2), (3:3, :hey => 'o'), (8:10, :hey => 'a')]
# Writing one buffer to another
newaio = Base.AnnotatedIOBuffer()
@test write(newaio, seekstart(aio)) == 11
@test read(seekstart(newaio), String) == "abyss abbie"
@test Base.annotations(newaio) == Base.annotations(aio)
@test write(seek(newaio, 5), seek(aio, 5)) == 6
@test Base.annotations(newaio) == Base.annotations(aio)
@test sort(Base.annotations(newaio)) == sort(Base.annotations(aio))
@test write(newaio, seek(aio, 5)) == 6
@test read(seekstart(newaio), String) == "abyss abbie abbie"
@test Base.annotations(newaio) == vcat(Base.annotations(aio), [(13:13, :tag => 2), (14:16, :hey => 'a'), (17:17, :tag => 2)])
@test sort(Base.annotations(newaio)) == sort(vcat(Base.annotations(aio), [(13:13, :tag => 2), (14:16, :hey => 'a'), (17:17, :tag => 2)]))
# The `_insert_annotations!` cautious-merging optimisation
aio = Base.AnnotatedIOBuffer()
@test write(aio, Base.AnnotatedChar('a', [:a => 1, :b => 2])) == 1
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(1:1, :a => 1), (1:1, :b => 2)]
@test write(aio, Base.AnnotatedChar('b', [:a => 1, :b => 2])) == 1
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(1:2, :a => 1), (1:2, :b => 2)]
let aio2 = copy(aio) # A different start makes merging too risky to do.
@test write(aio2, Base.AnnotatedChar('c', [:a => 0, :b => 2])) == 1
@test Base.annotations(aio2) == [(1:2, :a => 1), (1:2, :b => 2), (3:3, :a => 0), (3:3, :b => 2)]
let aio2 = copy(aio) # Merging some run of the most recent annotations is fine though.
@test write(aio2, Base.AnnotatedChar('c', [:b => 2])) == 1
@test Base.annotations(aio2) == [(1:2, :a => 1), (1:3, :b => 2)]
let aio2 = copy(aio) # ...and any subsequent annotations after a matching run can just be copied over.
@test write(aio2, Base.AnnotatedChar('c', [:b => 2, :c => 3, :d => 4])) == 1
@test Base.annotations(aio2) == [(1:2, :a => 1), (1:3, :b => 2), (3:3, :c => 3), (3:3, :d => 4)]

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