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enable/improve constant propagation through varargs methods
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- Store varargs type information in the InferenceResult object, such that the info can be used during inference/optimization

- Hack in a more precise return type for getfield of a vararg tuple. Ideally, we would handle this by teaching inference to track the types of the individual fields of a Tuple, which would make this unnecessary, but until then, this hack is helpful.

- Spoof parents as well as children during recursion limiting, so that higher degree cycles are appropriately spoofed

- A broadcast test marked as broken is now no longer broken, presumably due to the optimizations in this commit

- Fix relationship between depth/mindepth in limit_type_size/is_derived_type. The relationship should have been inverse over the domain in which they overlap, but was not maintained consistently. An example of problematic case was:

t = Tuple{X,X} where X<:Tuple{Tuple{Int64,Vararg{Int64,N} where N},Tuple{Int64,Vararg{Int64,N} where N}}
c = Tuple{X,X} where X<:Tuple{Int64,Vararg{Int64,N} where N}

because is_derived_type was computing the depth of usage rather than the depth of definition. This change thus makes the depth/mindepth calculations more consistent, and causes the limiting heuristic to return strictly wider types than it did before.

- Move the optimizer's "varargs types to tuple type" rewrite to after cache lookup.Inference is populating the InferenceResult cache using the varargs form, so the optimizer needs to do the lookup before writing the atypes in order to avoid cache misses.

Co-authored-by: Jameson Nash <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Keno Fischer <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people committed May 4, 2018
1 parent 7e2ce0e commit b4b4d21
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Showing 10 changed files with 148 additions and 83 deletions.
43 changes: 34 additions & 9 deletions base/compiler/abstractinterpretation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,8 +116,7 @@ function abstract_call_method_with_const_args(@nospecialize(f), argtypes::Vector
method.isva && (nargs -= 1)
length(argtypes) >= nargs || return Any # probably limit_tuple_type made this non-matching method apparently match
haveconst = false
for i in 1:nargs
a = argtypes[i]
for a in argtypes
if isa(a, Const) && !isdefined(typeof(a.val), :instance) && !(isa(a.val, Type) && issingletontype(a.val))
# have new information from argtypes that wasn't available from the signature
haveconst = true
Expand All @@ -144,8 +143,7 @@ function abstract_call_method_with_const_args(@nospecialize(f), argtypes::Vector
tm = _topmod(sv)
if !istopfunction(tm, f, :getproperty) && !istopfunction(tm, f, :setproperty!)
# in this case, see if all of the arguments are constants
for i in 1:nargs
a = argtypes[i]
for a in argtypes
if !isa(a, Const) && !isconstType(a)
return Any
Expand All @@ -156,6 +154,17 @@ function abstract_call_method_with_const_args(@nospecialize(f), argtypes::Vector
if inf_result === nothing
inf_result = InferenceResult(code)
atypes = get_argtypes(inf_result)
if method.isva
vargs = argtypes[(nargs + 1):end]
for i in 1:length(vargs)
a = vargs[i]
if i > length(inf_result.vargs)
push!(inf_result.vargs, a)
elseif a isa Const
inf_result.vargs[i] = a
for i in 1:nargs
a = argtypes[i]
if a isa Const
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +196,13 @@ function abstract_call_method(method::Method, @nospecialize(sig), sparams::Simpl
cyclei = 0
infstate = sv
edgecycle = false
# The `method_for_inference_heuristics` will expand the given method's generator if
# necessary in order to retrieve this field from the generated `CodeInfo`, if it exists.
# The other `CodeInfo`s we inspect will already have this field inflated, so we just
# access it directly instead (to avoid regeneration).
method2 = method_for_inference_heuristics(method, sig, sparams, # Union{Method, Nothing}
sv_method2 = sv.src.method_for_inference_limit_heuristics # limit only if user token match
sv_method2 isa Method || (sv_method2 = nothing) # Union{Method, Nothing}
while !(infstate === nothing)
infstate = infstate::InferenceState
if method === infstate.linfo.def
Expand All @@ -208,7 +223,9 @@ function abstract_call_method(method::Method, @nospecialize(sig), sparams::Simpl
for parent in infstate.callers_in_cycle
# check in the cycle list first
# all items in here are mutual parents of all others
if parent.linfo.def === sv.linfo.def
parent_method2 = parent.src.method_for_inference_limit_heuristics # limit only if user token match
parent_method2 isa Method || (parent_method2 = nothing) # Union{Method, Nothing}
if parent.linfo.def === sv.linfo.def && sv_method2 === parent_method2
topmost = infstate
edgecycle = true
Expand All @@ -218,7 +235,9 @@ function abstract_call_method(method::Method, @nospecialize(sig), sparams::Simpl
# then check the parent link
if topmost === nothing && parent !== nothing
parent = parent::InferenceState
if parent.cached && parent.linfo.def === sv.linfo.def
parent_method2 = parent.src.method_for_inference_limit_heuristics # limit only if user token match
parent_method2 isa Method || (parent_method2 = nothing) # Union{Method, Nothing}
if parent.cached && parent.linfo.def === sv.linfo.def && sv_method2 === parent_method2
topmost = infstate
edgecycle = true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,8 +334,8 @@ function precise_container_type(@nospecialize(arg), @nospecialize(typ), vtypes::

arg = ssa_def_expr(arg, sv)
if is_specializable_vararg_slot(arg, sv)
return Any[rewrap_unionall(p, sv.linfo.specTypes) for p in sv.vararg_type_container.parameters]
if is_specializable_vararg_slot(arg, sv.nargs, sv.result.vargs)
return sv.result.vargs

tti0 = widenconst(typ)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,7 +501,13 @@ function abstract_call(@nospecialize(f), fargs::Union{Tuple{},Vector{Any}}, argt
tm = _topmod(sv)
if isa(f, Builtin) || isa(f, IntrinsicFunction)
rt = builtin_tfunction(f, argtypes[2:end], sv)
if (rt === Bool || (isa(rt, Const) && isa(rt.val, Bool))) && isa(fargs, Vector{Any})
if f === getfield && isa(fargs, Vector{Any}) && length(argtypes) == 3 && isa(argtypes[3], Const) && isa(argtypes[3].val, Int) && argtypes[2] Tuple
cti = precise_container_type(fargs[2], argtypes[2], vtypes, sv)
idx = argtypes[3].val
if 1 <= idx <= length(cti)
rt = unwrapva(cti[idx])
elseif (rt === Bool || (isa(rt, Const) && isa(rt.val, Bool))) && isa(fargs, Vector{Any})
# perform very limited back-propagation of type information for `is` and `isa`
if f === isa
a = ssa_def_expr(fargs[2], sv)
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50 changes: 37 additions & 13 deletions base/compiler/inferenceresult.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ const EMPTY_VECTOR = Vector{Any}()
mutable struct InferenceResult
vargs::Vector{Any} # Memoize vararg type info w/Consts here when calling get_argtypes
# on the InferenceResult, so that the optimizer can use this info
# later during inlining.
result # ::Type, or InferenceState if WIP
src::Union{CodeInfo, Nothing} # if inferred copy is available
function InferenceResult(linfo::MethodInstance)
Expand All @@ -13,7 +16,7 @@ mutable struct InferenceResult
result = linfo.rettype
return new(linfo, EMPTY_VECTOR, result, nothing)
return new(linfo, EMPTY_VECTOR, Any[], result, nothing)

Expand All @@ -31,7 +34,35 @@ function get_argtypes(result::InferenceResult)
vararg_type = Tuple
vararg_type = rewrap(tupleparam_tail(atypes, nargs), linfo.specTypes)
laty = length(atypes)
if nargs > laty
va = atypes[laty]
if isvarargtype(va)
new_va = rewrap_unionall(unconstrain_vararg_length(va), linfo.specTypes)
vararg_type_vec = Any[new_va]
vararg_type = Tuple{new_va}
vararg_type_vec = Any[]
vararg_type = Tuple{}
vararg_type_vec = Any[]
for p in atypes[nargs:laty]
p = isvarargtype(p) ? unconstrain_vararg_length(p) : p
push!(vararg_type_vec, rewrap_unionall(p, linfo.specTypes))
vararg_type = tuple_tfunc(Tuple{vararg_type_vec...})
for i in 1:length(vararg_type_vec)
atyp = vararg_type_vec[i]
if isa(atyp, DataType) && isdefined(atyp, :instance)
# replace singleton types with their equivalent Const object
vararg_type_vec[i] = Const(atyp.instance)
elseif isconstType(atyp)
vararg_type_vec[i] = Const(atyp.parameters[1])
result.vargs = vararg_type_vec
args[nargs] = vararg_type
nargs -= 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,19 +111,12 @@ function cache_lookup(code::MethodInstance, argtypes::Vector{Any}, cache::Vector
for cache_code in cache
# try to search cache first
cache_args = cache_code.args
if cache_code.linfo === code && length(cache_args) >= nargs
cache_vargs = cache_code.vargs
if cache_code.linfo === code && length(argtypes) === (length(cache_vargs) + nargs)
cache_match = true
# verify that the trailing args (va) aren't Const
for i in (nargs + 1):length(cache_args)
if isa(cache_args[i], Const)
cache_match = false
cache_match || continue
for i in 1:nargs
for i in 1:length(argtypes)
a = argtypes[i]
ca = cache_args[i]
ca = i <= nargs ? cache_args[i] : cache_vargs[i - nargs]
# verify that all Const argument types match between the call and cache
if (isa(a, Const) || isa(ca, Const)) && !(a === ca)
cache_match = false
Expand Down
16 changes: 3 additions & 13 deletions base/compiler/inferencestate.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ mutable struct InferenceState
# ssavalue sparsity and restart info
vararg_type_container #::Type

backedges::Vector{Tuple{InferenceState, LineNum}} # call-graph backedges connecting from callee to caller
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,19 +101,11 @@ mutable struct InferenceState
# initial types
nslots = length(src.slotnames)
argtypes = get_argtypes(result)
vararg_type_container = nothing
nargs = length(argtypes)
s_argtypes = VarTable(undef, nslots)
src.slottypes = Vector{Any}(undef, nslots)
for i in 1:nslots
at = (i > nargs) ? Bottom : argtypes[i]
if !toplevel && linfo.def.isva && i == nargs
if !(at == Tuple) # would just be a no-op
vararg_type_container = unwrap_unionall(at)
vararg_type = tuple_tfunc(vararg_type_container) # returns a Const object, if applicable
at = rewrap(vararg_type, linfo.specTypes)
s_argtypes[i] = VarState(at, i > nargs)
src.slottypes[i] = at
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,7 +143,7 @@ mutable struct InferenceState
nargs, s_types, s_edges,
Union{}, W, 1, n,
cur_hand, handler_at, n_handlers,
ssavalue_uses, ssavalue_defs, vararg_type_container,
ssavalue_uses, ssavalue_defs,
Vector{Tuple{InferenceState,LineNum}}(), # backedges
Vector{InferenceState}(), # callers_in_cycle
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,9 +229,8 @@ function add_mt_backedge!(mt::Core.MethodTable, @nospecialize(typ), caller::Infe

function is_specializable_vararg_slot(@nospecialize(arg), sv::InferenceState)
return (isa(arg, Slot) && slot_id(arg) == sv.nargs &&
isa(sv.vararg_type_container, DataType))
function is_specializable_vararg_slot(@nospecialize(arg), nargs, vargs)
return (isa(arg, Slot) && slot_id(arg) == nargs && !isempty(vargs))

function print_callstack(sv::InferenceState)
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33 changes: 18 additions & 15 deletions base/compiler/optimize.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@

mutable struct OptimizationState
vararg_type_container #::Type
Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ mutable struct OptimizationState
src = frame.src
next_label = max(label_counter(src.code), length(src.code)) + 10
return new(frame.linfo, frame.vararg_type_container,
return new(frame.linfo, frame.result.vargs,
src, frame.mod, frame.nargs,
next_label, frame.min_valid, frame.max_valid,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ mutable struct OptimizationState
nargs = 0
next_label = max(label_counter(src.code), length(src.code)) + 10
vararg_type_container = nothing # if you want something more accurate, set it yourself :P
return new(linfo, vararg_type_container,
result_vargs = Any[] # if you want something more accurate, set it yourself :P
return new(linfo, result_vargs,
src, inmodule, nargs,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,11 +100,6 @@ function add_backedge!(li::MethodInstance, caller::OptimizationState)

function is_specializable_vararg_slot(@nospecialize(arg), sv::OptimizationState)
return (isa(arg, Slot) && slot_id(arg) == sv.nargs &&
isa(sv.vararg_type_container, DataType))

# structs #
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1333,22 +1328,30 @@ function inlineable(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(ft), e::Expr, atypes::Vector
if invoke_api(linfo) == 2
# in this case function can be inlined to a constant
add_backedge!(linfo, sv)
# XXX: @vtjnash thinks this should be `argexprs0`, but doing so exposes a
# downstream optimizer problem that breaks tests, so we're going to avoid
# changing it for now. ref
return inline_as_constant(linfo.inferred_const, argexprs, sv, invoke_data)

# see if the method has a InferenceResult in the current cache
# See if the method has a InferenceResult in the current cache
# or an existing inferred code info store in `.inferred`
# Above, we may have rewritten trailing varargs in `atypes` to a tuple type. However,
# inference populates the cache with the pre-rewrite version (`atypes0`), so here, we
# check against that instead.
haveconst = false
for i in 1:length(atypes)
a = atypes[i]
for i in 1:length(atypes0)
a = atypes0[i]
if isa(a, Const) && !isdefined(typeof(a.val), :instance) && !(isa(a.val, Type) && issingletontype(a.val))
# have new information from argtypes that wasn't available from the signature
haveconst = true
if haveconst
inf_result = cache_lookup(linfo, atypes, sv.params.cache) # Union{Nothing, InferenceResult}
inf_result = cache_lookup(linfo, atypes0, sv.params.cache) # Union{Nothing, InferenceResult}
inf_result = nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2003,8 +2006,8 @@ function inline_call(e::Expr, sv::OptimizationState, stmts::Vector{Any}, boundsc
tmpv = newvar!(sv, t)
push!(newstmts, Expr(:(=), tmpv, aarg))
if is_specializable_vararg_slot(aarg, sv)
tp = sv.vararg_type_container.parameters
if is_specializable_vararg_slot(aarg, sv.nargs, sv.result_vargs)
tp = sv.result_vargs
tp = t.parameters
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/compiler/tfuncs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ add_tfunc(===, 2, 2,
return Bool
end, 1)
function isdefined_tfunc(args...)
function isdefined_tfunc(@nospecialize(args...))
arg1 = args[1]
if isa(arg1, Const)
a1 = typeof(arg1.val)
Expand Down
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions base/compiler/typelimits.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,15 +50,12 @@ function is_derived_type(@nospecialize(t), @nospecialize(c), mindepth::Int)
if t === c
return mindepth == 0
if isa(c, TypeVar)
# see if it is replacing a TypeVar upper bound with something simpler
return is_derived_type(t, c.ub, mindepth)
elseif isa(c, Union)
if isa(c, Union)
# see if it is one of the elements of the union
return is_derived_type(t, c.a, mindepth + 1) || is_derived_type(t, c.b, mindepth + 1)
elseif isa(c, UnionAll)
# see if it is derived from the body
return is_derived_type(t, c.body, mindepth)
return is_derived_type(t, c.var.ub, mindepth) || is_derived_type(t, c.body, mindepth + 1)
elseif isa(c, DataType)
if isa(t, DataType)
# see if it is one of the supertypes of a parameter
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +93,8 @@ function is_derived_type_from_any(@nospecialize(t), sources::SimpleVector, minde
return false

# type vs. comparison or which was derived from source
# The goal of this function is to return a type of greater "size" and less "complexity" than
# both `t` or `c` over the lattice defined by `sources`, `depth`, and `allowed_tuplelen`.
function _limit_type_size(@nospecialize(t), @nospecialize(c), sources::SimpleVector, depth::Int, allowed_tuplelen::Int)
if t === c
return t # quick egal test
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,9 +138,9 @@ function _limit_type_size(@nospecialize(t), @nospecialize(c), sources::SimpleVec
lb = Bottom
v2 = TypeVar(, lb, ub)
return UnionAll(v2, _limit_type_size(t{v2}, c{v2}, sources, depth + 1, allowed_tuplelen))
return UnionAll(v2, _limit_type_size(t{v2}, c{v2}, sources, depth, allowed_tuplelen))
tbody = _limit_type_size(t.body, c, sources, depth + 1, allowed_tuplelen)
tbody = _limit_type_size(t.body, c, sources, depth, allowed_tuplelen)
tbody === t.body && return t
return UnionAll(t.var, tbody)
elseif isa(c, UnionAll)
Expand Down
14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions base/compiler/typeutils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,20 +99,6 @@ function tuple_tail_elem(@nospecialize(init), ct)
return Vararg{widenconst(foldl((a, b) -> tmerge(a, tvar_extent(unwrapva(b))), init, ct))}

# t[n:end]
function tupleparam_tail(t::SimpleVector, n)
lt = length(t)
if n > lt
va = t[lt]
if isvarargtype(va)
# assumes that we should never see Vararg{T, x}, where x is a constant (should be guaranteed by construction)
return Tuple{va}
return Tuple{}
return Tuple{t[n:lt]...}

# take a Tuple where one or more parameters are Unions
# and return an array such that those Unions are removed
# and `Union{return...} == ty`
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