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add fuzzy testing for some Set and BitSet functions
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rfourquet committed Dec 14, 2017
1 parent cbb2833 commit 73f247e
Showing 1 changed file with 70 additions and 0 deletions.
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions test/sets.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -344,3 +344,73 @@ end
@test typeof(cssset) == Set{String}
@test cssset == Set(["foo", "bar"])

@testset "fuzzy testing Set & BitSet" begin
b1, b2 = rand(-1000:1000, 2)
e1 = rand(b1-9:1000) # -9 to have an empty list sometimes
e2 = rand(b2-9:1000)
l1, l2 = rand(1:1000, 2)
a1 = b1 <= e1 ? rand(b1:e1, l1) : Int[]
a2 = b2 <= e2 ? rand(b2:e2, l2) : Int[]
s1, s2 = Set(a1), Set(a2)
t1, t2 = BitSet(a1), BitSet(a2)

for (s, t) = ((s1, t1), (s2, t2))
@test length(s) == length(t)
@test issubset(s, t)
@test issubset(t, s)
@test isempty(s) == isempty(t)
isempty(s) && continue
@test maximum(s) == maximum(t)
@test minimum(s) == minimum(t)
@test extrema(s) == extrema(t)
rs, rt = rand(s), rand(t)
@test rs in s
@test rt in s
@test rs in t
@test rt in t
for y in (rs, rt)
ss = copy(s)
tt = copy(t)
pop!(ss, y)
pop!(tt, y)
@test BitSet(ss) == tt
@test Set(tt) == ss
z = rand(1001:1100) # z ∉ s or t
push!(ss, z)
push!(tt, z)
@test BitSet(ss) == tt
@test Set(tt) == ss

res = Dict{String,Union{Bool,Vector{Int}}}()
function check(desc, val)
n = val isa Bool ? val : sort!(collect(val))
r = get!(res, desc, n)
if n isa Bool || r !== n
@test r == n
asintset(x) = x isa BitSet ? x : BitSet(x)
asset(x) = x isa Set ? x : Set(x)

for x1 = (s1, t1), x2 = (s2, t2)
check("union", union(x1, x2))
check("intersect", intersect(x1, x2))
check("symdiff", symdiff(x1, x2))
check("setdiff", setdiff(x1, x2))
check("== as IntSet", asintset(x1) == asintset(x2))
check("== as Set", asset(x1) == asset(x2))
check("issubset", issubset(x1, x2))
if typeof(x1) == typeof(x2)
check("<", x1 < x2)
check("<=", x1 > x2)
check("union!", union!(copy(x1), x2))
check("setdiff!", setdiff!(copy(x1), x2))
x1 isa Set && continue
check("intersect!", intersect!(copy(x1), x2))
check("symdiff!", symdiff!(copy(x1), x2))

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