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implement replace on String for multiple patterns (#40484)
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This has been attempted before, sometimes fairly similar to this, but
the attempts seemed to be either too simple or too complicated. This
aims to be simple, and even beats one of the "handwritten" benchmark

Past issues (e.g. #25396) have proposed that using Regex may be faster,
but in my tests, this handily bests even simplified regexes. There can
be slow Regexes patterns that can cause this to exhibit O(n^2) behavior,
but only if the one of the earlier patterns is a partial match for a
later pattern Regex and that Regex always matches O(n) of the input
stream. This is a case that is hopefully usually avoidable in practice.

fixes #35327
fixes #39061
fixes #35414
fixes #29849
fixes #30457
fixes #25396
  • Loading branch information
vtjnash authored Jun 7, 2021
1 parent 7c79849 commit 70771b2
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Showing 5 changed files with 245 additions and 36 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -121,6 +121,10 @@ Standard library changes
* Some degree trigonometric functions, `sind`, `cosd`, `tand`, `asind`, `acosd`, `asecd`, `acscd`, `acotd`, `atand` now accept an square matrix ([#39758]).
* A backslash before a newline in command literals now always removes the newline, similar to standard string
literals, whereas the result was not well-defined before. ([#40753])
* `replace(::String)` now allows multiple patterns to be specified, and they
will be applied left-to-right simultaneously, so only one pattern will be
applied to any character, and the patterns will only be applied to the input
text, not the replacements. ([#TBD])

#### Package Manager

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20 changes: 13 additions & 7 deletions base/regex.jl
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Expand Up @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ _free_pat_replacer(r::RegexAndMatchData) = PCRE.free_match_data(r.match_data)

replace_err(repl) = error("Bad replacement string: $repl")

function _write_capture(io, re::RegexAndMatchData, group)
function _write_capture(io::IO, group::Int, str, r, re::RegexAndMatchData)
len = PCRE.substring_length_bynumber(re.match_data, group)
# in the case of an optional group that doesn't match, len == 0
len == 0 && return
Expand All @@ -598,14 +598,19 @@ function _write_capture(io, re::RegexAndMatchData, group)
pointer(, io.ptr), len+1)
io.ptr += len
io.size = max(io.size, io.ptr - 1)
function _write_capture(io::IO, group::Int, str, r, re)
group == 0 || replace_err("pattern is not a Regex")
return print(io, SubString(str, r))

const SUB_CHAR = '\\'
const GROUP_CHAR = 'g'
const KEEP_ESC = [SUB_CHAR, GROUP_CHAR, '0':'9'...]

function _replace(io, repl_s::SubstitutionString, str, r, re::RegexAndMatchData)
function _replace(io, repl_s::SubstitutionString, str, r, re)
repl = unescape_string(repl_s.string, KEEP_ESC)
Expand All @@ -629,7 +634,7 @@ function _replace(io, repl_s::SubstitutionString, str, r, re::RegexAndMatchData)
_write_capture(io, re, group)
_write_capture(io, group, str, r, re)
elseif repl[next_i] == GROUP_CHAR
i = nextind(repl, next_i)
if i > e || repl[i] != LBRACKET
Expand All @@ -642,15 +647,16 @@ function _replace(io, repl_s::SubstitutionString, str, r, re::RegexAndMatchData)
i = nextind(repl, i)
i > e && replace_err(repl)
# TODO: avoid this allocation
groupname = SubString(repl, groupstart, prevind(repl, i))
if all(isdigit, groupname)
_write_capture(io, re, parse(Int, groupname))
group = parse(Int, groupname)
elseif re isa RegexAndMatchData
group = PCRE.substring_number_from_name(, groupname)
group < 0 && replace_err("Group $groupname not found in regex $(")
_write_capture(io, re, group)
group = -1
_write_capture(io, group, str, r, re)
i = nextind(repl, i)
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion base/set.jl
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Expand Up @@ -621,7 +621,6 @@ replace!(a::Callable, b::Pair; count::Integer=-1) = throw(MethodError(replace!,
replace!(a::Callable, b::Pair, c::Pair; count::Integer=-1) = throw(MethodError(replace!, (a, b, c)))
replace(a::Callable, b::Pair; count::Integer=-1) = throw(MethodError(replace, (a, b)))
replace(a::Callable, b::Pair, c::Pair; count::Integer=-1) = throw(MethodError(replace, (a, b, c)))
replace(a::AbstractString, b::Pair, c::Pair) = throw(MethodError(replace, (a, b, c)))

### replace! for AbstractDict/AbstractSet

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84 changes: 56 additions & 28 deletions base/strings/util.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -526,56 +526,74 @@ _replace(io, repl::Function, str, r, pattern) =
_replace(io, repl::Function, str, r, pattern::Function) =
print(io, repl(str[first(r)]))

replace(str::String, pat_repl::Pair{<:AbstractChar}; count::Integer=typemax(Int)) =
replace(str, isequal(first(pat_repl)) => last(pat_repl); count=count)

replace(str::String, pat_repl::Pair{<:Union{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractChar}},
count::Integer=typemax(Int)) =
replace(str, in(first(pat_repl)) => last(pat_repl), count=count)

_pat_replacer(x) = x
_free_pat_replacer(x) = nothing

function replace(str::String, pat_repl::Pair; count::Integer=typemax(Int))
pattern, repl = pat_repl
_pat_replacer(x::AbstractChar) = isequal(x)
_pat_replacer(x::Union{Tuple{Vararg{AbstractChar}},AbstractVector{<:AbstractChar},Set{<:AbstractChar}}) = in(x)

function replace(str::String, pat_repl::Vararg{Pair,N}; count::Integer=typemax(Int)) where N
count == 0 && return str
count < 0 && throw(DomainError(count, "`count` must be non-negative."))
n = 1
e = lastindex(str)
e1 = nextind(str, lastindex(str)) # sizeof(str)
i = a = firstindex(str)
pattern = _pat_replacer(pattern)
r = something(findnext(pattern,str,i), 0)
j, k = first(r), last(r)
if j == 0
patterns = map(p -> _pat_replacer(first(p)), pat_repl)
replaces = map(last, pat_repl)
rs = map(patterns) do p
r = findnext(p, str, a)
if r === nothing || first(r) == 0
return e1+1:0
r isa Int && (r = r:r) # findnext / performance fix
return r
if all(>(e1), map(first, rs))
foreach(_free_pat_replacer, patterns)
return str
out = IOBuffer(sizehint=floor(Int, 1.2sizeof(str)))
while j != 0
while true
p = argmin(map(first, rs)) # TODO: or argmin(rs), to pick the shortest first match ?
r = rs[p]
j, k = first(r), last(r)
j > e1 && break
if i == a || i <= k
# copy out preserved portion
GC.@preserve str unsafe_write(out, pointer(str, i), UInt(j-i))
_replace(out, repl, str, r, pattern)
# copy out replacement string
_replace(out, replaces[p], str, r, patterns[p])
if k < j
i = j
j > e && break
j == e1 && break
k = nextind(str, j)
i = k = nextind(str, k)
r = something(findnext(pattern,str,k), 0)
r === 0:-1 || n == count && break
j, k = first(r), last(r)
n == count && break
let k = k
rs = map(patterns, rs) do p, r
if first(r) < k
r = findnext(p, str, k)
if r === nothing || first(r) == 0
return e1+1:0
r isa Int && (r = r:r) # findnext / performance fix
return r
n += 1
write(out, SubString(str,i))
foreach(_free_pat_replacer, patterns)
write(out, SubString(str, i))
return String(take!(out))

replace(s::AbstractString, pat=>r; [count::Integer])
replace(s::AbstractString, pat=>r, [pat2=>r2, ...]; [count::Integer])
Search for the given pattern `pat` in `s`, and replace each occurrence with `r`.
If `count` is provided, replace at most `count` occurrences.
Expand All @@ -588,6 +606,13 @@ If `pat` is a regular expression and `r` is a [`SubstitutionString`](@ref), then
references in `r` are replaced with the corresponding matched text.
To remove instances of `pat` from `string`, set `r` to the empty `String` (`""`).
Multiple patterns can be specified, and they will be applied left-to-right
simultaneously, so only one pattern will be applied to any character, and the
patterns will only be applied to the input text, not the replacements.
!!! compat "Julia 1.7"
Support for multiple patterns requires version 1.7.
# Examples
julia> replace("Python is a programming language.", "Python" => "Julia")
Expand All @@ -601,10 +626,13 @@ julia> replace("The quick foxes run quickly.", "quick" => "", count=1)
julia> replace("The quick foxes run quickly.", r"fox(es)?" => s"bus\\1")
"The quick buses run quickly."
julia> replace("abcabc", "a" => "b", "b" => "c", r".+" => "a")
replace(s::AbstractString, pat_f::Pair; count=typemax(Int)) =
replace(String(s), pat_f, count=count)
replace(s::AbstractString, pat_f::Pair...; count=typemax(Int)) =
replace(String(s), pat_f..., count=count)

# TODO: allow transform as the first argument to replace?

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172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions test/strings/util.jl
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Expand Up @@ -312,6 +312,178 @@ end


@testset "replace many" begin
# PR 35414 Francesco Alemanno <[email protected]>
@test replace("foobarbaz", "oo" => "zz", "ar" => "zz", "z" => "m") == "fzzbzzbam"
substmp=["z" => "m", "oo" => "zz", "ar" => "zz"]
for perm in [[1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3], [3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 1], [1, 3, 2], [3, 1, 2]]
@test replace("foobarbaz", substmp[perm]...) == "fzzbzzbam"
@test replace("foobarbaz", substmp[perm]..., count=2) == "fzzbzzbaz"
@test replace("foobarbaz", substmp[perm]..., count=1) == "fzzbarbaz"
@test replace("foobarbaz", "z" => "m", r"a.*a" => uppercase) == "foobARBAm"
@test replace("foobarbaz", 'o' => 'z', 'a' => 'q', 'z' => 'm') == "fzzbqrbqm"

# PR #25732 Klaus Crusius <[email protected]>
@test replace("\u2202", '*' => '\0', "" => "") == "\u2202"

@test replace("foobar", 'o' => '0', "" => "") == "f00bar"
@test replace("foobar", 'o' => '0', count=1, "" => "") == "foobar"
@test replace("foobar", 'o' => '0', count=2, "" => "") == "f0obar"
@test replace("foobar", 'o' => "", "" => "") == "fbar"
@test replace("foobar", 'o' => "", count=1, "" => "") == "foobar"
@test replace("foobar", 'o' => "", count=2, "" => "") == "fobar"
@test replace("foobar", 'f' => 'F', "" => "") == "Foobar"
@test replace("foobar", 'r' => 'R', "" => "") == "foobaR"

@test replace("foofoofoo", "foo" => "bar", "" => "") == "barbarbar"
@test replace("foobarfoo", "foo" => "baz", "" => "") == "bazbarbaz"
@test replace("barfoofoo", "foo" => "baz", "" => "") == "barbazbaz"

@test replace("", "" => "", "" => "") == ""
@test replace("", "" => "x", "" => "") == "x"
@test replace("", "x" => "y", "" => "") == ""

@test replace("abcd", "" => "^", "" => "") == "^a^b^c^d^"
@test replace("abcd", "b" => "^", "" => "") == "a^cd"
@test replace("abcd", r"b?" => "^", "" => "") == "^a^c^d^"
@test replace("abcd", r"b+" => "^", "" => "") == "a^cd"
@test replace("abcd", r"b?c?" => "^", "" => "") == "^a^d^"
@test replace("abcd", r"[bc]?" => "^", "" => "") == "^a^^d^"

@test replace("foobarfoo", r"(fo|ba)" => "xx", "" => "") == "xxoxxrxxo"
@test replace("foobarfoo", r"(foo|ba)" => "bar", "" => "") == "barbarrbar"

@test replace("foobar", 'o' => 'ø', "" => "") == "føøbar"
@test replace("foobar", 'o' => 'ø', count=2, "" => "") == "føobar"
@test replace("føøbar", 'ø' => 'o', "" => "") == "foobar"
@test replace("føøbar", 'ø' => 'o', count=2, "" => "") == "foøbar"
@test replace("føøbar", 'ø' => 'ö', "" => "") == "fööbar"
@test replace("føøbar", 'ø' => 'ö', count=2, "" => "") == "föøbar"
@test replace("føøbar", 'ø' => "", "" => "") == "fbar"
@test replace("føøbar", 'ø' => "", count=2, "" => "") == "føbar"
@test replace("føøbar", 'f' => 'F', "" => "") == "Føøbar"
@test replace("ḟøøbar", '' => 'F', "" => "") == "Føøbar"
@test replace("føøbar", 'f' => '', "" => "") == "Ḟøøbar"
@test replace("ḟøøbar", '' => '', "" => "") == "Ḟøøbar"
@test replace("føøbar", 'r' => 'R', "" => "") == "føøbaR"
@test replace("føøbaṙ", '' => 'R', "" => "") == "føøbaR"
@test replace("føøbar", 'r' => '', "" => "") == "føøbaṘ"
@test replace("føøbaṙ", '' => '', "" => "") == "føøbaṘ"

@test replace("ḟøøḟøøḟøø", "ḟøø" => "bar", "" => "") == "barbarbar"
@test replace("ḟøøbarḟøø", "ḟøø" => "baz", "" => "") == "bazbarbaz"
@test replace("barḟøøḟøø", "ḟøø" => "baz", "" => "") == "barbazbaz"

@test replace("foofoofoo", "foo" => "ƀäṙ", "" => "") == "ƀäṙƀäṙƀäṙ"
@test replace("fooƀäṙfoo", "foo" => "baz", "" => "") == "bazƀäṙbaz"
@test replace("ƀäṙfoofoo", "foo" => "baz", "" => "") == "ƀäṙbazbaz"

@test replace("foofoofoo", "foo" => "bar", "" => "") == "barbarbar"
@test replace("foobarfoo", "foo" => "ƀäż", "" => "") == "ƀäżbarƀäż"
@test replace("barfoofoo", "foo" => "ƀäż", "" => "") == "barƀäżƀäż"

@test replace("ḟøøḟøøḟøø", "ḟøø" => "ƀäṙ", "" => "") == "ƀäṙƀäṙƀäṙ"
@test replace("ḟøøƀäṙḟøø", "ḟøø" => "baz", "" => "") == "bazƀäṙbaz"
@test replace("ƀäṙḟøøḟøø", "ḟøø" => "baz", "" => "") == "ƀäṙbazbaz"

@test replace("ḟøøḟøøḟøø", "ḟøø" => "bar", "" => "") == "barbarbar"
@test replace("ḟøøbarḟøø", "ḟøø" => "ƀäż", "" => "") == "ƀäżbarƀäż"
@test replace("barḟøøḟøø", "ḟøø" => "ƀäż", "" => "") == "barƀäżƀäż"

@test replace("ḟøøḟøøḟøø", "ḟøø" => "ƀäṙ", "" => "") == "ƀäṙƀäṙƀäṙ"
@test replace("ḟøøƀäṙḟøø", "ḟøø" => "ƀäż", "" => "") == "ƀäżƀäṙƀäż"
@test replace("ƀäṙḟøøḟøø", "ḟøø" => "ƀäż", "" => "") == "ƀäṙƀäżƀäż"

@test replace("", "" => "", "" => "") == ""
@test replace("", "" => "ÿ", "" => "") == ""

@test replace("äƀçđ", "" => "π", "" => "") == "πäπƀπçπđπ"
@test replace("äƀçđ", "ƀ" => "π", "" => "") == "äπçđ"
@test replace("äƀçđ", r"ƀ?" => "π", "" => "") == "πäπçπđπ"
@test replace("äƀçđ", r"ƀ+" => "π", "" => "") == "äπçđ"
@test replace("äƀçđ", r"ƀ?ç?" => "π", "" => "") == "πäπđπ"
@test replace("äƀçđ", r"[ƀç]?" => "π", "" => "") == "πäππđπ"

@test replace("foobarfoo", r"(fo|ba)" => "ẍẍ", "" => "") == "ẍẍoẍẍrẍẍo"

@test replace("ḟøøbarḟøø", r"(ḟø|ba)" => "xx", "" => "") == "xxøxxrxxø"
@test replace("ḟøøbarḟøø", r"(ḟøø|ba)" => "bar", "" => "") == "barbarrbar"

@test replace("fooƀäṙfoo", r"(fo|ƀä)" => "xx", "" => "") == "xxoxxṙxxo"
@test replace("fooƀäṙfoo", r"(foo|ƀä)" => "ƀäṙ", "" => "") == "ƀäṙƀäṙṙƀäṙ"

@test replace("ḟøøƀäṙḟøø", r"(ḟø|ƀä)" => "xx", "" => "") == "xxøxxṙxxø"
@test replace("ḟøøƀäṙḟøø", r"(ḟøø|ƀä)" => "ƀäṙ", "" => "") == "ƀäṙƀäṙṙƀäṙ"

@test replace("foo", "oo" => uppercase, "" => "") == "fOO"

# Issue 13332
@test replace("abc", 'b' => 2.1, "" => "") == "a2.1c"

# test replace with a count for String and GenericString
# check that replace is a no-op if count==0
for s in ["aaa", Test.GenericString("aaa")]
@test_throws DomainError replace(s, 'a' => "", count = -1, "" => "")
@test replace(s, 'a' => 'z', count=0, "" => "")::String == s
@test replace(s, 'a' => 'z', count=1, "" => "") == "zaa"
@test replace(s, 'a' => 'z', count=2, "" => "") == "zza"
@test replace(s, 'a' => 'z', count=3, "" => "") == "zzz"
@test replace(s, 'a' => 'z', count=4, "" => "") == "zzz"
@test replace(s, 'a' => 'z', count=typemax(Int), "" => "") == "zzz"
@test replace(s, 'a' => 'z', "" => "") == "zzz"

let s = "abc"
@test replace(s) === s
@test replace(s, 'a' => 'z', "" => "") === "zbc"
@test replace(s, 'a' => 'z', 'b' => 'y') == "zyc"
@test replace(s, 'a' => 'z', 'c' => 'x', "b" => 'y') == "zyx"
@test replace(s, '1' => 'z', "" => "") == s
@test replace(s, 'b' => "BbB", "" => "", count=2) == "aBbBc"

let s = "quick quicker quickest"
@test replace(s) === s
@test replace(s, "quickest" => 'z', "quicker" => uppercase, "quick" => 'a') == "a QUICKER z"
@test replace(s, "quick" => 'a', "quicker" => uppercase, "quickest" => 'z') == "a aer aest"
@test replace(s, "quickest" => "lame", "quicker" => "is", "quick" => "Duck", count=2) == "Duck is quickest"
@test "1q1u1i1c1k1 1q1u1i1c1k1e1r1 1q1u1i1c1k1e1s1t1" ==
replace(s, "" => '1', "" => "") ==
replace(s, "" => '1', "" => '2')
@test replace(s, "qu" => "QU", "qu" => "never happens", "ick" => "") == "QU QUer QUest"
@test replace(s, " " => '_', "r " => "r-") == "quick_quicker-quickest"
@test replace(s, r"[aeiou]" => "ä", "ui" => "ki", "i" => "I") == "qääck qääckär qääckäst"
@test replace(s, "i" => "I", "ui" => "ki", r"[aeiou]" => "ä") == "qkick qkickär qkickäst"
@test replace(s, r"[^ ]+" => "word", "quicker " => "X", count=big"99") == "word word word"
@test replace(s, "quicker " => "X", r"[^ ]+" => "word", count=big"99") == "word Xword"

@test replace(s, r"(quick)(e)" => s"\2-\1", "x" => "X") == "quick e-quickr e-quickst"

@test replace(s, 'q' => 'Q', 'u' => 'U') == "QUick QUicker QUickest"
@test replace(s, 'q' => 'Q', r"u" => 'U') == "QUick QUicker QUickest"
@test replace(s, 'q' => 'Q', ==('u') => uppercase) == "QUick QUicker QUickest"
@test replace(s, 'q' => 'Q', islowercase => '-') == "Q---- Q------ Q-------"
@test replace(s, ['q', 'u'] => 'K') == "KKick KKicker KKickest"
@test replace(s, occursin("uq") => 'K') == "KKick KKicker KKickest"
@test replace(s, ==('q') => "B") == "Buick Buicker Buickest"

@test replace(s, "qui" => "A", 'r' => 'R') == "Ack AckeR Ackest"
@test replace(s, 'r' => 'x', islowercase => uppercase) == "QUICK QUICKEx QUICKEST"
@test replace(s, islowercase => uppercase, 'r' => 'x') == "QUICK QUICKER QUICKEST"
@test replace(s, "q" => "z", islowercase => uppercase, 'r' => 'x') == "zUICK zUICKER zUICKEST"
@test replace(s, "qui" => "A", 'r' => 'x', islowercase => uppercase) == "ACK ACKEx ACKEST"
@test replace(s, "qui" => "A", 'r' => 'x', islowercase => uppercase) == "ACK ACKEx ACKEST"
@test replace(s, r"q" => "z", islowercase => uppercase, 'r' => 'x') == "zUICK zUICKER zUICKEST"

@test replace(s, "q" => s"a\0b") == "aqbuick aqbuicker aqbuickest"
@test replace(s, "q" => s"a\0b\n\\\g<0>") == "aqb\n\\quick aqb\n\\quicker aqb\n\\quickest"
@test_throws ErrorException("PCRE error: unknown substring") replace(s, r"q" => s"a\1b")
@test_throws ErrorException("Bad replacement string: pattern is not a Regex") replace(s, "q" => s"a\1b")

@testset "chomp/chop" begin
@test chomp("foo\n") == "foo"
@test chomp("fo∀\n") == "fo∀"
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