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Use testsets and \approx in umfpack.jl
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andreasnoack committed May 16, 2017
1 parent 57ebd82 commit 46e0488
Showing 1 changed file with 158 additions and 150 deletions.
308 changes: 158 additions & 150 deletions test/sparse/umfpack.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,163 +1,171 @@
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

se33 = speye(3)
do33 = ones(3)
@test isequal(se33 \ do33, do33)

# based on deps/Suitesparse-4.0.2/UMFPACK/Demo/umfpack_di_demo.c

using Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.increment!

A0 = sparse(increment!([0,4,1,1,2,2,0,1,2,3,4,4]),
[2.,1.,3.,4.,-1.,-3.,3.,6.,2.,1.,4.,2.], 5, 5)

for Tv in (Float64, Complex128)
for Ti in Base.uniontypes(Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.UMFITypes)
A = convert(SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A0)
lua = lufact(A)
@test nnz(lua) == 18
@test_throws KeyError lua[:Z]
L,U,p,q,Rs = lua[:(:)]
@test (Diagonal(Rs) * A)[p,q] L * U

det(lua) det(Array(A))

b = [8., 45., -3., 3., 19.]
x = lua\b
@test x float([1:5;])

@test norm(A*x-b,1) < eps(1e4)
z = complex.(b,zeros(b))
x = Base.SparseArrays.A_ldiv_B!(lua, z)
@test x float([1:5;])
@test z === x
y = similar(z)
A_ldiv_B!(y, lua, complex.(b,zeros(b)))
@test y x

@test norm(A*x-b,1) < eps(1e4)

b = [8., 20., 13., 6., 17.]
x = lua'\b
@test x float([1:5;])

@test norm(A'*x-b,1) < eps(1e4)
z = complex.(b,zeros(b))
x = Base.SparseArrays.Ac_ldiv_B!(lua, z)
@test x float([1:5;])
@test x === z
y = similar(x)
Base.SparseArrays.Ac_ldiv_B!(y, lua, complex.(b,zeros(b)))
@test y x

@test norm(A'*x-b,1) < eps(1e4)
x = lua.'\b
@test x float([1:5;])

@test norm(A.'*x-b,1) < eps(1e4)
x = Base.SparseArrays.At_ldiv_B!(lua,complex.(b,zeros(b)))
@test x float([1:5;])
y = similar(x)
Base.SparseArrays.At_ldiv_B!(y, lua,complex.(b,zeros(b)))
@test y x

@test norm(A.'*x-b,1) < eps(1e4)

# Element promotion and type inference
@inferred lua\ones(Int, size(A, 2))
@testset "UMFPACK wrappers" begin

se33 = speye(3)
do33 = ones(3)
@test isequal(se33 \ do33, do33)

# based on deps/Suitesparse-4.0.2/UMFPACK/Demo/umfpack_di_demo.c

using Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.increment!

A0 = sparse(increment!([0,4,1,1,2,2,0,1,2,3,4,4]),
[2.,1.,3.,4.,-1.,-3.,3.,6.,2.,1.,4.,2.], 5, 5)

@testset "Core functionality for $Tv elements" for Tv in (Float64, Complex128)
# We might be able to support two index sizes one day
for Ti in Base.uniontypes(Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.UMFITypes)
A = convert(SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}, A0)
lua = lufact(A)
@test nnz(lua) == 18
@test_throws KeyError lua[:Z]
L,U,p,q,Rs = lua[:(:)]
@test (Diagonal(Rs) * A)[p,q] L * U

det(lua) det(Array(A))

b = [8., 45., -3., 3., 19.]
x = lua\b
@test x float([1:5;])

@test A*x b
z = complex.(b,zeros(b))
x = Base.SparseArrays.A_ldiv_B!(lua, z)
@test x float([1:5;])
@test z === x
y = similar(z)
A_ldiv_B!(y, lua, complex.(b,zeros(b)))
@test y x

@test A*x b

b = [8., 20., 13., 6., 17.]
x = lua'\b
@test x float([1:5;])

@test A'*x b
z = complex.(b,zeros(b))
x = Base.SparseArrays.Ac_ldiv_B!(lua, z)
@test x float([1:5;])
@test x === z
y = similar(x)
Base.SparseArrays.Ac_ldiv_B!(y, lua, complex.(b,zeros(b)))
@test y x

@test A'*x b
x = lua.'\b
@test x float([1:5;])

@test A.'*x b
x = Base.SparseArrays.At_ldiv_B!(lua,complex.(b,zeros(b)))
@test x float([1:5;])
y = similar(x)
Base.SparseArrays.At_ldiv_B!(y, lua,complex.(b,zeros(b)))
@test y x

@test A.'*x b

# Element promotion and type inference
@inferred lua\ones(Int, size(A, 2))

Ac0 = complex.(A0,A0)
for Ti in Base.uniontypes(Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.UMFITypes)
Ac = convert(SparseMatrixCSC{Complex128,Ti}, Ac0)
x = complex.(ones(size(Ac, 1)), ones(size(Ac,1)))
lua = lufact(Ac)
L,U,p,q,Rs = lua[:(:)]
@test (Diagonal(Rs) * Ac)[p,q] L * U
b = Ac*x
@test Ac\b x
b = Ac'*x
@test Ac'\b x
b = Ac.'*x
@test Ac.'\b x
@testset "More tests for complex cases" begin
Ac0 = complex.(A0,A0)
for Ti in Base.uniontypes(Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.UMFITypes)
Ac = convert(SparseMatrixCSC{Complex128,Ti}, Ac0)
x = complex.(ones(size(Ac, 1)), ones(size(Ac,1)))
lua = lufact(Ac)
L,U,p,q,Rs = lua[:(:)]
@test (Diagonal(Rs) * Ac)[p,q] L * U
b = Ac*x
@test Ac\b x
b = Ac'*x
@test Ac'\b x
b = Ac.'*x
@test Ac.'\b x

for elty in (Float64, Complex128)
for (m, n) in ((10,5), (5, 10))
A = sparse([1:min(m,n); rand(1:m, 10)], [1:min(m,n); rand(1:n, 10)], elty == Float64 ? randn(min(m, n) + 10) : complex.(randn(min(m, n) + 10), randn(min(m, n) + 10)))
F = lufact(A)
L, U, p, q, Rs = F[:(:)]
@test (Diagonal(Rs) * A)[p,q] L * U
@testset "Rectangular cases" for elty in (Float64, Complex128)
for (m, n) in ((10,5), (5, 10))
A = sparse([1:min(m,n); rand(1:m, 10)], [1:min(m,n); rand(1:n, 10)], elty == Float64 ? randn(min(m, n) + 10) : complex.(randn(min(m, n) + 10), randn(min(m, n) + 10)))
F = lufact(A)
L, U, p, q, Rs = F[:(:)]
@test (Diagonal(Rs) * A)[p,q] L * U

#4523 - complex sparse \
x = speye(2) + im * speye(2)
@test (x*(lufact(x) \ ones(2))) ones(2)

@test det(sparse([1,3,3,1], [1,1,3,3], [1,1,1,1])) == 0

# UMFPACK_ERROR_n_nonpositive
@test_throws ArgumentError lufact(sparse(Int[], Int[], Float64[], 5, 0))

for (Tin, Tout) in (
(Complex32, Complex128),
(Complex64, Complex128),
(Complex128, Complex128),
(Float16, Float64),
(Float32, Float64),
(Float64, Float64),
(Int, Float64),

F = lufact(sparse(ones(Tin, 1, 1)))
L = sparse(ones(Tout, 1, 1))
@test F[:p] == F[:q] == [1]
@test F[:Rs] == [1.0]
@test F[:L] == F[:U] == L
@test F[:(:)] == (L, L, [1], [1], [1.0])
@testset "Issue #4523 - complex sparse \\" begin
x = speye(2) + im * speye(2)
@test (x*(lufact(x) \ ones(2))) ones(2)

for T in (BigFloat, Complex{BigFloat})
@test_throws ArgumentError lufact(sparse(ones(T, 1, 1)))
@test det(sparse([1,3,3,1], [1,1,3,3], [1,1,1,1])) == 0

m = n = 1
F = lufact(sparse(ones(m, n)))
@test size(F) == (m, n)
@test size(F, 1) == m
@test size(F, 2) == n
@test size(F, 3) == 1
@test_throws ArgumentError size(F,-1)
@testset "UMFPACK_ERROR_n_nonpositive" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError lufact(sparse(Int[], Int[], Float64[], 5, 0))

a = rand(5)
@test_throws ArgumentError Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.solve!(a, lufact(speye(5,5)), a, Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.UMFPACK_A)
aa = complex(a)
@test_throws ArgumentError Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.solve!(aa, lufact(complex(speye(5,5))), aa, Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.UMFPACK_A)
@testset "Issue #15099" for (Tin, Tout) in (
(Complex32, Complex128),
(Complex64, Complex128),
(Complex128, Complex128),
(Float16, Float64),
(Float32, Float64),
(Float64, Float64),
(Int, Float64),

F = lufact(sparse(ones(Tin, 1, 1)))
L = sparse(ones(Tout, 1, 1))
@test F[:p] == F[:q] == [1]
@test F[:Rs] == [1.0]
@test F[:L] == F[:U] == L
@test F[:(:)] == (L, L, [1], [1], [1.0])

#18246,18244-lufact sparse pivot
let A = speye(4)
A[1:2,1:2] = [-.01 -200; 200 .001]
F = lufact(A)
@test F[:p] == [3 ; 4 ; 2 ; 1]
@testset "BigFloat not supported" for T in (BigFloat, Complex{BigFloat})
@test_throws ArgumentError lufact(sparse(ones(T, 1, 1)))

@testset "size(::UmfpackLU)" begin
m = n = 1
F = lufact(sparse(ones(m, n)))
@test size(F) == (m, n)
@test size(F, 1) == m
@test size(F, 2) == n
@test size(F, 3) == 1
@test_throws ArgumentError size(F,-1)

@testset "Test aliasing" begin
a = rand(5)
@test_throws ArgumentError Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.solve!(a, lufact(speye(5,5)), a, Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.UMFPACK_A)
aa = complex(a)
@test_throws ArgumentError Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.solve!(aa, lufact(complex(speye(5,5))), aa, Base.SparseArrays.UMFPACK.UMFPACK_A)

@testset "Issues #18246,18244 - lufact sparse pivot" begin
A = speye(4)
A[1:2,1:2] = [-.01 -200; 200 .001]
F = lufact(A)
@test F[:p] == [3 ; 4 ; 2 ; 1]

@testset "Test that A[c|t]_ldiv_B!{T<:Complex}(X::StridedMatrix{T}, lu::UmfpackLU{Float64},
# B::StridedMatrix{T}) works as expected." begin
N = 10
p = 0.5
A = N*speye(N) + sprand(N, N, p)
X = zeros(Complex{Float64}, N, N)
B = complex.(rand(N, N), rand(N, N))
luA, lufA = lufact(A), lufact(Array(A))
@test A_ldiv_B!(copy(X), luA, B) A_ldiv_B!(copy(X), lufA, B)
@test At_ldiv_B!(copy(X), luA, B) At_ldiv_B!(copy(X), lufA, B)
@test Ac_ldiv_B!(copy(X), luA, B) Ac_ldiv_B!(copy(X), lufA, B)

# Test that A[c|t]_ldiv_B!{T<:Complex}(X::StridedMatrix{T}, lu::UmfpackLU{Float64},
# B::StridedMatrix{T}) works as expected.
let N = 10, p = 0.5
A = N*speye(N) + sprand(N, N, p)
X = zeros(Complex{Float64}, N, N)
B = complex.(rand(N, N), rand(N, N))
luA, lufA = lufact(A), lufact(Array(A))
@test A_ldiv_B!(copy(X), luA, B) A_ldiv_B!(copy(X), lufA, B)
@test At_ldiv_B!(copy(X), luA, B) At_ldiv_B!(copy(X), lufA, B)
@test Ac_ldiv_B!(copy(X), luA, B) Ac_ldiv_B!(copy(X), lufA, B)

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