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fix LAPACK.ormlq! and postmultiplication with LQPackedQ (#23803)
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* Fix size on LQPackedQ and expand related tests' comments.

* Fix methods for postmultiplication with / right-application of an LQPackedQ.
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Sacha0 authored and andreasnoack committed Sep 21, 2017
1 parent 0c8c81a commit 1a3a633
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Showing 3 changed files with 90 additions and 32 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions base/linalg/lapack.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2600,13 +2600,13 @@ for (orglq, orgqr, orgql, orgrq, ormlq, ormqr, ormql, ormrq, gemqrt, elty) in
chkstride1(A, C, tau)
m,n = ndims(C) == 2 ? size(C) : (size(C, 1), 1)
mA, nA = size(A)
nA = size(A, 2)
k = length(tau)
if side == 'L' && m != nA
throw(DimensionMismatch("for a left-sided multiplication, the first dimension of C, $m, must equal the second dimension of A, $nA"))
if side == 'R' && n != mA
throw(DimensionMismatch("for a right-sided multiplication, the second dimension of C, $n, must equal the first dimension of A, $mA"))
if side == 'R' && n != nA
throw(DimensionMismatch("for a right-sided multiplication, the second dimension of C, $n, must equal the second dimension of A, $nA"))
if side == 'L' && k > m
throw(DimensionMismatch("invalid number of reflectors: k = $k should be <= m = $m"))
Expand Down
79 changes: 50 additions & 29 deletions base/linalg/lq.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -164,39 +164,60 @@ for (f1, f2) in ((:A_mul_Bc, :A_mul_B!),

### AQ
A_mul_B!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::LQPackedQ{T}) where {T<:BlasFloat} = LAPACK.ormlq!('R', 'N', B.factors, B.τ, A)
function *(A::StridedMatrix{TA}, B::LQPackedQ{TB}) where {TA,TB}
TAB = promote_type(TA,TB)
if size(B.factors,2) == size(A,2)
A_mul_B!(copy_oftype(A, TAB),convert(AbstractMatrix{TAB},B))
elseif size(B.factors,1) == size(A,2)
A_mul_B!( [A zeros(TAB, size(A,1), size(B.factors,2)-size(B.factors,1))], convert(AbstractMatrix{TAB},B))
# in-place right-application of LQPackedQs
# these methods require that the applied-to matrix's (A's) number of columns
# match the number of columns (nQ) of the LQPackedQ (Q) (necessary for in-place
# operation, and the underlying LAPACK routine (ormlq) treats the implicit Q
# as its (nQ-by-nQ) square form)
A_mul_B!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::LQPackedQ{T}) where {T<:BlasFloat} =
LAPACK.ormlq!('R', 'N', B.factors, B.τ, A)
A_mul_Bc!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::LQPackedQ{T}) where {T<:BlasReal} =
LAPACK.ormlq!('R', 'T', B.factors, B.τ, A)
A_mul_Bc!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::LQPackedQ{T}) where {T<:BlasComplex} =
LAPACK.ormlq!('R', 'C', B.factors, B.τ, A)

# out-of-place right-application of LQPackedQs
# unlike their in-place equivalents, these methods: (1) check whether the applied-to
# matrix's (A's) appropriate dimension (columns for A_*, rows for Ac_*) matches the
# number of columns (nQ) of the LQPackedQ (Q), as the underlying LAPACK routine (ormlq)
# treats the implicit Q as its (nQ-by-nQ) square form; and (2) if the preceding dimensions
# do not match, these methods check whether the appropriate dimension of A instead matches
# the number of rows of the matrix of which Q is a factor (i.e. size(Q.factors, 1)),
# and if so zero-extends A as necessary for check (1) to pass (if possible).
*(A::StridedVecOrMat, Q::LQPackedQ) = _A_mul_Bq(A_mul_B!, A, Q)
A_mul_Bc(A::StridedVecOrMat, Q::LQPackedQ) = _A_mul_Bq(A_mul_Bc!, A, Q)
function _A_mul_Bq(A_mul_Bop!::FT, A::StridedVecOrMat, Q::LQPackedQ) where FT<:Function
TR = promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(Q))
if size(A, 2) == size(Q.factors, 2)
C = copy_oftype(A, TR)
elseif size(A, 2) == size(Q.factors, 1)
C = zeros(TR, size(A, 1), size(Q.factors, 2))
copy!(C, 1, A, 1, length(A))
throw(DimensionMismatch("second dimension of A, $(size(A,2)), must equal one of the dimensions of B, $(size(B))"))

### AQc
A_mul_Bc!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::LQPackedQ{T}) where {T<:BlasReal} = LAPACK.ormlq!('R','T',B.factors,B.τ,A)
A_mul_Bc!(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::LQPackedQ{T}) where {T<:BlasComplex} = LAPACK.ormlq!('R','C',B.factors,B.τ,A)
function A_mul_Bc(A::StridedVecOrMat{TA}, B::LQPackedQ{TB}) where {TA<:Number,TB<:Number}
TAB = promote_type(TA,TB)
A_mul_Bc!(copy_oftype(A, TAB), convert(AbstractMatrix{TAB},(B)))

### AcQ/AcQc
for (f1, f2) in ((:Ac_mul_B, :A_mul_B!),
(:Ac_mul_Bc, :A_mul_Bc!))
@eval begin
function ($f1)(A::StridedMatrix, B::LQPackedQ)
TAB = promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(B))
AA = similar(A, TAB, (size(A, 2), size(A, 1)))
adjoint!(AA, A)
return ($f2)(AA, B)
return A_mul_Bop!(C, convert(AbstractMatrix{TR}, Q))
Ac_mul_B(A::StridedMatrix, Q::LQPackedQ) = _Ac_mul_Bq(A_mul_B!, A, Q)
Ac_mul_Bc(A::StridedMatrix, Q::LQPackedQ) = _Ac_mul_Bq(A_mul_Bc!, A, Q)
function _Ac_mul_Bq(A_mul_Bop!::FT, A::StridedMatrix, Q::LQPackedQ) where FT<:Function
TR = promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(Q))
if size(A, 1) == size(Q.factors, 2)
C = adjoint!(similar(A, TR, reverse(size(A))), A)
elseif size(A, 1) == size(Q.factors, 1)
C = zeros(TR, size(A, 2), size(Q.factors, 2))
adjoint!(view(C, :, 1:size(A, 1)), A)
return A_mul_Bop!(C, convert(AbstractMatrix{TR}, Q))
_rightappdimmismatch(rowsorcols) =
throw(DimensionMismatch(string("the number of $(rowsorcols) of the matrix on the left ",
"must match either (1) the number of columns of the (LQPackedQ) matrix on the right ",
"or (2) the number of rows of that (LQPackedQ) matrix's internal representation ",
"(the factorization's originating matrix's number of rows)")))

function (\)(A::LQ{TA}, b::StridedVector{Tb}) where {TA,Tb}
S = promote_type(TA,Tb)
Expand Down
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions test/linalg/lq.jl
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Expand Up @@ -181,3 +181,40 @@ end
@test size(lqfact(randn(mA, nA))[:Q]) == (nQ, nQ)

@testset "postmultiplication with / right-application of LQPackedQ (#23779)" begin
function getqs(F::Base.LinAlg.LQ)
implicitQ = F[:Q]
explicitQ = A_mul_B!(implicitQ, eye(eltype(implicitQ), size(implicitQ)...))
return implicitQ, explicitQ
# for any shape m-by-n of LQ-factored matrix, where Q is an LQPackedQ
# A_mul_B*(C, Q) (Ac_mul_B*(C, Q)) operations should work for
# *-by-n (n-by-*) C, which we test below via n-by-n C
for (mA, nA) in ((3, 3), (3, 4), (4, 3))
implicitQ, explicitQ = getqs(lqfact(randn(mA, nA)))
C = randn(nA, nA)
@test *(C, implicitQ) *(C, explicitQ)
@test A_mul_Bc(C, implicitQ) A_mul_Bc(C, explicitQ)
@test Ac_mul_B(C, implicitQ) Ac_mul_B(C, explicitQ)
@test Ac_mul_Bc(C, implicitQ) Ac_mul_Bc(C, explicitQ)
# where the LQ-factored matrix has at least as many rows m as columns n,
# Q's square and thin forms have the same shape (n-by-n). hence we expect
# _only_ *-by-n (n-by-*) C to work in A_mul_B*(C, Q) (Ac_mul_B*(C, Q)) ops.
# and hence the n-by-n C tests above suffice.
# where the LQ-factored matrix has more columns n than rows m,
# Q's square form is n-by-n whereas its thin form is m-by-n.
# hence we need also test *-by-m (m-by-*) C with
# A_mul_B*(C, Q) (Ac_mul_B*(C, Q)) ops, as below via m-by-m C.
mA, nA = 3, 4
implicitQ, explicitQ = getqs(lqfact(randn(mA, nA)))
C = randn(mA, mA)
zeroextCright = hcat(C, zeros(eltype(C), mA))
zeroextCdown = vcat(C, zeros(eltype(C), (1, mA)))
@test *(C, implicitQ) *(zeroextCright, explicitQ)
@test A_mul_Bc(C, implicitQ) A_mul_Bc(zeroextCright, explicitQ)
@test Ac_mul_B(C, implicitQ) Ac_mul_B(zeroextCdown, explicitQ)
@test Ac_mul_Bc(C, implicitQ) Ac_mul_Bc(zeroextCdown, explicitQ)

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