This is our course project of Image Processing: Pose Estimation from 2D RGB Images. PoseEstimation Network is a convolutional neural network estimating 3D hand pose from a single 2D RGB image.
- Tensorflow 1.3.0 GPU build with CUDA 8.0.44 and CUDNN 5.1
- Python 3.5.2
- tensorflow==1.3.0
- numpy==1.13.0
- scipy==0.18.1
- matplotlib==1.5.3
These are the datasets used in training, testing and evaluation.
Download the dataset RHD dataset v. 1.1
Set the variable 'path_to_db' to where the dataset is located on your machine
Optionally modify 'set' variable to training or evaluation
This will create a binary file in ./data/bin according to how 'set' was configured
This dataset is needed for the training and evalution for Pose3DNet
You can get the dataset presented in Zhang et al., ‘3d Hand Pose Tracking and Estimation Using Stereo Matching’, 2016
After unzipping the dataset run
cd ./data/stb/ matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "create_db"
This will create the binary file ./data/stb/stb_evaluation.bin
- Make sure you get the proper environment and dataset
- Start training of HandSegNet with
- Start training of PoseNet with
- Start training of PoseNet with
There are three test for different parts of the network, which will output responding images:
- Test HandSegNet on hand segmentation
- Test HandSegNet on hand segmentation
- Test PoseNet on 2D keypoint detection
There are four evaluation for different parts of the network:
- Evaluates HandSegNet on hand segmentation
- Evaluates PoseNet on 2D keypoint detection using ground truth annoation to create hand cropped images
- Evaluates HandSegNet and PoseNet on 2D keypoint detection
- Evaluates full pipeline on 3D keypoint localization from 2D RGB
The results of the network is in ./results, including five folders:
- segnet: Results of HandSegNet on our own testing images
- crop: Results of HandSegNet and cropped images on our own testing images
- posenet: Results of PoseNet on our own testing images
- pose3dnet: Results of Pose3DNet on our own testing images
- RHD: Results of the same parts as above on Rendered Hand Pose Dataset(RHD)