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Serial Functions

Joshua Riek edited this page Feb 17, 2020 · 1 revision


Setup the serial (com1) port with 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, and one stop bit

  • IN: Nothing
  • OUT: Nothing


Write some data to the serial (com1) port

  • IN: AL = Data
  • OUT: Nothing


Read some data from the serial (com1) port

  • IN: Nothing
  • OUT: AL = Data


Write a string to the serial port (usefull for debugging)

  • IN: DS:SI = Pointer to string
  • OUT: Nothing


Write a 32-bit number to the serial port with padding (usefull for debugging)

  • IN: AX:DX, BX, CH, CL = Number, Base of number, Padding length, Char to pad with
  • OUT: Nothing