🔭 I’m currently starting my career journey in the FinTech field. Mainly focus on security and trade transaction system.
👨🎓 Graduated from Master's in Computer Science at The University of Hong Kong (HKU).
💻 I specialize in Java backend development and have hands-on experience with Spring Ecosystem, Microservices, Distributed System and Database. Explore the potential of AI as well!
🌱 I hope to maintain a certain level of curiosity that drives me to keep learning. The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, and the second best time is now.
⚡ Fun fact: I'm a passionate golfer and a sports enthusiast!
🔥 Project Name | 🌟 Description | 🔗 Link |
Jools-RPC-Framework | A simple RPC framework based on Java + Etcd + Vert.x; Implement LoadBalance, Fail Tolerant, Local Mock Functions. Encapsulate to SpringBoot Starter SDK. | Check it out |
JoolsAPIs - Platform | An API platform based on Spring Boot + Dubbo + Spring Cloud. Able to verify identity, parameter types and reject illegal requests. | Check it out |
Seckill Control System | High-concurrency seckill system using Redis & RabbitMQ. Explore to use page cache, cache warm-up, distributed lock to help prevent faults from occurring. | Check it out |
Hzxliving Mail system | Distributed microservices-based product publishing system. Practice basic system design and realize ability for Java backend system. | Check it out |