Groundhog is a Sinatra app that converts your videos to gifs so you can experience those few seconds over and over and over and over and ov...
This app uses the streamio-ffmpeg gem as a wrapper for ffmpeg.
The real workhorse here is ffmpeg, which is nicely wrapped in Streamio's streamio-ffmpeg gem. At the moment, there are only two routes: one to get the home page, and one to upload a file.
Here is a breakdown of that '/upload' route:
post '/upload' do
file_source = params["video"][:tempfile].path
filetype = return_filetype(params["video"][:type])
filename = strip_filetype(params["video"][:filename])
session[:filename] = filename
session[:type] = filetype
unless ["mp4"].include?(filetype)
status 406
erb :error_406
video_storage_path = "public/temp_video/#{filename}.#{filetype}"
VideoConverter.copy_to_temp_video(video_storage_path, file_source)
@video_storage_link = "temp_video/#{filename}.#{filetype}"
erb :preview
The upload process begins with a validation on the filetype uploaded. If it hasn't been whitelisted, it shouldn't go any further.
Session variables are set for the filename
and filetype
, to track the file through the rest of the user's visit.
refers to a tempfile created upon upload. To keep things easy to work with, it gets copied to the temp_video
The user is then directed to a preview page where they can review their video, and choose start and end points for their gif.
post '/convert' do
filename = session[:filename]
filetype = session[:type]
video_storage_path = "public/temp_video/#{filename}.#{filetype}"
gif_storage_path = "public/temp_gif/#{filename}.gif"
gif_start_point = params["start-time"].to_i
gif_duration = params["end-time"].to_i - gif_start_point
VideoConverter.convert_to_gif(gif_storage_path, video_storage_path, gif_start_point, gif_duration)
@gif_path = "temp_gif/#{filename}.gif"
@gif_title = "#{filename}.gif"
erb :download
When the form with those start and end points is submitted, the '/convert' route runs a convert_to_gif
method from the Video
class, copying that gif into a temp_gif
destroyFiles = function(){
$filename = $('#filename').html()
url: '/destroy/' + $filename,
type: 'delete'
delete '/destroy' do
filename = session[:filename]
filetype = session[:type]
When the user leaves, an ajax call to the '/destroy' route is called. This method deletes the files and clears the session.
Fork the repo, then
$ git clone <forked_repository_name>
, then
$ bundle install
, then run:
shotgun groundhog_app.rb
Commits are tagged with a ticket code from a trello board I put together for the project: Groundhog.
The number (ie 02) represents a user story, while the letter (ie -b) represents a goal inside that user story.