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Releases: John3/Torque3D_Unofficial


01 Mar 22:31
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v1.24 Pre-release

Feb 14, 2018 - e079536 - v1.24

If you don't have a custom main.cs, throw the content of the game folder into your game project folder and replace.

  • SO: Windows, Linux
  • GitHub Branch: Development
  • Compressed: 7zip - Xz
  • Win Compiled: default CMake options + VS14_2015 release Win32(x86)/Win64(x64)
  • Linux Compiled: default CMake options + CodeBlock + Ninja release Linux x64
  • Template: BaseGame and Full
  • Modules: BlankGame(y), FPSGameplay(y), spectatorGameplay(y)
  • Graphics: Direct3D 11, OpenGL 3.3
  • Physics: Bullet(y) - PhysX(n)
  • Window and Input: SDL(y) - DirectX(y)
  • Tools: SQLite(n)

Windows - How-To:

Use 7zip

Using the BaseGame and Module FPSGameplay template. If you want the old Full template, see "Linux - How-To".

  1. Extract Templates.tar.xz, and rename BaseGame with your game name. Ex: MyGame/
  2. Copy the folder FPSGameplay into data folder. Ex: MyGame/game/data/FPSGameplay/
  3. Extract t3d_x64.tar.xz into the game folder of your project. Ex: MyGame/game/t3d_x64.exe
  4. Run t3d_x64.exe

Linux - How-To:

From GUI: use Archive Manager, doble click (Ubuntu Linux)
From console: $ tar xJvf t3d_linux_x64.tar.xz

Using the Full template. If you want the new template, see "Windows - How-To".

  1. Extract Full.tar.xz and rename Full with your game name. Ex: MyGame/
  2. Extract t3d_x64.tar.xz into the game folder of your project Ex: MyGame/game/t3d_x64.exe
  3. Run t3d_x64


  • Templates.tar.xz: Include BaseGame and Modules.
    • BaseGame folder: The basic for run the engine.
    • Modules folder: Included the official modules.
  • Full.tar.xz: The old Full template.
  • t3d_x86.7z: This will run your engine/game in Windows 32Bits only.
  • t3d_x64.tar.xz: This will run your engine/game. Include Windows64 and Linux64.
  • t3d_x64_bullet.tar.xz: This will run your engine/game with "Bullet physics" active. Include Windows64 and Linux64.
  • checksums.md5: Checksum to verify data integrity. MD5

Note: If you have any problem with the new template "BaseGame + Module", try using the old "Full" template.

Forum: Last development commit binary! 32bit & 64bit


26 Feb 19:37
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v1.23 Pre-release

Added commits of Feb 4, 2018 - e4427b7 - v1.23

If you don't have a custom main.cs, throw the content of the game folder into your game project folder and replace.

  • SO: Windows, Linux
  • GitHub Branch: Development
  • Compressed: 7zip - Xz
  • Win Compiled: default CMake options + VS14_2015 release Win32(x86)/Win64(x64)
  • Linux Compiled: default CMake options + CodeBlock + Ninja release Linux x64
  • Template: BaseGame and Full
  • Modules: BlankGame(y), FPSGameplay(y), spectatorGameplay(y)
  • Graphics: Direct3D 11, OpenGL 3.3
  • Physics: Bullet(y) - PhysX(n)
  • Window and Input: SDL(y) - DirectX(y)
  • Tools: SQLite(n)

Windows - How To:
Use 7zip

  1. Extract BaseGame, and rename to something like MyGame.
  2. Then extract Module, and copy "FPSGameplay" into data folder, it should be like this MyGame/game/data/FPSGameplay.
  3. Extract t3d_win_x64 into MyGame folder. Should be like this: MyGame/game/t3d_engine_x86.exe
  4. Run t3d_engine_x64.exe or t3d_engine_x86.exe

Linux - How To:
From GUI: use Archive Manager, doble click (Ubuntu Linux)
From console: $ tar xJvf t3d_linux_x64.tar.xz

Using the Full template. If you want the new template, see "Windows - How To"

  1. Decompress the Full template and rename with you game name. Ex: My_game/
  2. Decompress t3d_linux_x64 into the game folder of your project Ex: My_Game/t3d_linux_x64.exe
  3. Run t3d_Linux_x64.exe


  • BaseGame: The basic for run the engine.
  • Modules: Included the official modules.
  • Full Template: The old Full template, you can use this or the Basegame+Module
  • t3d_win_x86 & t3d_win_x64: This will run your engine/game in Windows.
  • t3d_win_x64_bullet: This will run your engine/game with "Bullet physics" active in Windows.
  • t3d_linux_x64: This will run your engine/game in Linux
  • t3d_linux_x64_bullet: This will run your engine/game with "Bullet physics" active in Linux

Note: If you have any problem with the new template "BaseGame + Module", try using the old "Full" template.



29 Nov 17:07
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v1.22 Pre-release

Added commits of Nov 27, 2017 - 74b7e4c - v1.22

If you don't have a custom main.cs, throw the content of the game folder into your game project folder and replace.

  • SO: Windows
  • GitHub Branch: Development
  • Compressed: 7zip
  • Win Compiled: default CMake options + VS14_2015 release Win32(x86)/Win64(x64)
  • Template: BaseGame
  • Modules: BlankGame(y), FPSGameplay(y), spectatorGameplay(y)
  • Graphics: Direct3D 11, OpenGL 3.3
  • Physics: Bullet(y) - PhysX(n)
  • Window and Input: SDL(y) - DirectX(y)
  • Tools: SQLite(n)

How to:

  1. Decompress the t3d_BaseGame.
  2. Decompress t3d_engine_x86 or t3d_engine_x64 into the game folder of your project (BaseGame)
  3. Decompress t3d_Modules and copy just one module into the data folder. Ex: t3d_BaseGame\game\data
  4. Run t3d_engine_x64.exe or t3d_engine_x86.exe


  • t3d_BaseGame: The basic for run the engine.
  • t3d_engine_x86 & t3d_engine_x64: This will run your engine/game.
  • t3d_engine_x64_bullet: This will run your engine/game with "Bullet physics" active.
  • t3d_Modules: Included the official modules.



29 Nov 16:51
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v1.21 Pre-release

Added commits of Oct 28, 2017 - 48f50d1 - v1.21

If you don't have a custom main.cs, throw the content of the game folder into your game project folder and replace.

  • SO: Windows
  • GitHub Branch: Development
  • Compressed: 7zip
  • Win Compiled: default CMake options + VS14_2015 release Win32(x86)/Win64(x64)
  • Template: BaseGame
  • Modules: BlankGame(y), FPSGameplay(y), spectatorGameplay(y)
  • Graphics: Direct3D 11, OpenGL 3.3
  • Physics: Bullet(y) - PhysX(n)
  • Window and Input: SDL(y) - DirectX(y)
  • Tools: SQLite(n)

How to:

  1. Decompress the t3d_BaseGame.
  2. Decompress t3d_engine_x86 or t3d_engine_x64 into the game folder of your project (BaseGame)
  3. Decompress t3d_Modules and copy just one module into the data folder. Ex: t3d_BaseGame\game\data
  4. Run t3d_engine_x64.exe or t3d_engine_x86.exe


  • t3d_BaseGame: The basic for run the engine.
  • t3d_engine_x86 & t3d_engine_x64: This will run your engine/game.
  • t3d_engine_x64_bullet: This will run your engine/game with "Bullet physics" active.
  • t3d_Modules: Included the official modules.



26 Aug 20:33
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v1.20 Pre-release

Added commits of Aug 24, 2017 - a45a55a - v1.20

If you don't have a custom main.cs, throw the content of the game folder into your game project folder and replace.

  • SO: Windows
  • GitHub Branch: Development
  • Compressed: 7zip
  • Win Compiled: default CMake options + VS14_2015 release Win32(x86)/Win64(x64)
  • Template: BaseGame
  • Modules: BlankGame(y), FPSGameplay(y), spectatorGameplay(y)
  • Graphics: Direct3D 11, OpenGL 3.3
  • Physics: Bullet(n) - PhysX(n)
  • Window and Input: SDL(y) - DirectX(y)

How to:

  1. Decompress the t3d_BaseGame.
  2. Decompress t3d_engine_x86 or t3d_engine_x64 into the game folder of your project (BaseGame) Ex: BaseGame/game/t3d_engine_x64.exe
  3. Decompress t3d_Modules and copy just one module into the data folder. Ex: BaseGame/game/data/FPSGameplay/
  4. Run t3d_engine_x64.exe or t3d_engine_x86.exe

How to use the Full template:

  1. Decompress the t3d_Full
  2. Decompress t3d_engine_x86 or t3d_engine_x64 into the game folder of your project (Full Template) Ex: Full/game/t3d_engine_x64.exe
  3. Run t3d_engine_x64.exe or t3d_engine_x86.exe


  • t3d_BaseGame: The basic for run the engine.
  • t3d_engine_x86 & t3d_engine_x64: This will run your engine/game.
  • t3d_Modules: Included the official modules for the BaseGame.
  • t3d_Full: This is the old Full template.



07 Feb 00:53
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v1.19 Pre-release

Added commits of Jun 10, 2017 - 64955e8 - v1.19

If you don't have a custom main.cs, throw the content of the game folder into your game project folder and replace.

  • SO: Windows, Linux
  • GitHub Branch: Development
  • Compressed: 7zip
  • Win Compiled: default CMake options + VS14_2015 release Win32(x86)/Win64(x64)
  • Linux Compiled: default CMake options + Codeblocks + Ninja (Ubuntu 16.04.3 x64, gcc 5.4.0)
  • Template: BaseGame
  • Modules: BlankGame(y), FPSGameplay(y), spectatorGameplay(y)
  • Graphics: Direct3D 9.0/11, OpenGL 3.2/3.3
  • Physics: Bullet(n) - PhysX(n)
  • Window and Input: SDL(y) - DirectX(y)

How to:

  1. Decompress the t3d_BaseGame.
  2. Decompress t3d_engine_x86 or t3d_engine_x64 into the game folder of your project (BaseGame)
  3. Decompress t3d_Modules and copy just one module into the data folder. Ex: t3d_BaseGame\game\data
  4. Run t3d_engine_x64.exe or t3d_engine_x86.exe


  • t3d_BaseGame: The basic for run the engine.
  • t3d_engine_x86 & t3d_engine_x64: This will run your engine/game in Windows.
  • t3d_linux_x64: This will run your engine/game in Linux.
  • t3d_Modules: Included the official modules.

To decompress you can use the following command, or just right-click "extract"

$ tar xJvf t3d_linux64.tar.xz



10 Apr 01:58
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Added commits of Jan 25, 2017 - 5c8a821 - v1.0.18

If you don't have a custom main.cs, throw the content of the game folder into your project folder and replace.

  • SO: Windows, Linux
  • GitHub Branch: Development
  • Compressed: 7zip
  • Win Compiled: default CMake options + VS14_2015 release Win32(x86)/Win64(x64)
  • Linux Compiled: default CMake options + Codeblocks + Ninja (Ubuntu 16.04.3 x64, gcc 5.4.0)
  • Template: Full & Empty
  • Graphics: Direct3D 9.0/11, OpenGL 3.2/3.3
  • Physics: Bullet(y) - PhysX(n)
  • Window and Input: SDL(y) - DirectX(y)


  • T3D_FullTemplate: This have only the full template. (scripts, shapes, sound, etc.)
  • T3D_EmptyTemplate: Plain template. (no sound, no shapes, etc.)
  • T3D_win32/T3D_win64: compiled with default options. (You should download this if you do not know which one.)
  • t3d_linux_x64: This will run your engine/game in Linux.
  • T3D_win32_noSDL: compiled without SDL.
  • T3D_win32_blphys/T3D_win64_blphys: compiled with bullet physics.

To decompress you can use the following command, or just right-click "extract"

$ tar xJvf t3d_linux64.tar.xz

Notes: You only need copy T3D_winXX.exe, OpenAL32.dll and SDL2.dll into your game folder. If you are not using SDL, copy T3D_win32_noSDL.exe and OpenAL32.dll into your game project.



28 Jan 16:06
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v1.17-rc.1 Pre-release

Added commits of Jan 25, 2017 - ac19e0e - v1.0.17-rc.1

If you don't have a custom main.cs, throw the content of the game folder into your project folder and replace.

  • SO: Windows
  • GitHub Branch: Development
  • Compressed: 7zip
  • Win Compiled: default CMake options + VS14_2015 release Win32(x86)/Win64(x64)
  • Template: Full & Empty
  • Graphics: Direct3D 9.0/11, OpenGL 3.2/3.3
  • Physics: Bullet(y) - PhysX(n)
  • Window and Input: SDL(y) - DirectX(y)


  • T3D_FullTemplate: This have only the full template. (scripts, shapes, sound, etc.)
  • T3D_EmptyTemplate: Plain template. (no sound, no shapes, etc.)
  • T3D_win32/T3D_win64: compiled with default options. (You should download this if you do not know which one.)
  • T3D_win32_noSDL: compiled without SDL.
  • T3D_win32_blphys/T3D_win64_blphys: compiled with bullet physics.

Notes: You only need copy T3D_winXX.exe, OpenAL32.dll and SDL2.dll into your game folder. If you are not using SDL, copy T3D_win32_noSDL.exe and OpenAL32.dll into your game project.



13 Jan 20:02
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v1.0.16-rc.3 Pre-release

Added commits of Jan 9, 2017 - 6164f36 - v1.0.16-rc.3

If you don't have a custom main.cs, throw the content of the game folder into your project folder and replace.

  • SO: Windows
  • GitHub Branch: Development
  • Compressed: 7zip
  • Win Compiled: default CMake options + VS14_2015 release Win32(x86)/Win64(x64)
  • Template: Full & Empty
  • Graphics: Direct3D 9.0/11, OpenGL 3.2/3.3
  • Physics: Bullet(y) - PhysX(n)
  • Window and Input: SDL(y) - DirectX(y)


  • fullTemplate: This have only the full template. (scripts, shapes, sound, etc.)
  • emptyTemplate: Plain template. (no sound, no shapes, etc.)
  • T3D_win32/T3D_win64: compiled with default options. (You should download this if you do not know which one.)
  • T3D_win32_noSDL: compiled without SDL.
  • T3D_win32_blphys/T3D_win64_blphys: compiled with bullet physics.

Notes: You only need copy T3D_winXX.exe, OpenAL32.dll and SDL2.dll into your game folder. If you are not using SDL, copy T3D_win32_noSDL.exe and OpenAL32.dll into your game project.


T3D v3.10-RC.2 - Dec 29, 2016

30 Dec 00:28
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Added commits of Dec 29, 2016 - 38554f7 - v1.0.16 (T3D v3.10-RC.2)

T3D v3.10-RC.2 - commits of Dec 29, 2016 - 38554f7

If you don't have a custom main.cs, throw the content of the game folder into your project folder and replace.

  • SO: Windows
  • GitHub Branch: Development
  • Compressed: 7zip
  • Win Compiled: default CMake options + VS14_2015 release Win32(x86)/Win64(x64)
  • Template: Full & Empty
  • Graphics: Direct3D 9.0/11, OpenGL 3.2/3.3
  • Physics: Bullet(y) - PhysX(n)
  • Window and Input: SDL(y) - DirectX(y)


  • fullTemplate: This have only the full template. (scripts, shapes, sound, etc.)
  • emptyTemplate: Plain template. (no sound, no shapes, etc.)
  • T3D_win32/T3D_win64: compiled with default options. (You should download this if you do not know which one.)
  • T3D_win32_noSDL: compiled without SDL.
  • T3D_win32_blphys/T3D_win64_blphys: compiled with bullet physics.

Notes: You only need copy T3D_winXX.exe, OpenAL32.dll and SDL2.dll into your game folder. If you are not using SDL, copy T3D_win32_noSDL.exe and OpenAL32.dll into your game project.
