A OpenCL implementation of the spatial Fitzhugh-Nagumo model
This repository contains the OpenCL code that runs a spatial version of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model describing spatial self-organisation in nerve systems. The first paper on this model was (non-spatial):
FitzHugh, R. 1961. Impulses and Physiological States in Theoretical Models of Nerve Membrane. Biophysical Journal 6:445-466.
A paper describing possible spatial patterns is:
Hagberg, A., and E. Meron. 1994. Pattern formation in non-gradient reaction-diffusion systems: the effects of front bifurcations. Nonlinearity 7:805-835.
You could also check Meron's recent book on the Nonlinear Physics of Ecosystems, I recommend it if you are not afraid of a bit of math.
An video of the output of the model can be found on: https://youtu.be/pgPqdjzB2bs This video has been produced by the code in this repository.
To run this model, read the explanation on the main page https://johanvandekoppel.github.io.
Johan van de Koppel November 2016