MakeStruct is a lightweight fast dynamic constructor generator for JavaScript.
The aim of makeStruct is to easily generate objects with dynamic properties on the fly.
A struct is used for building data structures. These structures or records are used to group related data together.
To install with npm:
npm i makestruct
let myModel = 'example,foo, baz, the lazy fox jumps, over the, rainbow';
const MyDynamicClass = new makeStruct(myModel);
const myDynamicObject = new MyDynamicClass();
Object.keys(myDynamicObject); // ["example","foo","baz","theLazyFoxJumps","overThe","rainbow", ... methods]
Constructor definition:
* @constructor Generates a constructor for a given data structure
* @param {string} keys comma separated.
* @returns {constructor} Constructor for the new struct
Populates a key-value array into the Object instance properties.
const myData = [
['id', 1],
['name', 'John'],
['email', '[email protected]'],
const MyDynamicClass = new makeStruct('id, name, email');
const myDynamicObject = new MyDynamicClass();
// myDynamicObject { id: 1, name: 'John', email: '' }
Populates an Object into the Object instance properties.
const myData = {
id: 1,
name: 'John',
email: '[email protected]',
const MyDynamicClass = new makeStruct('id, name, email');
const myDynamicObject = new MyDynamicClass();
// myDynamicObject { id: 1, name: 'John', email: '' }
myDynamicObject.hasKey('name'); // true
myDynamicObject.hasKey('nome'); // false
myDynamicObject.hasValue('John'); // true
myDynamicObject.hasValue('Johnny'); // false
myDynamicObject.toArray(); // [['id', 1], ['name', 'John'], ['email', '[email protected]']]
const Dog = new makeStruct('id, name, breed');
// Dog -> Function, constructor()
const myDog = new Dog(1, 'baxter', 'New Scotland Retriever');
myDog; // { id: 1, name: 'baxter', breed: 'New Scotland Retriever' }; // returns 1; // returns 'baxter'
myDog.breed; // returns 'New Scotland Retriever'
typeof; // 'number'
typeof myDog.breed; // 'string'
typeof myDog; // 'object'
myDog instanceof Dog; // true
Dog.prototype.isPrototypeOf(myDog); // true
// in a module (like in a React component)
import makeStruct from 'makestruct';
// outside module (like in Node JS)
const makestruct = require('makestruct');
const User = new makeStruct('id, name, country');
const foo = new User(1, 'John', 'UK');
Access the struct properties; // 1; // 'john'; // 'UK'
// Define a structure
const User = new makeStruct('id, name, country');
// Define another structure
const UserDetails = new makeStruct('phone, age, hairColor');
// Instantiate the inner struct first
const johnInfo = new UserDetails('555-777-888', 31, 'blonde');
// instantiate the parent struct passing the child struct as param
const john = new User(1, 'John', 'US', johnInfo);
// Accessing parent struct properties; // 1; // John; // 'US'
// Accessing child struct properties; // '555-777-888'; // 31; // 'blonde'
You can add structs into structs into other structs... just like a matroska.
The latest information I've relative to the maximum amount of keys in a JavaScript Object is around 8.3 million in V8 so that would be the limit approximately.
You can define your data structures in JavaScript with TS pragma and JSDoc like that:
// @ts-check
* @typedef UserInfo
* @property {string} phone
* @property {number} age
* @property {string} hairColor
/** @type {ObjectConstructor|any} */
const UserInfo = new makeStruct('phone, age, hairColor');
/** @type {UserInfo} */
const extraInfo = new UserInfo('555-777-888', 31, 'blonde');
TypeScript example:
type Dog = {
id: number;
name: string;
breed: string;
const LeDog = new makeStruct('id, name, breed');
const myDog: Dog = new LeDog(1, 'baxter', 'Retriever');; // Property 'includes' does not exist on type 'number'.ts(2339)
const myAPIResponse = {
id: 1,
name: 'John',
userInfo: {
city: 'NY',
phone: '555-666-777',
pets: ['Baxter', 'Flurfils'],
const MyDynamicClass = new makeStruct(Object.keys(myAPIResponse).toString());
const myDynamicObject = new MyDynamicClass();
myDynamicObject.propagate(myAPIResponse);; // 'John'
myDynamicObject.pets; // ['Baxter', 'Flurfils']
myDynamicObject.userInfo; // { city: 'NY', phone: '555-666-777'}
- Added support for dynamically create structures from a third party Object
- The project is provided as is without warranties of any kind.
- I may add d.ts in future updates but ts-pragma along with JSDoc should suffice to export types for the constructor that returns a constructor. You'll need to define your own types for the objects you create with makeStruct either way.
- If you face any problem feel free to open a new issue and I'll try to look at it asap.
- Same applies for any pull request. The project is open source and It's maintained through collaborators or by my own.