A single page Application to check if the book is better, or the movie
This was a relatively simple react application, as an exercise in using API's (The Movie Database and Google Books) to gather and utilize data.
I thought this would be a simple way to showcase my skill in React, as well as confirm some basics in application development (including hosting and deploying a SPA via Github-Pages).
Currently, it is not hosted. I want to develop this further into a fully functional applciation that utilizes some sort of RESTful server that I can implement to pull back data, and utilize GoodRead's API as well (and possibly store some amount of accurate comparisons, rather than relying on these APIs).
This also taught me a fair amount of CSS styling that I never cared to learn, but I definitely needed. Fewer Colors are definitely better, and a need to focus on writing more focused and purposeful CSS to accomplish your intended goal.