This project is designed to show the complete SDLC with all of our Veracode tools used at the appropriate places in the build process. This complete process will include:
- building and packaging the app for scanning
- Veracode scanning of first party code
- Veracode SCA scanning of third-party code
- building a Docker image for deployment and Veracode dynamic scanning (coming in the future)
This is a Veracode-specific readme file. For the original, see
You have 3 options:
- build from the existing repo (not making any modifications)
- create a copy (fork) the existing repo for the ability to make your own mods and then build your modified copy
- just deploy the existing app for dynamic scanning (coming in the future...)
The instructions below assume you are building using the Jenkins installed on your Windows machine (2019.4 or later). Note that it is also possible to build on your Mac or a linux machine (although using the linux instance in the Demo Labs is discouraged due to the size of the disk - the Docker image is ~ 1.2G).
You will need the following plugins added to Jenkins, beyond what's already here in the 2019.4 images:
- Pipeline Utility Steps
- NodeJS
- AnsiColor
Goto Jenkins --> Manage Jenkins --> Manage Plugins and add these
For Windows only, you will probably need to tell git to handle long filenames (you will see an error during the git clean phase of the build about 'filename too long'). To do this, open a Cmd or Powershell prompt and enter:
git config --system core.longpaths true
and then restart Jenkins (http://localhost:8082/restart). Ignore any scary error messages, reload the page if necessary. Jenkins will take about a minute to restart.
Goto Jenkins --> Manage Jenkins --> Global Tool Configuration and setup the tools
Add a NodeJS installation like the following (the names are important, so match them)
Goto Jenkins --> Manage Jenkins --> Configure Credentials --> Credentials and add the following to the Jenkins store, global domain:
Add a 'username with password' credential with the following:
The username is your API-ID and the password is your API-Key. The ID field must be "veracode_login" (to match the Jenkinsfile). The Description field can be anything.
Add a 'secret text' credential with the following:
The 'Secret' is the Source Clear token (please use a workspace agent, not an org-level agent). The ID must be "SCA_Token" (to match the Jenkinsfile). The Description field can be anything.
Create a Jenkins Pipeline job with the following Pipeline section (you can ignore all the other fields):
Note: for the Pipeline scanner, use 'Jenkinsfile_vpipe' as the Script Path.
Click Build Now to run the job.
Assumes you already have an account on GitHub, GitLab, or a similar service.
Fork the existing repo into your account, and then use your copy of the repo. Clone it locally, make mods, and push them back to your account.
Follow the steps above, except use your repo instead of the master copy on