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Custom Header


This project was based on the 42 header repository. Full credit to the original authors for developing the logic.


Logic to have a custom header for vim editor.

	/* ************************************************************************** */
	/*                                                                            */
	/*                           .                      .                         */
	/*        .    __ _o|                        .                                */
	/*            |  /__|===--        .                                           */
	/*     *      [__|______~~--._                      .                         */
	/*      .    |\  `---.__:====]-----...,,_____                *                */
	/*           |[>-----|_______<----------_____;::===--         .==.            */
	/*           |/_____.....-----'''~~~~~~~                     ()''()-.         */
	/*      +               ·                         .---.       ;--; /          */
	/*                                              .'_:___". _..'.  __'.         */
	/*   aa.c                                        |__ --==|'-''' '...;         */
	/*                                              [  ]  :[|       |---\         */
	/*   By: jre-gonz <[email protected]      |__| I=[|     .'    '.        */
	/*                                              / / ____|     :       '._     */
	/*   Created: 2022/02/24 15:41:54 by jre-g     |-/.____.'      | :       :    */
	/*   Updated: 2022/02/24 15:42:41 by jre-gon    /___ /___      '-'._----'     */
	/*                                                                            */
	/* ************************************************************************** */

UNIX Setup

Copy customheader.vim in your ~/.vim/plugin, or use your favorite plugin manager. Then set the user and mail variables as explained below.

Option 1: export USER and MAIL in your shell configuration file

Add in ~/.zshrc your:

  • USER
  • MAIL

Option 2: set user and mail values directly in your vimrc

let g:user42 = 'yourLogin'
let g:mail42 = '[email protected]'


In NORMAL mode you can use :Customheader or simply press the shortcut F2 (or the key you want if you change your header).

Modify header

Change activation key:

Open your ~/plugin/customheader.vim file and change the following line (located at the end):

map <F2> :Customheader<CR>

Modify the key you want to use (default is F2).

Change command:

Open your ~/plugin/customheader.vim file and change the following line (located at the end):

command! Customheader call s:customheader ()

Modify the command you want to use (default is Customheader).

Remember to also chage the following line:

map <F2> :Customheader<CR>

Change header

Open your ~/plugin/customheader.vim file and change the following line (located at the beginning):

let s:asciiart = [
	\'         .----.        ',
	\'         |[XX]|        ',
	\' _.==.___/    \_______ ',
	\'| __ ____.-""-. ______|',
	\'|[__]   /."""".\ _    |',
	\'|      // /""\ \\_)   |',
	\'|      \\ \__/ //     |',
	\'|       \\.__.//      |',
	\'|        "-..-"       |',
	\" `-------------------' "

Change it to the one you want. Keep in mind that the use of special characters may not be as easy as you think.

The header should work with a drawing tall enough to display the title, creator and last update.


Fell free to use and pull requests your own headers.

  • 42:

      let s:asciiart = [
      	\"        :::      ::::::::",
      	\"      :+:      :+:    :+:",
      	\"    +:+ +:+         +:+  ",
      	\"  +#+  +:+       +#+     ",
      	\"+#+#+#+#+#+   +#+        ",
      	\"     #+#    #+#          ",
      	\"    ###    "

	/* ************************************************************************** */
	/*                                                                            */
	/*                                                        :::      ::::::::   */
	/*   42.c                                               :+:      :+:    :+:   */
	/*                                                    +:+ +:+         +:+     */
	/*   By: jre-gonz <[email protected]>   +#+  +:+       +#+        */
	/*                                                +#+#+#+#+#+   +#+           */
	/*   Created: 2022/02/24 10:00:40 by jre-gonz          #+#    #+#             */
	/*   Updated: 2022/02/24 10:00:44 by jre-gonz         ###       */
	/*                                                                            */
	/* ************************************************************************** */
  • Star wars:

      let s:asciiart = [
      	\'                        .                      .                   ·  ',
      	\'     .    __ _o|                        .                ·            ',
      	\'         |  /__|===--        .                                  ·     ',
      	\'  *      [__|______~~--._                      .                      ',
      	\'   .    |\  `---.__:====]-----...,,_____                *          ·  ',
      	\'        |[>-----|_______<----------_____;::===--             .==.     ',
      	\"        |/_____.....-----'''~~~~~~~                         ()''()-.  ",
      	\'   +               ·                           .---.         ;--; /   ',
      	                                           \"  .'_:___\". _..'.  __'.    ",
      	                                           \"  |__ --==|'-''' \'...;    ",
      	                                           \'  [  ]  :[|       |---\    ',
      	                                           \"  |__| I=[|     .'    '.   ",
      	                                           \"  / / ____|     :       '._",
      	                                           \" |-/.____.'      | :      :",
      	                                           \"/___\ /___\      '-'._----'"

	/* ************************************************************************** */
	/*                                                                            */
	/*                           .                      .                         */
	/*        .    __ _o|                        .                                */
	/*            |  /__|===--        .                                           */
	/*     *      [__|______~~--._                      .                         */
	/*      .    |\  `---.__:====]-----...,,_____                *                */
	/*           |[>-----|_______<----------_____;::===--         .==.            */
	/*           |/_____.....-----'''~~~~~~~                     ()''()-.         */
	/*      +               ·                         .---.       ;--; /          */
	/*                                              .'_:___". _..'.  __'.         */
	/*   aa.c                                        |__ --==|'-''' '...;         */
	/*                                              [  ]  :[|       |---\         */
	/*   By: jre-gonz <[email protected]      |__| I=[|     .'    '.        */
	/*                                              / / ____|     :       '._     */
	/*   Created: 2022/02/24 15:41:54 by jre-g     |-/.____.'      | :       :    */
	/*   Updated: 2022/02/24 15:42:41 by jre-gon    /___ /___      '-'._----'     */
	/*                                                                            */
	/* ************************************************************************** */
  • Camera:

      let s:asciiart = [
      	\'         .----.        ',
      	\'         |[XX]|        ',
      	\' _.==.___/    \_______ ',
      	\'| __ ____.-""-. ______|',
      	\'|[__]   /."""".\ _    |',
      	\'|      // /""\ \\_)   |',
      	\'|      \\ \__/ //     |',
      	\'|       \\.__.//      |',
      	\'|        "-..-"       |',
      	\" `-------------------' "

	/* ************************************************************************** */
	/*                                                                            */
	/*                                                           .----.           */
	/*                                                           |[XX]|           */
	/*                                                   _.==.___/    \_______    */
	/*                                                  | __ ____.-""-. ______|   */
	/*   42.c                                           |[__]   /."""".\ _    |   */
	/*                                                  |      // /""\ \\_)   |   */
	/*   By: jre-gonz <[email protected]>   |      \\ \__/ //     |   */
	/*                                                  |       \\.__.//      |   */
	/*   Created: 2022/02/24 09:30:52 by jre-gonz       |        "-..-"       |   */
	/*   Updated: 2022/02/24 09:55:25 by jre-gonz        `-------------------'    */
	/*                                                                            */
	/* ************************************************************************** */
  • Dobby:

      let s:asciiart = [
      	\'   _____       ',
      	\'  /     \      ',
      	\'/- (*) |*)\    ',
      	\'|/\.  _>/\|    ',
      	\'    \__/    |\ ',
      	\'   _| |_   \-/ ',
      	\'  /|\__|\  //  ',
      	\' |/|   |\\//   ',
      	\" |||   | ~'    ",
      	\' ||| __|       ',
      	\' /_\| ||       ',
      	\' \_/| ||       ',
      	\'   |7 |7       ',
      	\'   || ||       ',
      	\'   || ||       ',
      	\'   /\ \ \      ',
      	\'  ^^^^ ^^^     '

/* ************************************************************************** */
/*                                                                            */
/*                                                             _____          */
/*                                                            /     \         */
/*                                                          /- (*) |*)\       */
/*                                                          |/\.  _>/\|       */
/*                                                              \__/    |\    */
/*                                                             _| |_   \-/    */
/*                                                            /|\__|\  //     */
/*                                                           |/|   |\\//      */
/*                                                           |||   | ~'       */
/*                                                           ||| __|          */
/*                                                           /_\| ||          */
/*   aa.c                                                    \_/| ||          */
/*                                                             |7 |7          */
/*   By: jre-gonz <[email protected]>              || ||          */
/*                                                             || ||          */
/*   Created: 2022/02/24 15:18:32 by jre-gonz                  /\ \ \         */
/*   Updated: 2022/02/24 15:18:34 by jre-gonz                 ^^^^ ^^^        */
/*                                                                            */
/* ************************************************************************** */


  • You can make the header as wide as you want (with in the 80 characters limit). This means you can create your own header that goes over the title.

  • If your header logo will always be prioritized over the title, creator and update lines.

  • Inside the 42 clusters you can easily run:


Credits original creators

@zazard - creator
@alexandregv - contributor
@mjacq42 - contributor
@sungmcho - contributor