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V1.7.3: The bats bite now minor update

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@github-actions github-actions released this 11 Dec 19:40
· 33 commits to main since this release
+ Sprites updated: repairPin, oreAlco, oreCobalt
+ Blocks added: deliveryTerminal, rustedMetal, slopDeep, fortifiedRadiator, inductionSmelter, coreRelic, coreVestige, 5x5Turret base, alternateArticulator, emulsiveSlop
+ Units added: dipteara, shade, reaper, lexington, crusader, luridiblatta, nyctalus
+ Added: Modes to core to allowing subsystems like extra unit production and weapons on higher tiers
+ Added: Option to hide bat helpers in the core database for regular players
~ Balance: Aero tree, minor hp nerf, t1 gets a minor visual change, striker dps buff
~ Balance: Bats tree, major weapon & stats reworks to better fit its gimmicks
~ Balance: Air units of enemy waves now get assigned random Ais with different
~ Balance: Roach tree, minor armor buff
~ Balance: Carrier Tree, added bars to show build progress & unit count, changed pdl sound
~ BugFix: lubricant using oil's bar colour
~ BugFix: Fixed weird replicator placement behaviour
~ BugFix: Repair pins' effects not being displayed properly
~ BugFIx?: Improved displayed build time for units (may still be off, rushie no math)
~ All units now show their build cost respective to their constructs
~ Renamed t2 & above cores, porcupine, adaptiveFabricator
~ alternateArticulator now requires power to make t2s
~ Bug Fix: unable to unlock other planets despite reaching requirements
~ Improved Moss spreading code (Wmf)
- removed version 1-7-2