Demonstration code for C++ Story
This repository contains demonstration code for the CppStory - all 11 chapters. This contains code for:
- Handling Data
- Using functions, methods, function pointers, functors, lambdas
- Demonstrations for classes
- Templates, type deduction, overload resolution, template arguments
- Template metaprogramming: variadics, traits, specializations
- iostreams
- Standard Template Library
There is a Visual Studio 2019 solution for every chapter and a solution for the entire story.
To build, the C++17 option must be set. You can do that on the first property page that opens when you select property on any project. Unfortunately, Visual Studio has no mechanism for setting the default standard for all projects. You have to do that individually for each. The default should already be set, but if you get compilation errors, try setting C++17 option.