Official Github Repo for EMNLP 2021 paper Measuring Sentence-Level and Aspect-Level (Un)certainty in Science Communications by Jiaxin Pei and David Jurgens.
contains 128942 news mentions of 57807 papers. We release URLs for news and DOIs for papers.
If pip
is installed, certainty-estimator could be installed directly via pip:
pip3 install certainty-estimator
Please check this Github repo for code and examples.
We use Hugging Face to host both the sentence-level and aspect-level prediction models.
If you only need to use the certainty prediction model, please checkout our python package. We use Hugging Face Transformers to train our models. Please email Jiaxin Pei ([email protected]) if you need our code to train the certainty prediction models.
Jiaxin Pei ([email protected])