FWRouter is a High-performance trie-node router, idea from Vapor/routing
This is not a Server router, but an iOS UI Router, You can build your own iOS app from it.
git clone https://github.com/JianweiWangs/FWRouter.git
cd FWRouter
to fetch and build source code quickly.
There are also some script help you develop and PR.
# install dependence and open project
# install dependence
make install
# build test
make test
# open project
make open
# quit Xcode
make quit
Before you pull request, make sure test success.
let router = FWRouterManager.shared.router
// url match
route.match("scheme://host/path") { (target) -> Bool in
let demoVC = DemoViewController()
target.navigation?.pushViewController(demoVC, animated: true)
return true
route.route(url: "scheme://host/path")
router.match("scheme://host", "parameter", String.parameter, use: { (target) -> Bool in
print(target.url) // scheme://host/parameter/param0
print(target.pathParamters.next(String.self)) // "param0"
return true
router.route(url: "scheme://host/parameter/param0")
router.match("scheme://host/path", "/thridParameter", use: { (target) -> Bool in
print(target.parameters["name"] as? String) //"wangjianwei"
return true
url: "scheme://host/path/thridParameter",
parameters: ["name": "wangjianwei"]
This library requires iOS 8.0+
, Xcode 9.0+
and Swift 4.0+
FWRouter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'FWRouter'
JianweiWangs, [email protected]
FWRouter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.