CC05Group08 Team member: Lu Jiankun Yannis Yuan Yongxi Jishna Bole Marooth Nath Chaowanasatier Neo Wei Lin
Conect moisture sensor, adafruit DHT22 and water pump to the raspherry pi. DHT 22 Moisture Sensor
A database is provided to build machine learning model. Run on the raspherry pi, it will save the model as model.pickle for machine learning and print the accuracy of the model. Usually, the accuracy should be very high (more than 0.98), if the accuracy is not satisfying enough, simply run a few more times and save the model with the best accuracy. Our product is not limited to any particular type of plant, as long as there is a database of the plant¡¯s water requirements, it will work for any and all plant species.
After finishing the previous steps, run, and the device will automatically water the plants
This GUI consists of three screens: Home, Graph and Info. The interface looks simple and clear and all the real-time data is processed in the program that supports the GUI. The data and graph are auto-updated every 10 seconds so that users will get all the information about the plant as well as the predictions for the smart watering system easily.You can run the kivy GUI program on any device (not necessarily the raspherry pi, you can run it on mobile phone, laptop etc.)