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Justin Faler
Dec 27, 2020
eeba61c · Dec 27, 2020


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(from Greek φιλοσοφία, philosophia, literally "love of wisdom")

Open Source Love

Table of Contents


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Philosophers & Books

⤏ Albert Camus

↳ The Stranger
↳ The Plague
↳ The Myth of Sisyphus
↳ The Fall
↳ The Rebel
↳ The First Man

⤏ Aristotle

↳ The Nicomachean Ethics
↳ Poetics
↳ Politics
↳ Metaphysics
↳ Physics
↳ The Art of Rhetoric

⤏ Augustine

↳ Confessions
↳ City of God

⤏ Bernard Stiegler

↳ The Neganthropocene
↳ The Age of Disruption

⤏ David Hume

↳ An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals

⤏ Edmund Husserl

↳ Ideas
↳ Logical Investigations
↳ Cartesian Meditations
↳ The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Philosophy

⤏ Friedrich Nietzsche

↳ The Will to Power
↳ The Gay Science
↳ Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits
↳ The Anti-Christ
↳ On the Genealogy of Morality
↳ Ecce Homo
↳ Thus Spoke Zarathustra
↳ Beyond Good and Evil

⤏ Henry David Thoreau

↳ Walden, or Life in the Woods
↳ Civil Disobedience
↳ Walking
↳ The Maine Woods
↳ Cape Cod
↳ A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
↳ Life Without Principle
↳ Wild Apples
↳ Slavery in Massachusetts
↳ October, or Autumnal Tints

⤏ Immanuel Kant

↳ The Critique of Pure Reason
↳ The Critique of Pratical Reason
↳ The Critique of Judgement
↳ Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals

⤏ Jacques Lacan

↳ I: The technical writings of Freud
↳ II: The ego in Freud's theory and in the technique of psychoanalysis
↳ III: Psychoses
↳ IV: The object relation and the Freudian structures
↳ V: The formations of the unconscious
↳ VI: Desire and its interpretation
↳ VII: The ethics of psychoanalysis
↳ VIII: The transfer
↳ IX: Identification
↳ X: Anxiety
↳ XI: The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis
↳ XII: Critical Issues for Psychoanalysis
↳ XIII: The object of psychoanalysis
↳ XIV: The logic of fantasy
↳ XV: The psychoanalytic act
↳ XVI: From one to another
↳ XVII: The reverse side of psychoanalysis
↳ XVIII: Of a speech that would not be pretense
↳ XIX: . . . or worse
↳ XXI: The non-dupes are wandering
↳ XXIII The Sinthome
↳ XXIV: Unbeknownst to one-goofing goes to dying
↳ The moment to conclude

⤏ Jean-Jacques Rousseau

↳ The Social Contract

⤏ Jean-Paul Sartre

↳ Being and Nothingness
↳ Black Orpheus
↳ Existentialism Is a Humanism
↳ Between Existentialism and Marxism
↳ Existentialism and Human Emotions
↳ Nausea
↳ The Wall
↳ The Words
↳ The Age of Reason
↳ What is Literature?
↳ Critique of Dialectical Reason
↳ The Imaginary
↳ Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions
↳ Troubled Sleep
↳ The Transcendence of the Ego
↳ Anti-Semite and Jew
↳ The Reprieve
↳ The Problem of Method
↳ The Family Idiot
↳ Saint Genet
↳ Existential Psychoanalysis

⤏ John Locke

↳ An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
↳ The Second Treatise of Government
↳ A Letter Concerning Toleration

⤏ Karl Marx

↳ The Communist Manifesto
↳ Das Kapital

⤏ Martin Heidegger

↳ Being and Time
↳ Poetry, Language, Thought
↳ The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude
↳ Basic Writings: Ten Key Essays, plus the Introduction to Being and Time
↳ What is Called Thinking?

⤏ René Descartes

↳ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy
↳ La Géométrie
↳ Pasions of the Soul
↳ The World
↳ Principles of Philosophy

⤏ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

↳ The Phenomenology of Spirit
↳ Science of Logic
↳ Elements of the Philosophy of Right
↳ Lectures on the Philosophy of History

⤏ Plato

↳ Republic
↳ The Death and Trial of Socrates
↳ The Allegory of the Cave
↳ Symposium
↳ Crito
↳ Euthyphro
↳ Apology

⤏ Seneca

↳ Letters from a Stoic
↳ On the Shortness of Life
↳ On the Happy Life
↳ Of Anger
↳ On tranquility of mind

⤏ Slavoj Žižek

↳ Less Than Nothing
↳ Enjoy Your Symptom!: Jacques Lacan in Hollywood and Out
↳ The Parallax View
↳ Welcome to the Desert of the Real
↳ The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime: On David Lynch's Lost Highway
↳ Violence: Big Ideas/Small Books
↳ The Sublime Object of Ideology
↳ Living in the End Times
↳ The Plague of Fantasies
↳ How to read Lacan
↳ First As Tragedy, Then As Farce
↳ Absolute Recoil: Towards a New Foundation of Dialectical Materialism
↳ In Defense of Lost Causes
↳ The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology
↳ Looking Awry
↳ The Courage of Hopelessness: Chronicles of a Year of Acting Dangerously
↳ Like a Thief in Broad Daylight: Power in the Era of Post-Human Capitalism
↳ The Fragile Absolute: Or, Why Is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For?
↳ Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?
↳ Against the Double Blackmail: Refugees, Terror and Other Troubles with the Neighbours
↳ Trouble in Paradise: From the End of History to the End of Capitalism
↳ The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity
↳ Tarrying With the Negative
↳ The Metastases of Enjoyment
↳ Incontinence of the Void: Economico-Philosophical Spandrels
↳ Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle
↳ Interrogating the Real

⤏ Søren Kierkegaard

↳ The Sickness Unto Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition for Upbuilding and Awakening
↳ Either/Or
↳ Fear and Trembling
↳ The Concept of Anxiety
↳ Works of Love
↳ Diary of a Seducer
↳ Repetition
↳ Judge for Yourselves!
↳ Edifying Discourses in Diverse Spirits
↳ For Self-Examination

⤏ Ludwig Wittgenstein

↳ Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
↳ On Certainty
↳ Culture and Value
↳ Philosophical Investigations
↳ Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics
↳ Remarks on Colour
↳ The Blue and Brown Books

⤏ Hans-Georg Gadamer

↳ Truth and Method
↳ La Philosophie herméneutique
↳ The beginning of philosophy
↳ The Enigma of Health
↳ The relevance of the beautiful and other essays
↳ Praise of Theory

⤏ Thomas Aquinas

↳ Summa Theologica

⤏ Thomas Hobbes

↳ Leviathan
↳ Elements of Law
↳ Natural and Politic

⤏ Michel Foucault

↳ Abnormal
↳ Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology
↳ Archaeology Of Knowledge
↳ The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences
↳ The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction
↳ Discipline and Punish
↳ The History of Sexuality
↳ Madness and Cvilization
↳ The Order of Things
↳ The Archaeology
↳ Power
↳ Religion and Culture
↳ Security, Territory, Population
↳ The Birth Of the Clinic
↳ Will to Knowledge

⤏ Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

↳ Monadology and Other Philosophical Essays