You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
KT-55033 Make org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.inference.model.NewConstraintSystemImpl#runTransaction an inline function
KT-54501 Improve code generation for inline classes with custom equals
KT-56965 K/N: linkDebugFrameworkIosArm64 tasks failing with UnsupportedOperationException: VAR name:disposables type:com.badoo.reaktive.disposable.CompositeDisposable [val]
KT-56611 Native: new native caches are broken when KONAN_DATA_DIR is defined to a directory inside ~/.gradle
KT-55251 Enum.entries compilation error should be more specific
KT-56527 K2: "AssertionError: Assertion failed" during compilation in SequentialFilePositionFinder
KT-56526 InvalidProtocolBufferException on reading module metadata compiled by K2 in 1.8.20
KT-57388 Kapt+JVM_IR: "RuntimeException: No type for expression" for delegated property
KT-53153 Synthetic Enum.entries can be shadowed by user-defined declarations
KT-51290 "AssertionError: Parameter indices mismatch at context" with context receivers
KT-57242 Equals behaviour for value classes implementing interfaces is different between 1.8.10 and 1.8.20-RC
KT-57261 "IllegalArgumentException was thrown at: MemoizedInlineClassReplacements.getSpecializedEqualsMethod" when comparing non-inline class instance with an inline class instance
KT-57107 Handling of Windows line endings CRLF broken in latest snapshot with K2
KT-57117 K2: Compiler reports invalid columns in diagnostics in case of crlf line endings
KT-56500 The type parameter TYPE_PARAMETER name:E index:0 variance: superTypes:[kotlin.Any?] reified:false is not defined in the referenced function FUN LOCAL_FUNCTION_FOR_LAMBDA
KT-56258 VerifyError: Bad local variable type when using -Xdebug
KT-54455 Unexpected result of equality comparison of inline class objects
KT-56251 Generic Java synthetic property references don't work in K2
KT-55886 K2: Wrong code location mapping with Windows line endings
KT-43296 FIR: Complicated interaction between smart cast and inference leads to false-positive diagnostic
KT-57053 Problem around anonymous objects in inline functions
KT-54950 NoSuchMethodError on calling 'addAll' on inline class implementing mutable list
KT-56815 compileKotlin task is stuck with while(true) and suspend function
KT-56847 Unresolved reference to Java annotation in Kotlin class with the same name packages
KT-52459 Context receivers: AbstractMethodError caused by Interface method with both an extension and a context receiver is overriden incorrectly in subclasses
KT-56215 JVM: Object extension function nullable receiver null check false negative when object is null
KT-56188 K/N: AssertionError when casting SAM wrapper with generic type parameter
KT-56033 Restore 'isMostPreciseContravariantArgument' function signature for compatibility
KT-56407 Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering during :daemon-common-new:compileKotlin
KT-55887 K2. "IllegalStateException: is not expected" on adding kotlin.plugin.jpa
KT-56701 K2 (with LightTree) reports syntax errors without additional information
KT-56649 K2 uses 0-index for line numbers rather than 1-index
KT-54807 K2. Support @OnlyInputTypes diagnostic checks (contains like calls)
KT-51247 "AssertionError:" caused by context receiver functional types
KT-55436 K1: implement warning about shadowing of the derived property by the base class field
KT-56521 Static scope initializers sometimes not called when first accessed from interop
KT-55288 False negative WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET on type under a nullability qualifier
KT-33132 Cannot override the equals operator twice (in a class and its subclass) unless omitting the operator keyword in the subclass
KT-56061 K1 does not report error on inconsistent synthetic property assignment
KT-55483 K2: Fir is not initialized for FirRegularClassSymbol java/lang/invoke/LambdaMetafactory
KT-55125 Difference in generated bytecode for open suspend functions of generic classes
KT-54140 SOE at IrBasedDescriptorsKt.makeKotlinType with mixing recursive definitely not nullable type with nullability
KT-56224 Clarify message "Secondary constructors with bodies are reserved for for future releases" for secondary constructors in value classes with bodies
KT-54662 K2: Assign operator ambiguity on synthetic property from java
KT-54507 K2: Wrong implicitModality for interface in FirHelpers
KT-55912 "UnsupportedOperationException: Unsupported const element type kotlin.Any" caused by kotlin fqn in annotation
KT-56018 [K2/N] Fir2Ir does not take value parameters annotations from FIR to IR
KT-54742 K2: lambda with conditional bare return inferred to return Any, not Unit
KT-54332 Add deprecation warning for false-negative TYPE_MISMATCH for KT-49404
KT-55509 Invisible fake overrides are listed among lazy IR class members
KT-55597 K2. This type has a constructor, and thus must be initialized here error is missed for anonymous object inherits class with no-arg constructor
KT-54357 "ClassCastException: class org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.receivers.ExtensionReceiver cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.scopes.receivers.ContextClassReceiver" with anonymous object extending a class with a context receiver
KT-51397 "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" with context receivers
KT-54905 KLIB check on compiled with pre-release version
KT-55615 K2 often does not expand type aliases in annotation position
KT-54522 K2: ambiguity between operator candidates on += (plusAssign) to reassigned var of MutableList type
KT-54300 K2: No "Projections are not allowed for immediate arguments of a supertype" for projection in supertypes of an anonymous object
KT-55495 K2: support lateinit intrinsic applicability checker
KT-55494 MPP. Error when building for native: Compilation failed: Global 'kclass:io.ktor.serialization.$deserializeCOROUTINE$0' already exists
KT-54980 K2: Explicit type arguments in calls with the wrong number of type arguments are not resolved
KT-54730 K2: type aliases to generic functional interfaces attempt to re-infer explicitly specified type parameters
KT-55611 IC / MPP: Optional internal annotations are not visible on incremental builds
KT-55324 K2: ControlFlowGraphBuilder fails with index out of bounds exception
KT-55656 K2: PRIMARY_CONSTRUCTOR_DELEGATION_CALL_EXPECTED being a warning causes a NPE in runtime
KT-51277 "NoSuchElementException: Collection contains no element matching the predicate" with context receivers and star projection
KT-52791 Class with multiple context receivers fails -Xvalidate-ir with "Validation failed in file"
KT-55071 Shared Native Compilation: Calls from intermediate common source set cannot use default parameters declared in expect common functions
KT-52193 Native: Unable to call primary constructor with default values in an actual class without passing the values, in nativeMain source set
KT-54573 K2: untouched implicit types in delegated constructor call of data class with @JvmRecord
KT-55037 Support jspecify annotations moved to the new package org.jspecify.annotations in jspecify 0.3
KT-48989 JVM / IR: "IllegalStateException: Bad exception handler end" when first parameter of inline function is nullable with "try/catch/finally" default value and second parameter tries to call toString() on the first
KT-55231 K2: Contract declarations are not passed to checkers
KT-54411 False positive: INFERRED_TYPE_VARIABLE_INTO_POSSIBLE_EMPTY_INTERSECTION on kotlinx.coroutines code
KT-55005 Inconsistent behavior of array set operation in Kotlin 1.7.21
KT-44625 Property backing/delegate field annotations are not serialized/deserialized for non-JVM targets
KT-42490 Receiver annotations are not serialized/deserialized for non-JVM targets
KT-53441 K2: cannot access static method of package-private Java grandparent class
KT-54197 [K2] Exception from inliner for inline function with context receiver
KT-55246 Disable 'CustomEqualsInValueClasses' feature in 1.9 language version
KT-55247 Disable 'InlineLateinit' feature in 1.9 language version
KT-53957 K2 and -Xlambdas=indy: LambdaConversionException on reference to method with both context and extension receivers
KT-55421 K2: get rid of potentially redundant call of preCacheBuiltinClassMembers from getIrClassSymbol
KT-52815 Compiler option -Xjdk-release fails to compile mixed projects
KT-54921 K2: cannot access static field of package-private Java parent class
KT-53698 K2: FIR2IR fails on call of inivisble extension function with Suppress
KT-53920 K2: "NoSuchElementException: Key org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.resolve.dfa.cfg.ClassExitNode@ef115ab is missing in the map" with unreachable code and anonymous object
KT-55358 INTEGER_OPERATOR_RESOLVE_WILL_CHANGE is not reported in return positions of functions
KT-51475 "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 4 out of bounds for length 4" with context(Any) on inline function with contract
KT-51951 "IllegalStateException: No receiver" caused by implicit invoke on typealias context receiver
KT-52373 Context receivers: ClassCastException: function with dispatch, context, and extension receivers produces this when a parameter's default is included
KT-54220 K2: compiler fails on compiling plus expression on unsigned int
KT-54692 K2: compiler fails on compiling unsigned shifts
KT-54824 K2: missing smartcast after two levels of aliasing and a reassignment
KT-53368 Out of bounds read in sse version of String::hashCode
KT-54978 K2: Property accesses with explicit type arguments pass frontend checkers
KT-51863 ClassCastException when using context receivers with named argument.
KT-55123 JvmSerializableLambda is not applicable in common code in multiplatform projects
KT-45970 Missing deprecation warnings for constant operators calls in property initializers
KT-54851 K2: analysis of as/is contains multiple errors that result in missing diagnostics
KT-54668 K2: Inference error in body of lazy property with elvis with Nothing in RHS
KT-55269 FIR2IR: Static functions and nested classes are missing from Fir2IrLazyClass
KT-55026 K2: Function hides internal constructor from another module
KT-53070 Update intellij testdata fixes for FIR and merge it to master
KT-53492 No parameter null check generated for constructor taking an inline class type
KT-55470 SLC: implement light class for RepeatableContainer
KT-55442 SLC: 'isInheritor' for 'DefaultImpls' should work correctly
KTIJ-23449 K2: "parent must not be null" from SymbolLightClassBase.getContext()
KT-40609 IDE: False positive "Exception is never thrown..." in Java when Kotlin getter is annotated with Throws
KT-54051 Migrate symbol light classes from KtSymbol to KtElement
IDE. Completion
KTIJ-22503 Support code completion for data objects
KTIJ-22361 ISE “java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImpl ” on K2
IDE. Debugger
KTIJ-24259 Debugger is stuck in an infinite loop in an Android project
KTIJ-24003 Smart step into doesn't work for Java synthetic properties references
KTIJ-24039 Support smart step into for property setters
IDE. Decompiler, Indexing, Stubs
KTIJ-24351 Kotlin Bytecode tool window: NullPointerException during inlining of inline function with object literal
IDE. Gradle Integration
KTIJ-24616 Gradle Integration: "NoSuchMethodError: 'java.util.Collection org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.projectModel.KotlinCompilation.getDeclaredSourceSets" during sync fail after updating Kotlin IJ Plugin to 1.8.20-Beta
KT-55347 Broken IDE sync for js: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing Compile Dependencies Transformations is not yet initialised
KTIJ-23781 TCS: Gradle Sync: Support friend&dependsOn via IdeaKotlinSourceDependency
IDE. Gradle. Script
KT-56941 Gradle KTS / Navigation: Go to declaration for Java types doesn't work
IDE. Inspections and Intentions
KTIJ-23404 K2 IDE. Platform type is inserted as type parameter for "Change return type" intention
KTIJ-24319 "Set module version to *" quickfix isn't working
KTIJ-23225 "Change package" intention unintentionally and intractably replaces text inside of critical strings and comments
KTIJ-23892 UsePropertyAccessSyntaxInspection should also suggest replacing getter method references with method synthetic properties referencies after Kotlin 1.9
KTIJ-22087 Support IDE inspections for upcoming data objects
KTIJ-24286 Constant conditions: false positive "Cast will always fail" with cast of java.lang.String to kotlin.String
KTIJ-23859 ConvertObjectToDataObjectInspection support more hashCode and toString cases
KTIJ-23760 Get rid of readResolve logic in ConvertObjectToDataObjectInspection
KTIJ-24342 KDoc: First line break character is swallowed when pasted
IDE. Misc
KTIJ-24370 Remove link to k2.xml from plugin.xml in kt-223 branches
KTIJ-24210 Compatibility issue with the CUBA plugin
IDE. Multiplatform
KTIJ-21205 MPP: Kotlin not configured error is shown for K/N sources if Android target is presented
KT-54118 Kotlin/JS IR: keep declarations with non-minified names
KT-35655 Investigate could we use "names" field in SourceMaps to improve debug experience
KT-55971 KJS: Result of suspend function cannot be assigned to property of dynamic value
KT-52374 KJS / IR: caling suspend function as dynamic ignores the rest of the expression
KT-56884 KJS: "Top-level declarations in .d.ts files must start with either a 'declare' or 'export' modifier." caused by enum and array inside the companion object
KT-51122 Provide fully-qualified method name in Kotlin/JS source maps
KT-56602 KJS / Serialization: polymorphicDefaultDeserializer unbound on Kotlin 1.8.20-Beta
KT-56580 KJS: languageVersionSettings string is unstable
KT-55344 Deprecate @Synchronized in platforms except JVM
KT-35508 EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=2, address=0x16d8dbff0) crashes on iOS when using a sequence (from map() etc.)
KT-56794 Libraries: "Recursively copying a directory into its subdirectory is prohibited" Path.copyToRecursively fails on copying from one ZipFileSystem to another ZipFileSystem
KT-55935 [Kotlin/JVM] Path.copyToRecursively does not work across file systems
KT-56350 Kotlin/Native: restore "use Foundation" in generated Objective-C frameworks
KT-55736 Native: exporting suspend function from a cached dependency to Objective-C crashes with "Suspend functions should be lowered out at this point"
KT-53638 Native: support disabling mangling globally for Swift names in generated Objective-C header
KT-53317 ObjCName annotation is not applied to an extension receiver in Objective-C export
Native. Stdlib
KT-53064 Native: provide stdlib API to obtain memory management statistics
KT-27585 Flaky IllegalPropertyDelegateAccessException: Cannot obtain the delegate of a non-accessible property. Use "isAccessible = true" to make the property accessible
KT-53279 Reflection: "KotlinReflectionInternalError: Method is not supported" caused by @Repeatable annotation deserialization at runtime if it's repeated and contains arrays
KT-44977 Reflection: ClassCastException caused by annotations with "AnnotationTarget.TYPE" usage on array attributes access
Tools. CLI
KT-570771.8.20-RC-243 shows Java 19 warnings even if configured with Java 17 toolchain
KT-56992 Performance test regression in Gradle when switching to Kotlin 1.8.20
KT-56789 Metaspace memory leak in CoreJrtFileSystem
KT-51517 C Interop Commonizer Fails On Classifier That Doesn't Exist
Tools. Compiler Plugins
KT-53590 K2 Allopen does not look for transitive meta-annotations
KT-56487 Add more methods to DescriptorSerializerPlugin
KT-54020 [K2] [NEW_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER] error in case 'static Name' param was added to @AllArgsConstructor annotation and an empty list is set as a constructor param value
KT-53096 Create a pack of compiler utilities for generating declarations from plugins
KT-55248 K2/PluginAPI: getCallableNamesForClass/generateClassLikeDeclaration are not called for synthetic companions of local classes
KT-54756 Deprecate "legacy" mode of jvm-abi-gen plugin
KT-55233 jvm-abi-gen strips out InnerClass attributes
KT-54994 K2 plugin API: Compile-time constants are not evaluated before IR
KT-55023 K2 plugin API: Compilation with Kotlin daemon fails after certain number of tries
KT-55286 K2: Parcelize plugin sometimes can't find nested objects in current class
KT-54500 Private type aliases can be referenced from public declarations, but are stripped by jvm-abi-gen
Tools. Compiler plugins. Serialization
KT-56738 Unexpected SERIALIZER_NOT_FOUND when compiling against binary with enum
KT-56990 "AssertionError: SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files" in kotlinx-serialization using @Serializer and List argument
KT-54441 Prohibit implicit serializer customization via companion object
KT-49983 Implement prototype of kotlinx.serialization for K2 compiler
KT-48733 "AssertionError: Unexpected IR element found during code generation" caused by Serialization and annotation with default parameter
KT-54297 Regression in serializable classes with star projections
KT-55540 Add compilation speed metric in build reports
KT-55541 Validate FUS metrics values on Gradle side
Performance Improvements
KT-54836 Kotlin/JVM Gradle plugin creates task eagerly on Gradle 7.3+
KT-55995 Add ability to perform precise compilation task outputs backup
KT-54579 Kapt tasks slow down significantly on Windows when running with JDK 17 compared to JDK 11
KT-54588 KotlinCompile: Avoid calling FileCollection.getFiles() multiple times
KT-57296 Build statistics sending errors in case of buildSrc directory usage with kotlin-dsl plugin applied
KT-56645 Gradle: KGP reports an incorrect resources processing task name for JVM projects
KT-55824 Deprecate commonMain.dependsOn(anything) in user scripts
KT-56221 Gradle KTS: False positive Val cannot be reassigned when using an extension and its property with an implicit set operator
KT-55452 Values of the compiler arguments set via KotlinCompile task configuration are duplicated by the KaptGenerateStubs task
KT-55565 Consider de-duping or blocking standard addition of freeCompilerArgs to KaptGenerateStubsTask
KT-55632 'The configuration :kotlinCompilerClasspath is both consumable and declarable' messages are displayed in logs for different types of projects for KotlinCompile task with gradle 8
KT-56414 Dependency locking and failed builds with Kotlin 1.8.10
KT-56999 K/JS: KotlinJsIrLink::rootCacheDirectory property must be public
KT-56765 K/JS: Several binaries use same cache directory
KT-54529 KJS / IR: generate typescript definitions only on explicit Gradle action
KT-56488 Debugger won't stop on breakpoints of JS browser test
KT-56719 KJS / Gradle: Compile sync task has to sync only changed files
KT-56131 KJS / Gradle: Could not create an instance of type org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.js.subtargets.KotlinNodeJs when task configuration avoidance is broken
KT-37668 Kotlin/JS: nodeTest failure due to main() function fail is reported as "BUILD SUCCESSFUL"
KT-35285 Kotlin/JS + Gradle: browserDevelopementWebpack and browserProductionWebpack could write to different locations
KT-55593 KotlinJsCompilerType and KotlinJsCompilerTypeHolder LEGACY and BOTH constants should be marked as @Deprecated in 1.8
KT-33291 JS: No build result with gradle parallel build in multiproject build
KT-40925 KJS: need a way to configure extra environment variables for the test task
KT-47236 KJS: kotlinNpmInstall fails if no yarn is downloaded
KT-53288 KJS / Gradle: FileNotFoundException when customising moduleName
KT-54511 Kotlin/JS generated package.json main field is not correctly set if module name contains a / (slash)
KT-54421 KJS / Legacy: Kotlin 1.7.20 fails when running tests on Node 14
KT-54503 Make the target observer API public in kotlin JS Extension
KT-54418 KJS: Change test running with kotlin-test adapter
KT-54132 KJS IR: Sometimes karma failed on teamcity because of uninitialized browser
KT-36943 Gradle Plugin (multiplatform) - Consider publishing a 'sourcesElements' variant for the sources.jar
KT-57460 Kotlin Gradle Plugin: Null this pointer in transformCommonMainDependenciesMetadata
KT-57306 [Kotlin 1.8.20-RC] GradleException: Could not load the value of field apiConfiguration of org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.mpp.compilationImpl.DefaultKotlinCompilationConfigurationsContainer
KTIJ-23750 KotlinMppModelSerializationService is not invoked in production environment
KTIJ-24223 Update latest tested KGP version to 1.9.0-dev-764
KT-56536 Multiplatform: Composite build fails on included build with !=
KTIJ-23889 TCS: Gradle Sync: Match sources.jar dependencies to sourceSetName scoped dependencies
KT-54030 Kapt: annotation processor warnings are displayed as errors on JDK 17+
KT-32596 kapt replaces class generated by annotation processor with error.NonExistentClass when the class is used as an annotation
KT-37586 KAPT: When delegated property use an unknown type (to-be-generated class), correctTypeError will mess up the $delegate field type
Tools. Maven
KT-56697 IC: "Incremental compilation was attempted but failed" Failed to get changed files: readPrevChunkAddress
KT-55709 Maven: "java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field protected accessible"
KT-29346 Add components.xml to automatically compile kotlin maven projects
KT-54822 Maven: Too low-level error message "Parameter specified as non-null is null: method kotlin.text.StringsKt__StringsJVMKt.startsWith, parameter " from Kotlin Maven plugin invoking compiler when tags are empty
KT-47110 Disable jdk8-specific warnings in kotlin-maven-plugin
Tools. Scripts
KT-54095 It is difficult (if not impossible) to use kotlin compiler plugins with scripting
KT-54461 Warnings and stack traces when executing scripts via kotlin-maven-plugin
KT-54733 Scripts: ConcurrentModificationException in *.main.kts scripts
KT-53283 Scripts: main-kts JAR does not relocate embedded SLF4J and jsoup libraries