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Details: Web 3 Global Conference is an annual event hosted by web3GlobalConference for insights and networking of the current in the Web3 space. This is pioneered by Jude Anumudu, a Nigeria who base in Lagos.


Commands Used

  1. Install Vite npm create vite@latest web3globalconference_app --template react

  2. Navigate into the project directory cd my-conference-website

  3. Install dependencies npm install

  4. Install webpack and loaders npm install webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server babel-loader css-loader style-loader file-loader html-webpack-plugin clean-webpack-plugin --save-dev

  5. Run the build command to generate the dist directory: npm run build

  6. Temporarily remove dist from .gitignore to allow it to be committed.

  7. Add and commit the dist directory:

git add dist
git commit -m "Add build directory for deployment"
git push origin main

  1. Deploy to Vercel: Vercel will automatically detect your project settings. Ensure it uses the dist directory for deployment.
  2. Re-add dist to .gitignore After Deployment.
  3. Commit the change:

git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Re-add dist to .gitignore"
git push origin main

  1. This process ensures your dist directory is included for deployment but remains excluded during development to avoid unnecessary clutter and potential conflicts.


  1. Install npm install eslint eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks eslint-plugin-react-refresh --save-dev

  2. Check for errors ``npx eslint`

    Benefits of Using ESLint

  3. Identify Syntax Errors: Catch common mistakes and potential errors in your code.

  4. Enforce Coding Standards: Maintain a consistent coding style across your project.

  5. Best Practices: Ensure best practices are followed in your JavaScript and React code.

  6. Automated Fixes: Automatically fix many issues with eslint --fix

Express Server to route all files from dist/

  1. node server.js or npm start,
  2. http://localhost:3000/terms