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Code for "Accelerating Federated Learning with a Global Biased Optimiser", IEEE Transactions on Computers


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Federated Global Biased Optimiser (FedGBO) is an optimisation algorithm for Federated Learning that used fixed local statistics during the client update loop, whilst having lower computational and communication costs compared to other adaptive-FL algorithms. This repo contains code for reproducing the experiments in "Accelerating Federated Learning with a Global Biased Optimiser", published in IEEE Transactions on Computers. If citing, please cite the IEEE paper. This repo contains PyTorch implementations of the following algorithms.

  • FedGBO: (proposed). "Accelerating Federated Learning with a Global Biased Optimiser", Mills et al., IEEE TC, 2022.
  • FedAvg: "Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data", McMahan et al., AISTATS 2017.
  • Mimelite: "Mime: Mimicking Centralized Stochastic Algorithms in Federated Learning", Karimireddy et al., arxiv 2020.
  • MFL: "Accelerating Federated Learning via Momentum Gradient Descent”, Liu et al., IEEE TPDS 2020.
  • AdaptiveFedOpt: "Adaptive Federated Optimization", Reddi et al., ICLR 2021.
  • FedProx: "Federated Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks", Li et al., MLSys 2020.
  • FedMAX: "FedMAX: Mitigating Activation Divergence for Accurate and Communication-Efficient Federated Learning”, Chen et al., ECML PKDD 2020.

The repo also contains a modifcation of the Mimelite algorithm (MimeXlite) as presented in Section 5.2 of the TC paper.


Module Version
Python 3.8.10
Numpy 1.22.0
Pytorch 1.8.2
Scipy 1.7.3
Torchvision 0.9.2
Matplotlib 3.5.1
H5Py 3.6.0
Progressbar2 4.0.0


The experiments in the paper use 4 benchmark FL datasets. Instructions for downloading and preprocessing each for is given below. After downloading and preprocessing, the data files should be copied to the appropriate folder in ./data/.

CIFAR100: provided as part of Tensorflow Federated API. As of 05/10/2022 the compressed dataset can be directly downloaded here. After uncompressing copy the training and testing .h5py files to ./data/cifar100/. In experiments, all 500 available workers were used.

FEMNIST: from the LEAF benchmark suite, with the relevant downloading and preprocessing instructions here. The command-line arguments for the LEAF preprocessing utility used were to generate the full-sized non-iid dataset, with minimum 15 samples/user, sample-based 80-20 train-test split were: ./ -s niid --sf 1.0 -k 15 -t sample --tf 0.8. The resulting training .json files files should then be copied to ./data/femnist/train/ and the testing files to ./data/femnist/test/. In the experiments, 3000 of the maximum 3500 workers were used.

Sent140: also from LEAF, with the instructions here. The full-sized non-iid dataset, with minimum 10 samples/user, sample-based 80-20 train-test split was created with the following command: ./ -s niid --sf 1.0 -k 10 -t sample --tf 0.8. After that, use the script to create sparse bag-of-words vectors of size 5000 as .pkl files. Copy these files to ./data/sent140. All 21876 workers were used in the experiments.

Shakespeare: also from LEAF with instructions here. The full-sized non-iid dataset, with a minimum of 0 samples/user and 80-20 train-test splits was created with the following command: ./ -s niid --sf 1.0 -k 0 -t sample -tf 0.8. The generated training and testing .json files can then be copied to ./data/shakes/.


After downloading and preprocessing the FL datasets, the can be run. The main function has example experiments for each algorithm to recreate the CIFAR - SGDm plot in Fig. 1 of the paper (plus the MimeXlite algorithm on the Shakespeare dataset). After running for 5000 rounds, the results can be plotted to reproduce the figure. The experiment-settings.csv file contains the tuned hyperparameters used in every simulation presented in the paper. can be easily edited to run other experiments with these settings.


Code for "Accelerating Federated Learning with a Global Biased Optimiser", IEEE Transactions on Computers







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