This mod allows you to make stairs and slabs from blocks in a very fast and efficient manner. Nothing is wasted! Every recipe gives you the exact amount of materials and can be reverted instantly.
Stop worrying about overproducing stairs for your roof. Try new shapes for your castle without thinking about mortar being wasted on half of the block. Convert any excess material back into compact form.
Be immersive as long as it doesn't interfere with your creativity!
If your mod adds new block codes there is basically no way to detect them. But good news, it is already quite easy to manually add new recipe sets to the mod and I have some further optimizations regarding this functionality in mind.
You can message me here, on the Discord, or modify config by hand as described below.
If you don't like making glass slabs without a saw, or want to add some mod compatibility by hand, go to VintagestoryData/ModConfig
and create a file slabsandstairs.json
Default content is this:
"recipes": [
"block": "stonepath-free",
"slab": "stonepathslab-free",
"stairs": "stonepathstairs-up-north-free"
"block": "quartz-plain",
"slab": "quartzslab-down-free",
"stairs": "quartzstairs-up-north-free"
"block": "planks-*-ns",
"slab": "plankslab-*-down-free",
"stairs": "plankstairs-*-up-north-free"
"block": "cobblestone-*",
"slab": "cobblestoneslab-*-down-free",
"stairs": "cobblestonestairs-*-up-north-free"
"block": "stonebricks-*",
"slab": "stonebrickslab-*-down-free",
"stairs": "stonebrickstairs-*-up-north-free"
"block": "claybricks-*",
"slab": "brickslabs-*-down-free",
"stairs": "brickstairs-*-up-north-free"
"block": "clayshingleblock-*",
"slab": "clayshinglelabs-*-down-free",
"stairs": "clayshinglestairs-*-up-north-free"
"block": "rockpolished-*",
"slab": "polishedrockslab-*-down-free"
"block": "glass-*",
"slab": "glassslab-*-down-free"