This is a set of tools to operate on The Pinball Arcade (PBA) files. PBA is a video-game developed by FarSight Studios.
Most of the tools in this repository convert to JSON, TGA or OBJ/MTL.
This tool is not able to create any kind of PBA files yet! It merely loads / converts PBA files to more usable file formats at the moment.
First install all dependencies:
- libtxc_dxtn
Then run the following commands to clone and compile
git clone
cd pba-tools
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j 4
The tools will be available in the build folder.
If you like my work, a donation would be nice:
Even a small amount does help me and shows appreciation. Thank you!
(c) 2017 Jannik Vogel (JayFoxRox) All rights reserved.
- I hereby explicitly allow you to look at the source-code of pba-tools.
- You are also allowed to download my code, compile my code and execute the generated binary.
- For scripts you are allowed to interpret them using the respective scripting languages interpreter.
- You are explicitly not allowed to modify any of my code.
- You are explicitly not allowed to link (in any possible way) my code (or any derivative, such as the binary) against other software (except system libraries) either.
- You are explicitly not allowed to redistribute my code (or any derivative, such as the binary) anywhere.
This means you are not allowed to re-use this code (or any derivative work) for any other projects.
Want this changed? License is TBD. If you have license recommendations, tell me about it in GitHub Issue #1