# 1. https://sourceforge.net/projects/sc3-plugins/files/OSX_3.6/SC3ExtPlugins-universal.dmg/download
# 2. After download, open de .dmg and
copy enterely the SC3plugins folder to /Users/{{your_user}}/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Extensions
# 3. Compile the library using Cmd+Shift+L
# 1. Copy the "sounds" folder included in this repository and paste it in
/Applications/SuperCollider.app/Contents/Resources, in case you already have a folder call sounds
in the previous route, just copy the contents of the "sounds" folder included in this repository.
# 1. Open the "Extensions" folder included in this repository
# 2. Copy the contents to /Users/{{your_user}}/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Extensions
# 3. Compile the classes using Cmd+Shift+L
# 1. Each soundbox has his own invoker file, then use them.
# 1. As it was hard to emulate some sounds like diabolic voices or forks and kives; some of these were recorded
by us and then put them in SuperCollider
# 2. The guitar sound is the only sound out of supercollider recorded with a real instrument,
for it, we use AmpKit on iOS
# 3. Those records are in the guitar-recorded-sounds folder in this repository
# 1. You can find the result in the next link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PktPsx5bZEu40CX-l7ZS_LJTFPYOTR_J/view?usp=sharing
# 2. The graphical score used is available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LMTb2Kl_o6ulFq84SqFjXBBvdRaUfQGf/view?usp=sharing
1. Jacobo Misael Tapia de la Rosa - A01336590
2. Pablo Enríquez Escamilla - A01336386
3. Ricardo Raúl Salcedo Trejo - A01337828
Proffesor: Mauro Herrera