A simple phoenix setup that provides padding between the windows.
Uses a super mod ctrl + alt + cmd that I have bound to caps lock thanks to fabiospampinato phoenix setup.
Left Third: h + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Right Third: o + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Left Half: j + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Right Half: k + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Left Two Thirds: y + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Right Two Thirds: l + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Top Right Corner: w + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Bottom Right Corner: s + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Top Right Corner: q + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Bottom Left Corner: a + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Maximize (not fullscreen): m + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Gain Focus Focus the most recent window if no windows are focused, shows error modal if no windows avaliable to focus l + [ctrl + alt + cmd]
Focus North Neighbor: w + [ctrl + alt + cmd] + shift
Focus South Neighbor: s + [ctrl + alt + cmd] + shift
Focus East Neighbor: d + [ctrl + alt + cmd] + shift
Focus West Neighbor: a + [ctrl + alt + cmd] + shift
Show Visible Window Info: Show icons and names of all visible windows at the center of the window i + [ctrl + alt + cmd]