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Sparse Spatial Sampling ($S^3$)

A different version of the existing $S^3$ algorithm (see references) for processing large amounts of CFD data. The idea is to create a grid based on a metric provided by the user, e.g., the standard deviation of the pressure fields over time. The $S^3$ algorithm then generates a grid which captures x% of the metric from the original grid or contains a specified max. number of cells, depending on the setup given by the user. After generating the grid, the original CFD data is interpolated onto the sampled grid and exported to HDF5 & XDMF files.

Getting started

The following code snipped shows how to execute $S^3$, a more detailed explanation is given below.

    from s_cube.export import ExportData
    from s_cube.sparse_spatial_sampling import SparseSpatialSampling
    from s_cube.geometry import CubeGeometry, GeometryCoordinates2D

    # load the coordinates, time steps and data matrix of the original simulation, e.g., 
    # using the flowtorch FOAMDataloader
    field, coordinates, write_times = ...
    # load the coordinates of the airfoil
    oat = ...

    # define the numerical domain and geometry
    geometry = [CubeGeometry("domain", True, lower_bounds, upper_bounds), 
                GeometryCoordinates2D("OAT15", False, oat15, refine=True)]

    # instantiate an S^3 object, use the std. dev. of the pressure wrt time as metric
    s_cube = SparseSpatialSampling(coordinates, field.std(1), geometry, save_path, save_name, 
                                   min_metric=0.95, write_times=write_times)

    # execute S^3

    # create export instance
    export = ExportData(s_cube)

    # export the pressure field to HDF5 and write a corresponding XDMF
    export.export(coordinates, field, "p")

After executing $S^3$, we can compare the generated grid and flow field with the original ones:


Although the grid generated by $S^3$ contains $\approx$ 60% less cells, it is still able to capture the flow field accurately since it only generates cells in regions were the metric is high. The following sections will provide a more comprehensive guide on this repository and its usage.


The repository contains the following directories:

  1. sparseSpatialSampling: implementation of the sparseSpatialSampling algorithm
  2. tests: unit tests
  3. examples: example scripts for executing $S^3$ for different test cases
  4. post_processing: scripts for analysis and visualization of the results

For executing $S^3$, the following things have to be provided:

  1. the simulation data as point cloud
  2. either the main dimensions of the numerical domain or the numerical domain as STL file (3D) or coordinates forming an enclosed area (2D)
  3. a metric for each point
  4. geometries within the domain (optional)

The general workflow will be explained more detailed below. Currently, $S^3$ can't handle decomposed CFD data as input.

1. Providing the original CFD data

  • the coordinates of the original grid have to be provided as tensor with a shape of [N_cells, N_dimensions]
  • for CFD data generated with OpenFoam, e.g., flowtorch can be used for loading the cell centers

2. Computing a metric

  • a metric for each cell has to be computed, the metric itself depends on the goal. For example, to capture variances over time, the standard deviation of the velocity field with respect to time can be used as a metric (refer to examples in the examples directory).
  • the metric has to be a 1D tensor in the shape of [N_cells, ]

3. Providing the numerical domain and geometries

The $S^3$ package currently provides the following shapes representing numerical domains or geometries:

  1. CubeGeometry: rectangles (2D) or cubes (3D)
  2. SphereGeometry: circles (2D) or spheres (3D)
  3. CylinderGeometry3D: cylinders (3D)
  4. GeometryCoordinates2D: arbitrary 2D geometries, the coordinates must be provided as an enclosed area
  5. GeometrySTL3D: arbitrary 3D geometries, an STL file with a manifold and closed surface must be provided

These geometry classes are located in s_cube.geometry.

Providing the numerical domain:

  • exactly one geometry object needs to be declared as domain, which can be done by passing keep_inside=True to the geometry object indicating that the points inside the object should be kept as grid
  • the domain can be represented by any of the available geometry object classes

Adding geometries:

  • there can be added as many geometries as required to avoid generating a grid in areas where a geometry in the CFD simulation is present
  • for all geometries, which are not domains, keep_inside = False has to be set indicating that there shouldn't be cells generated inside these objects

For more information on the required format of the input dicts it is referred to s_cube.geometry or the provided examples.

Putting it all together

Once the numerical domain and optional geometries are defined, we can execute $S^3$. An example input may look like:

from s_cube.sparse_spatial_sampling import SparseSpatialSampling
from s_cube.geometry import CubeGeometry, SphereGeometry, GeometrySTL3D

# 2D box as numerical domain
domain_2d = CubeGeometry(name="domain", keep_inside=True, lower_bound=[0, 0], upper_bound=[2.2, 0.41])

# 3D box as numerical domain
domain_3d = CubeGeometry(name="domain", keep_inside=True, lower_bound=[0, 0, 0], upper_bound=[14.5, 9, 2])

# alternatively, if the domain is provided as STL file for the 3D box, we can use the GeometrySTL3D class as well
domain_3d = GeometrySTL3D("cube", False, join("..", "tests", "cube.stl"))

# if we have geometries inside the domain, we can add the same way as we did for the domain. the keyword `refine`
# indicates that we want to refine the mesh near the geometry after it is creates for a better resolution of the 
# geometry (by default this is the max. refinement level present at the geometry)
geometry = SphereGeometry("cylinder", False, position=[0.2, 0.2], radius=0.05, refine=True)

# alternatively, we could also define a min. refinement level with which we want to resolve the geometry. In case we
# set a min_refinement_level but we keep refine=False then refine is automatically set to True
geometry = SphereGeometry("cylinder", False, position=[0.2, 0.2], radius=0.05, refine=True, min_refinement_level=6)

# analogously, we can define a geometry for the 3D case
domain_3d = CubeGeometry(name="cube", keep_inside=False, lower_bound=[3.5, 4, -1], upper_bound=[4.5, 5, 1])

# create a S^3 instance, the coordinates are the corrdinates of the cell centers in the original grid while metric 
# is the metric based on which the grid is created
s_cube = SparseSpatialSampling(coordinates, metric, [domain_*d, geometry_*d], save_path, save_name, grid_name, 

# execute S^3 to generate a grid bassed on the given metric

Interpolation of the original CFD data

  • once the grid is generated, the original fields from CFD can be interpolated onto this grid using the ExportData class
  • therefore, each field that should be interpolated has to be provided as tensor with the size [n_cells, n_dimensions, n_snapshots].
  • a scalar field has to be of the size [n_cells, 1, n_snapshots]
  • a vector field has to be of the size [n_cells, n_entries, n_snapshots]
  • the snapshots can either be passed into export method all at once, in batches, or each snapshot separately depending on the size of the dataset and available RAM (refer to section memory requirements).
  • for data from OpenFoam, the function export_openfoam_fields in s_cube.utils can be used to either export all snapshots for a given list of fields at once or snapshot-by-snapshot (more convenient)

example for interpolating and exporting a field:

from s_cube.export import ExportData

# create export instance, export all fields into the same HFD5 file and create single XDMF from it
export = ExportData(s_cube, write_new_file_for_each_field=False)

# write_times are the time steps of the simulation, need to be either a str or a list[int | float | str]
export.write_times = times
export.export(cooridnates, snapshots_original_field, field_name)

After the export of fields is completed, an XDMF file is written automatically for visualizing the results, e.g., in Paraview. An example for exporting the fields snapshot-by-snapshot or in batches can be found in examples/ (for large datasets, which are not fitting into the RAM all at once).

Results & output files

  • the data is saved as temporal grid structure in an HDMF & XDMF file for analysis, e.g., in ParaView
  • either one HDMF & XDMF file is created for each field, or all fields are saved into a single file, which can be set via the argument write_new_file_for_each_field of the ExportData class
  • additionally, a mesh_info file containing a summary of the refinement process and mesh characteristics is saved
  • once the grid generation is completed, the instance of the sparseSpatialSampling class is saved. This avoids the necessity to execute the grid generation again in case additional fields should be interpolated afterward

Executing $S^3$

Local machine

For executing $S^3$, it is recommended to create a virtual environment. Otherwise, it need to be ensured that the Numpy version is $>= 1.22$ (requirement for numba).

# install venv
sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3.8-venv

# clone the S^3 repository 
git clone

# create a virtual environment inside the repository
python3 -m venv s_cube_venv

# activate the environment and install all dependencies
source s_cube_venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

# once everything is installed, leave the environment

To check if the installation was successful activate the Python environment and type s_cube.__version__ (should display the current version). For executing the example scripts in examples/, the CFD data must be provided. Further the paths to the data as well as the setup needs to be adjusted accordingly. A script can then be executed as

# start the virtual environment
source s_cube_venv/bin/activate

# add the path to the repository
. source_path

# execute a script
cd examples/


The setup for executing $S^3$ on an HPC cluster is the same as for the local machine. An example jobscript for executing $S^3$ on the surfaceMountedCube simulation may look like:

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=72
#SBATCH --time=08:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name=s_cube

# load python
module load release/23.04  GCCcore/10.2.0
module load Python/3.8.6

# activate venv
source s_cube_venv/bin/activate

# add the path to s_cube
. source_path

# path to the python script
cd examples/

python3 &> "log.main"

An example jobscript for the Barnard HPC of TU Dresden is provided.

Performing an SVD

Once the grid is generated and a field is interpolated, e.g., an SVD from this field can be computed:

# import function for computing SVD (optional)
from s_cube.utils import compute_svd

# instantiate DataLoader
dataloader = DataLoader(load_direcotry, file_name)

# load the data matrix from the HDF5 file
data_matrix = dataloader.load_snapshots(field_name)

# compute the SVD using the provided function, alternativley other libraries etc. can be used
s, U, V = compute_svd(dm_u, dataloader.weights, rank)

# instantiate a datawriter
datawriter = Datawriter(save_directory, file_name)

# write the grid using the dataloader

# write the modes (here for a scalar field)
for i in range(n_modes):
  datawriter.write_data(f"mode_{i + 1}", group="constant", data=U[:, i].squeeze())

# write the rest as tensor (not referenced in XDMF file anyway)
datawriter.write_data("V", group="constant", data=V)
datawriter.write_data("s", group="constant", data=s)

# write XDMF file for visualizing the modes

Alternatively, a wrapper function located in examples/ can be used for convenience as:

from s3_for_cylinder2D import write_svd_s_cube_to_file

# compute SVD on grid generated by S^3 and export the results to HDF5 & XDMF
write_svd_s_cube_to_file(field_names, save_path, save_name, new_file, n_modes)

In all cases, the singular values and mode coefficients are not referenced in the XDMF file since they don't match the size of the field. Prior to performing the SVD, the fields are weighted with the cell areas to improve the accuracy and comparability. The Datawriter class can be used to write other data to HDF5 and XDMF as well (here only shown for an SVD).

General notes

Memory requirements

The RAM needs to be large enough to hold at least:

  • a single snapshot of the original grid
  • the original grid
  • the interpolated grid (size depends on the specified target metric)
  • the levels of the interpolated grid (size depends on the specified target metric)
  • a snapshot of the interpolated field (size depends on the specified target metric)

The required memory can be estimated based on the original grid and the target metric. Consider the example of a single snapshot having a size of 30 MB (double precision) and the original grid of 10 MB. The target metric is set to 75%, leading to an approximate max. size of 7.5 MB for the generated grid and cell levels, and 22.5 MB for a single snapshot of the interpolated field. Consequently, interpolation and export of a single snapshot requires at least ~80 MB of additional RAM. Note that this is just an estimation, the actual grid size and consequently required RAM size highly depends on the chosen metric. In most cases, the number of cells will scale much more favorable.

Note: When performing an SVD, the complete data matrix (all snapshots) of the interpolated field need to be loaded. The available RAM has to be large enough to hold all snapshots of the interpolated field as well as additional memory to perform the SVD.

Reaching the specified target metric

  • if the target metric is not reached with sufficient accuracy, the parameter n_cells_iter_start and n_cells_iter_end have to be decreased. If none provided, they are automatically set to:

   n_cells_iter_start = 1% of original grid size
   n_cells_iter_end = 5% of n_cells_iter_start

  • the refinement of the grid near geometries requires approximately the same amount of time as the adaptive refinement, so unless a high resolution of geometries is required, it is recommended to leave refine = False when instantiating a geometry object
  • if the error between the original fields and the interpolated ones is still too large (despite refine = True), the following steps can be performed for improvement:
    • the refinement level of each geometry can be increased by increasing min_refinement_level to a larger value. By default, all geometries are refined with the max. cell level present at the geometry after the adaptive refinement. When providing a value for the refinement level, all geometry objects will be refined with this specified level
    • activate the delta level constraint by setting max_delta_level = True when instantiating the sparseSpatialSampling class
    • additionally, a second metric can be added, increasing the weight of areas near geometries (e.g., adding the influence of the shear stress to the existing metric)

Projection of the coordinates for 2D in x-y-plane

  • for 2D cases, the coordinates of the generated grid are always exported in the x-y- plane, independently of the orientation of the original CFD data

Unit tests

  • tests can be executed with pytest inside the tests directory
  • pytest can be installed via: pip install pytest


If you have any questions or something is not working as expected, fell free to open up a new issue. There are some known issues, which are listed below.

Known issues

Visibility of internal nodes in ParaView

  • for 3D cases, the internal nodes are not or only partially displayed in Paraview, although they are present in the HDF5 file
  • the fields and all points are present, each node and each center has a value, which is displayed correctly

This seems to be a rendering issue in Paraview resulting from the sorting of the nodes. However, this issue should not be affecting any computations or operations done in ParaView or with the interpolated data in general.

When exporting a grid from OpenFoam to HDF5 using the converter, the internal nodes are also not displayed in Paraview. This supports the assumption that this is just a rendering issue.

Messed up grid nodes in Paraview

When using single precision, the grid nodes may be messed up in the x-y-plane when imported into Paraview in some parts of the domain. This issue was fixed by exporting everything in double precision, so it is recommended to use double precision throughout all computations in Paraview. Why this happens only in the x-y-plane is unknown.

Although it wasn't observed so far, for very fine grids this may even be happening with double precision. However, the cell centered values should not be affected by this (in case this happens).

The fields as well as the SVD are still performed in single precision to reduce the memory requirements.


  • Existing version of the $S^3$ algorithm can be found under:
    • D. Fernex, A. Weiner, B. R. Noack and R. Semaan. Sparse Spatial Sampling: A mesh sampling algorithm for efficient processing of big simulation data, DOI: (January, 2021).
  • Idea & 1D implementation of the current version taken from Andre Weiner
  • the flow_data repository containing the implementation of the cylinder2D_Re100 and cylinder3D_Re3900 test cases


Data reduction algorithm for CFD








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