Extend Nette\Utils\DateTime() for Nette framework
The best way to install Nette Calendar is using Composer:
$ composer require galek/nette-calendar
or manual edit composer.json in your project
"require": {
"galek/nette-calendar": "^1.0"
use \Galek\Utils\Calendar;
$date = new Calendar();
echo "Today is workday :/";
echo "Today is holiday :)";
// Easter
echo "Easter of this year is: ".$date->getEaster();
echo "Easter of 2020 year is: ".$date->getEaster(2020);
echo "Easter Monday of this year is: ".$date->getEasterMonday();
echo "Easter Big Friday of this year is: ".$date->getBigFriday();
echo "Today or next workday:".$date->getWorkday()->format('d.m.Y');
echo "Next workday:".$date->getWorkday(true)->format('d.m.Y');
// Something for e-shops ;)
$date->setShippingTime(14, 20);
echo "Date for shipping to some Hour and minute:".$date->getShippingDate()->format('d.m.Y');
* $date->setShippingTime(14, 20);
* $date->getShippingDate()
* Friday 9:30 < 14:20 = Monday
* Friday 14:30 > 14:20 = Wednesday (Monday send)
* etc...
Learn more in the documentation and czech version of documentation.
Migration and changelog 1.x -> 2.x documentation and czech version of documentation.
This repository will be rewrite to https://github.com/DateTi for smallest repositories and will use more interfaces ;)