npm install
npm run serve
To enable SSL/TLS for authentication testing, uncomment in vue.config.json
port: "443",
https: true,
server: {
type: "https",
options: {
minVersion: "TLSv1.1",
key: fs.readFileSync(
path.join(__dirname, "./localhostcerts/Expires04-08-2023.key")
cert: fs.readFileSync(
path.join(__dirname, "./localhostcerts/Expires04-08-2023.crt")
ca: fs.readFileSync(
path.join(__dirname, "./localhostcerts/Expires04-08-2023.pem")
passphrase: "localhost",
requestCert: true,
Self-signed certificate in project repo is dated and has a 1 year expirey date. Add the certificate to local dev machine's certificate store and firefox should allow https://localhost:443.
Chrome based browsers are still funky about self-signed certs. When self-signed cert expires, delete from machine's cert store, make a new one, add it to cert store, edit vue.config.json paths to certs and accept cert in firefox to use.
src/store/authModule/index.ts - uncomment logging code to log to console
in vue.config.json uncomment for general development logging
configureWebpack: {
devserver: {
client: {
logging: "verbose"
npm run build
npm run test:unit
linting happens on commit hook
npm run lint