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Installation english

Jahislove edited this page Aug 19, 2024 · 3 revisions

Hargassner boiler supervision author: JahisLove 2015-2022

to run this site you need:

a server running:

  • a MySQL (or MariaDB) version 5 or 10(better) database
  • a web server (apache)
  • php 7.x with the extensions mysqli, openssl and zip

personally I use a Synology NAS on which everything is pre-installed

installation and configuration:

I will not detail the installation of the above products, Google will be able to explain it to you better than me.

web part:

the directory and sub-directories of the site are to be copied into a hargassner sub-directory of the web (or www) directory of the server.


you must customize the file in conf/ with

  • -IP boiler
  • -IP MySQL
  • -password if changed
  • -silo size

the site will be accessible from the address of your server: http://ip_my_server/hargassner

MySQL part:

in your administration software (eg phpmyadmin) you must execute the request located:


this will create a database with it's tables and it's user : hargassner (password: password)

in case of error "need complex password" , you can uncomment the complex password lign in the file and then retry

data recording part:

now you have to listen to the boiler and store the data: this is done with the stockBDD.php script supplied which must run every minute.

installation of the php method:

customization of conf/php.ini

you have to customize this line with your own path, eg


to find your path use this page and look for extension_dir


now you have to run the script every minute either in crontab if you are under linux

edit root's crontab and add the line (adapt your path):

* * * * * root php -c /mon_chemin/web/hargassner/conf/php.ini -f /mon_chemin/web/hargassner/stockBDD.php

either in the synology task planner (note that under dsm6 the php executable is called php74 instead of php)

in the task parameters tab / user-defined script box:

php74 -c /volume1/web/hargassner/conf/php.ini -f /volume1/web/hargassner/stockBDD.php

and schedule this task every minute from 00:00 to 23:59

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