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Cloudflared in Node. Create HTTPS tunnel in 10 seconds. Works on macOS, Linux, and Windows.


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A Node.js package that allows you to easily create HTTPS tunnels using Cloudflare's cloudflared command-line tool. It provides a typed API for creating tunnels and managing the cloudflared binary installation.

This tool will automatically install the latest version of cloudflared (or CLOUDFLARED_VERSION env var if exists) at the first time. Then, it just passes down the command to cloudflared.


You can install this package using your favorite package manager:


pnpm i -g cloudflared


npm i -g cloudflared


yarn global add cloudflared

If CLOUDFLARED_VERSION env var is set, it will install the specified version of cloudflared, otherwise it will install the latest version.

CLI Usage

You can use the cloudflared command-line tool to create HTTPS tunnels. You can find the usage of cloudflared here.

In addition to the standard cloudflared commands, this package also provides an extra subcommand: cloudflared bin. You can use it to manage the cloudflared binary version.

❯ cloudflared bin --help
cloudflared bin                    : Prints the path to the binary
cloudflared bin remove             : Removes the binary
cloudflared bin install [version]  : Installs the binary
cloudflared bin list               : Lists 30 latest releases
cloudflared bin help               : Prints this help message
cloudflared bin install            : Installs the latest version of cloudflared
cloudflared bin install 2023.4.1   : Installs cloudflared 2023.4.1
You can find releases at

Library Usage

You can also use it as a library in your TypeScript / JavaScript projects.

Binary Path & Install

You can get the path of the cloudflared binary and install it using the bin and install functions, respectively.

import { bin, install } from "cloudflared";
import fs from "node:fs";
import { spawn } from "node:child_process";

if (!fs.existsSync(bin)) {
  // install cloudflared binary
  await install(bin);

// run cloudflared
spawn(bin, ["--version"], { stdio: "inherit" });
  • bin: The path of the binary.
  • install: A function that installs the binary to the given path.


Checkout examples/tunnel.js.

import { tunnel } from "cloudflared";

console.log("Cloudflared Tunnel Example.");

async function main() {
  // run: cloudflared tunnel --hello-world
  const { url, connections, child, stop } = tunnel({ "--hello-world": null });

  // show the url
  console.log("LINK:", await url);

  // wait for the all 4 connections to be established
  const conns = await Promise.all(connections);

  // show the connections
  console.log("Connections Ready!", conns);

  // stop the tunnel after 15 seconds
  setTimeout(stop, 15_000);

  child.on("exit", (code) => {
    console.log("tunnel process exited with code", code);
❯ node examples/tunnel.js
Cloudflared Tunnel Example.
Connections Ready! [
    id: 'd4681cd9-217d-40e2-9e15-427f9fb77856',
    ip: '',
    location: 'MIA'
    id: 'b40d2cdd-0b99-4838-b1eb-9a58a6999123',
    ip: '',
    location: 'LAX'
    id: '55545211-3f63-4722-99f1-d5fea688dabf',
    ip: '',
    location: 'MIA'
    id: 'f3d5938a-d48c-463c-a4f7-a158782a0ddb',
    ip: '',
    location: 'LAX'
tunnel process exited with code 0


Checkout examples/service.js.

import { service } from "cloudflared";

console.log("Cloudflared Service Example.");

async function main() {
  if (service.exists()) {
    console.log("Service is running.");
    const current = service.current();
    for (const { service, hostname } of current.config.ingress) {
      console.log(`  - ${service} -> ${hostname}`);
    console.log("metrics server:", current.metrics);
  } else {
    console.log("Service is not running.");
❯ node examples/service.js
Cloudflared Service Example.
Service is running.
  - http://localhost:12345 ->
  - http_status:404 -> undefined
metrics server:

NOTICE: On linux, service can only be installed and uninstalled by root.

Run service test on linux: sudo -E env "PATH=$PATH" pnpm test