This fork removes the reference to the pushwoosh-gcm library which causes duplicate push notifications on Android when used in conjunction with the cordova-firebase-plugin.
NB: In order to preserve the Pushwoosh functionality, the Firebase router should not catch the notifications. In order to achieve this, install the cordova-custom-config plugin ( and add the following lines to the android section of your config.xml:
<custom-preference delete="true" name="android-manifest/application/service @android:name='org.apache.cordova.firebase.FirebasePluginMessagingService']" />
<custom-preference delete="true" name="android-manifest/application/service[@android:name='org.apache.cordova.firebase.FirebasePluginInstanceIDService']" />
Cross-Platform push notifications by Pushwoosh for Cordova / PhoneGap
Using npm (requires cordova 7.0+):
cordova plugin add [email protected]
Using git:
cordova plugin add
Using npm (requires phonegap 7.1+):
cordova plugin add [email protected]
Plugman support by Platogo
HUGE thanks to Eddy Verbruggen for all the help with WP8 Phonegap support!!!