- 本地安装了golang sdk 1.8+
- 本地8080端口未被占用
[email protected]:JSREI/tcp-rate-limit-goat.git
cd tcp-rate-limit-goat
go run main.go
go build
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2023 by JSREI
# Full license can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Author: CC11001100
# URL: https://github.com/JSREI/tcp-rate-limit-goat
# Version: 1.0
# 复用了tcp连接的情况,使用了同一个Session的会复用同一个tcp连接,因此就可能被识别到
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry
# 设置重试策略
retry_strategy = Retry(
total=3, # 最多重试3次
status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504], # 指定哪些状态码需要重试
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy)
session = requests.Session()
# 为session挂载adapter,指定http和https都使用这个adapter
session.mount("http://", adapter)
session.mount("https://", adapter)
url = '' # 你请求的URL
# 发送30次请求
for seqNum in range(1, 31):
response = session.get(url)
print(f"{seqNum}: Status Code: {response.status_code}, response = {response.text}") # 打印状态码
# 关闭Session
/Users/cc11001100/github/JSREI/tcp-rate-limit-goat/poc/venv/bin/python /Users/cc11001100/github/JSREI/tcp-rate-limit-goat/poc/reuse-tcp-connection.py
/Users/cc11001100/github/JSREI/tcp-rate-limit-goat/poc/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/__init__.py:35: NotOpenSSLWarning: urllib3 v2 only supports OpenSSL 1.1.1+, currently the 'ssl' module is compiled with 'LibreSSL 2.8.3'. See: https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/3020
1: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
2: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
3: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
4: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
5: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
6: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
7: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
8: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
9: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
10: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
11: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
12: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
13: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
14: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
15: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
16: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
17: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
18: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
19: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
20: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
21: Status Code: 403, response =
22: Status Code: 403, response =
23: Status Code: 403, response =
24: Status Code: 403, response =
25: Status Code: 403, response =
26: Status Code: 403, response =
27: Status Code: 403, response =
28: Status Code: 403, response =
29: Status Code: 403, response =
30: Status Code: 403, response =
Process finished with exit code 0
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2023 by JSREI
# Full license can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Author: CC11001100
# URL: https://github.com/JSREI/tcp-rate-limit-goat
# Version: 1.0
# 未复用tcp连接的情况,不会被识别到,但是每次请求都需要重新建立tcp连接
import requests
url = '' # 你请求的URL
# 发送100次请求
for seqNum in range(1, 31):
response = requests.get(url)
print(f"{seqNum}: Status Code: {response.status_code}, response = {response.text}") # 打印状态码
/Users/cc11001100/github/JSREI/tcp-rate-limit-goat/poc/venv/bin/python /Users/cc11001100/github/JSREI/tcp-rate-limit-goat/poc/no-multiplexing-of-tcp-connections.py
/Users/cc11001100/github/JSREI/tcp-rate-limit-goat/poc/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/__init__.py:35: NotOpenSSLWarning: urllib3 v2 only supports OpenSSL 1.1.1+, currently the 'ssl' module is compiled with 'LibreSSL 2.8.3'. See: https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/3020
1: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
2: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
3: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
4: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
5: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
6: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
7: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
8: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
9: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
10: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
11: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
12: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
13: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
14: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
15: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
16: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
17: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
18: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
19: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
20: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
21: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
22: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
23: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
24: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
25: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
26: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
27: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
28: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
29: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
30: Status Code: 200, response = Hello, everything looks fine, you have access to the system.
Process finished with exit code 0
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