This project is developed in Laravel framework 8, provides a REST endpoint named: /DevOps
Github repository
Demo in Google Cloud
The microservice must be containerized and can be deployed on any machine or in the cloud.
In the workflow, the build runs on the last version of ubuntu and the demo is published in Google cloud with App Engine
It is required to use a load balancer with a minimum of two nodes with the same microservice.
In the Google Cloud is created the CLOUD LOAD BALANCING
The infrastructure code must be versionated
The Project us GIT and you can check the GitHub repository
The pipeline should be configured as a code and needs to be stored in a repository.
The pipeline CI/CD is stored in .github/workflows/buidl.yml
It should have two stages at minimum: “build” and “test” and can have the stages that you want.
The project Has Tests(Feature/Unit)
Must be automatic and can be executed by any branch, the master branch always deploys to the production environment. If it is required, you can create more environments: development or testing. Additionally, you could execute the pipeline on demand, and you can deploy any version
Project have two branchs(development and master)