The website for Spring Fest Jamia (2018). This is intended to be a single page site with all the contents and features neatly arranged so as to generate interest.
Take a look at the checklist below to know what needs to be done. To make a contribution,
only focus at one item in the checklist at a time. Create a seperate pull request for every
feature item checked off the list. In your commits and pull requests, briefly explain the changes
made so that reviewing gets easier. While completing each task, make sure you check that the site
looks good on various screen sizes. Make it mobile first. After completing a task, make sure to fill
the checkbox correspondong to that task by adding a x
inside the square brackets in this file.
- Add events cards with background images
- Add previos sponsors
- Add an event timeline for each day of the fest
- Make a seperate page for contacts, team and map
- Add teaser video.
- Add footer with proper content and design
- Replace We're back with a proper subtitle and add a small description below
- Add a slideshow with images of the previous year's SFJ.
- Add a navbar-menu to show when clicked on the hamburger menu on mobile
- Add social media buttons for SFJ accounts
- suggest more by opeining an issue
The best way is to use the npm package browser-sync. When connected to the same wifi network, any device can open and test the webpage, so you can easily test it on your phone and laptop/pc simultaneously.
make sure you have nodejs installed. Then installed the browser-sync
package globally by using
the command
$ npm install -g browser-sync
into the directory and run the following command
$ browser-sync start --server --files "*/*"
You can then open the site on another device using the link given in the output of the above command.
It will be something like this: External: