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Releases: JISyed/Unity-XboxCtrlrInput

XboxCtrlrInput Unity Package v1.8.0

27 Jun 19:43
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Changes this release:

  • Windows Only: The method IsPluggedIn() now takes the enum XboxController as a parameter.
  • Windows Only: The method IsPluggedIn(int) is now deprecated. Use IsPluggedIn(XboxController) instead.
  • Added new enum value XboxController.Any. This is suppose to replace XboxController.All, which has the same value.
  • The enum value XboxController.All is now deprecated. Use XboxController.Any instead.

To Install:

Download this package, then go to Unity and select Assets ▶ Import Package ▶ Custom Package..., or double click on the downloaded package while your Unity project is open.

XboxCtrlrInput Unity Package v1.7.0

15 Apr 02:58
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Changes this release:

  • Fixed DLL error with XInputDotNetPure (managed plugin) which must match the architecture of the Unity Editor. Because of this, XboxCtrlrInput is no longer supported on 32-bit Unity Editor (32-bit game builds can still be made).
  • Fixed strange deadzone problems in Windows by removing the whole InputManager Cloning system, because it was no longer needed. No one, in particular Windows users, have to deal with cloning the InputManager anymore.
  • Fixed preemptive trigger bug on Windows where GetButtonUp would fire off when the game starts.

To Install:
Download this package, then go to Unity and select Assets ▶ Import Package ▶ Custom Package..., or double click on the downloaded package while your Unity project is open.

XboxCtrlrInput Unity Package v1.6.3

08 Mar 03:36
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Changes this release:

  • Finally fixed errors that would prevent the project from building on Mac and Linux

To Install:
Download this package, then go to Unity and select Assets ▶ Import Package ▶ Custom Package..., or double click on the downloaded package while your Unity project is open.

XboxCtrlrInput Unity Package v1.6.2

27 Feb 21:52
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Changes this release:

  • Changed XInput.NET axis mode from "IndependentAxes" to "Circular"
  • Fixed error that would prevent the project from building on Mac and Linux (Not actually fixed)

To Install:
Download this package, then go to Unity and select Assets ▶ Import Package ▶ Custom Package..., or double click on the downloaded package while your Unity project is open.

XboxCtrlrInput Unity Package v1.6.1

26 Feb 02:59
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Changes this release:

  • Resolved error CS1704 when building for Windows (caused by multiple XInput.NET plugin targets conflicting).

To Install:
Download this package, then go to Unity and select Assets ▶ Import Package ▶ Custom Package..., or double click on the downloaded package while your Unity project is open.

XboxCtrlrInput Unity Package v1.6.0

10 Jan 21:26
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Changes this release:

  • Updating XboxCtrlrInput to be compatible with Unity 5.5.
  • Support for Unity Web Player is officially discontinued.

To Install:
Download this package, then go to Unity and select Assets ▶ Import Package ▶ Custom Package..., or double click on the downloaded package while your Unity project is open.

XboxCtrlrInput Unity Package v1.5.0.1

21 Dec 02:11
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Changes this release:

  • Fixed important bug where deadzone values were not being applied onto axis input on Windows (because XInput has no deadzone processing).
  • Developers making a Windows game who edit the deadzone values must select Window ▶ XboxCtrlrInput ▶ Clone Input Manager to apply changes made inside Unity's Input Manager. This is needed because XCI needed a way to read Unity's Input Manager, and cloning it was the only way I could think of.

To Install:
Download this package, then go to Unity and select Assets ▶ Import Package ▶ Custom Package..., or double click on the downloaded package while your Unity project is open.

XboxCtrlrInput Unity Package v1.4.2

19 Feb 00:25
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This release has a few changes:

  • The InputManager now has both the required axes for XCI, and Unity's default axes. The default axes from Unity are required for some of their event system code to work.
  • XboxCtrlrInput.cs moved into the folder Assets/Plugins/. This was done so that both C# and JavaScript code can access the XCI class.
  • The example scene assets were moved from Assets/XboxCtrlrInput/Example/ to Assets/XboxCtrlrInputExample/ (notice the merging of "XboxCtrlrInput" and "Example").

To Install:
Download this package, then go to Unity and select Assets ▶ Import Package ▶ Custom Package...

XboxCtrlrInput Unity Package v1.4.1

02 Feb 16:54
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This release fixed an issue on OS X where trigger inputs would go back to 0.5 if game window loses focus.

To Install:
Download this package, then go to Unity and select Assets ▶ Import Package ▶ Custom Package... to import this package.

XboxCtrlrInput Unity Package v1.4.0

29 Jan 23:57
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This release adds new enums for the controller number called XboxController. Refer to the wiki for more information. Also fixes an issue on the Mac where the triggers would return 0.5 when a Unity scene begins (when it should be returning 0).

To Install: download this package, then go to Unity and select Assets ▶ Import Package ▶ Custom Package... to import this package.