Shuno is a all an one audio streaming platform for musics, podcasts, audiobooks, poem resiting or any kind of audio with Semantic Search using Vector embedding and langchain.
huno-Backend with express js using Postgres Database and prisma
Checkout the app and CMS too
- App:
- Artist CMS:
npm install
create a .env file at the root of the project
populate it with the url of your database
DATABASE_URL = postgresql://postgres:jhm69@localhost:5432/Shuno
run npm run dev
npx prisma migrate dev
npx prisma generate
Entire Database on Prisma studio
npm run prisma:studio
To view the api documentation, simply run
cd docs
npx serve
Or you can import the Insomnia JSON to view explore the apis.
rm -rf prisma/migrations mkdir -p prisma/migrations/0_init npx prisma migrate diff --from-empty --to-schema-datamodel prisma/schema.prisma --script > prisma/migrations/0_init/migration.sql npx prisma migrate resolve --applied 0_init