Support for the bot can be given in the issues tab of the repository, at, or on our Discord server.
View config using /config
Reset config using /config reset
Setting a mute role:
/set role name: Mute role: @muted
Leave role empty to unset it.
Valid role names:
- Mute (Added when muted)
- Mute Remove (Removed when muted)
- Staff (Allows access to most admin commands)
Setting a logging channel:
/set channel name: Logging channel: #logging
Leave channel empty to unset it.
Valid channel names:
- Welcome (Welcome messages are sent here)
- Goodbye (Goodbye messages are sent here)
- Logging (Logs are sent here)
Setting a welcome message:
/set message name: Welcome message: {member} has joined the server!
Leave message empty to unset it.
Message have a max of 1000 charaters.
Valid message names:
- Welcome (Welcome message)
- Goodbye (Goodbye message)
Setting a warning punishment:
/set punishment punishment: Temp Ban warning: 7 duration: Days number: 5
Leave punishment empty to unset it.
This will ban someone for 5 days when they get 7 warnings. Duration and number are not need when the punishment is not temporary.
Valid punishments:
- Kick
- Ban
- Mute
- Timeout
- Temp Ban
- Temp Mute
A role dependecy is when a role is dependent on another role. So if one role gets removed so does the dependent role. There is a max of 20 per server.
Creating a role dependency:
/dependencies add role: @staff dependent: @helper
If @staff is removed, @helper will also be removed
Removing a role dependency:
/dependencies remove role: @staff dependent: @helper
Clear all dependencies:
/dependencies clear
List all role dependencies:
/dependencies list
To delete the reaction role from the list just delete the message. If that does not work, use the /rr remove
Creating a reaction role:
/rr create emojis: 🔴, 🔵 roles: @red, @blue title: Colors description: Select your favorite color
Clearing all reaction roles:
/rr clear
Listing recent reaction roles:
/rr list
To use the tickets feature you must run the /tickets setup
Creating a ticket:
/tickets create reason: I need support
Closing a ticket (must be in the ticket channel):
/tickets close
View the current ticket config:
/tickets config