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pali edited this page Jun 18, 2017 · 5 revisions

There have been several filesystem checker tools developed for UDF. This page attempts to catalogue them.

Windows disk check

Windows has a built-in filesystem checker for UDF, accessible by going into drive properties and doing a disk check. It appears to be functional, as it reports success if issues with the filesystem were found and fixed.

More information is needed on whether it can be run from the command line (chkdsk?), what exactly it changes on repair, how it interacts with UDF drives formatted with format-udf, and whether there is any version-specific behaviour of the tool among different Windows versions.

Illumos Gate fsck_udfs

Illumos Gate (OpenSolaris/OpenIndiana) includes a filesystem checker for UDF, also with repair functionality. The source of it is open. The manual page can be found here:

Many of the same questions above apply. It could potentially be ported to Linux. Reportedly does not handle volumes over 2 TiB.

AIX udfcheck

IBM AIX OS includes a UDF filesystem check and repair tool, however, its source is closed. The manual page can be found here:

OS X fsck_udf

OS X includes a UDF file checker tool, however, it does not perform any repairs. The manual page can be found here:

Philips UDF Conformance Tool udf_test

There has been a UDF conformance suite made by Philips (archive is called udfct, last known version is version 1.5r6 and thus the filename would have been udfct_1_5r6.tar.gz) that included a utility called udf_test (formerly called phgfsck) that could attempt to detect issues in UDF volumes. It worked on both Linux and Windows and was distributed in source form (albeit using a non-free license). However, it seems to have been lost by now. As such it is unclear whether the tool was purely diagnostic, or could also perform filesystem repair.

Some pages suggest that it is obtainable through the Philips Partner Area (, free registration needed), not checked whether that's true yet.

Version 1.5r4 is available in web archive and can be downloaded from:

Philips Parther Area was moved to and from this site after registration is possible to download last version of udf_test 1.5r6. After registration UDF Verifier Software is available at
