A VueJS application that maps the shortest path between two points on a grid.
Note that this is still a work in progress, and will not work with mobiles currently.
Currently, the application can do the following:
- Place a start node and end node for the pathfinding algorithm.
- Currently if you do this, it wipes the entire grid for now.
- Place (and remove) walls as obstructions for the pathfinding algorithm.
- Place and adjust weighted nodes to simulate longer distances on the grid.
- Buttons that allow the user to fill the grid with walls, paths and reset weights to 1.
- Simulate the Pathfinding to get the shortest distance.
- When completed, you can hover over any node to see the shortest distance from the start node to the highlighted visited node.
Future additions/changes I will make include:
- Improve the UI over time / Make it easier to interact with.
- A logger that describes in English what actions are taking place.
- Break down certain components even further (VueX is in program).
- Add other pathfinding algorithms.
- Some form of a mobile view / decent mobile interaction.
Possible future additions:
- A Maze generator, which will create a set of walls and paths with randomized start nodes and end nodes.