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GNOME-Builder plugins

These are all plugins I use(d). They are only compatible with GNOME-Builder Nightly. Maybe they work with older versions, but this is not guaranteed.


For configuring you can use the script, too.

Without docker

# If you have Fedora 37
sudo dnf install git vala meson gcc libgee-devel json-glib-devel gtk4-devel gtksourceview5-devel libadwaita-devel libpeas-devel template-glib-devel g++ libsoup3-devel
# or if you have Ubuntu 22.10 (Tested: That it compiles)
sudo apt install git valac meson gcc libgee-0.8-dev libjson-glib-dev libgtk-4-dev libgtksourceview-5-dev libadwaita-1-dev libpeas-dev libtemplate-glib-1.0-dev g++ libsoup-3.0-dev zip
git clone
cd GNOME-Builder-Plugins
meson build
cd build
ninja install


DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 podman build --file Dockerfile --output out --no-cache .

After that, a file called will be in the out directory. You can copy it to ~/.local/share/gnome-builder/plugins/ (Create it if it does not exist) and unzip it there.

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gnome-builder/plugins
cp out/ ~/.local/share/gnome-builder/plugins
cd ~/.local/share/gnome-builder/plugins


Name Description Will attempt to upstream?
callhierarchy Uses LSPs to get the call hierachy of a function/method
clangd (Copied from upstream, converted to Vala): Clangd integration
gitgui A small git integration
hadolint Integration for Hadolint, the Dockerfile linter 🎉
gtkcsslanguageserver Integration for gtkcsslanguageserver
icon_installer Allow installing icons easily in your project
markdown Indenter for Markdown 🎉
meson Integration for my meson language server 🎉
scriptdir Allows you to execute predefined scripts from ~/.local/share/gnome-builder/scripts for e.g. common tasks
shfmt Shfmt integration
swift Integration for the swift buildsystem 🎉
swift-format Integration for swift-formatter 🎉
swift-templates Extends the CreateProject-Dialog to add Swift-Support
swift-lint Integration for swift-lint 🎉
texlab LaTeX integration
xmlfmt Formatter for XML 🎉
  • ✅: Yes
  • ❌: No
  • ❓: Parts are planned
  • 🎉: Is upstream
  • Empty: Time will tell

Changes to ide.vapi

  • HtmlGenerator.for_buffer: Remove public
  • Ide.BuildSystem:
    • get_build_flags_async: virtual
    • get_build_flags_for_files_async: virtual
    • get_project_version: virtual
    • get_srcdir: virtual
    • supports_language: virtual
    • supports_toolchain: virtual
  • Ide.WorkspaceAddin:
    • ref_action_group: virtual
    • restore_session: virtual
    • restore_session_item: virtual
    • save_session: virtual
  • Ide.RunCommand:
    • set_argv: string array as arguments
    • set_argv: [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] to the argument
  • Ide.RunContext:
    • append_args: string array as arguments
    • append_args: [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] to the argument

Updating libraries

  • Update vapis
  • Update headers
  • Test that it compiles and works