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Automagically filter URLs with Bug Bounty program scope rules scraped from the internet.


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Hacker Scoper

This is a Go v1.17.2 application made for quickly filtering out URLs and IP addresses which are outside of our scope. Designed with bug-bounty programs in mind, the tool will match your given targets URLs/IPv4s/IPv6s with those from a locally stored copy of the full firebounty json of scraped scopes, OR with your own list of scopes!


  • Automagically match your targets from an automatically-updated local scopes collection.
  • Use your own scopes file.
  • Set "explicit-level" (Parse (all as) wildcards?)
  • Parse advanced wildcards as regex (supports scope filters like amzn* and dev.*
  • Match IPv4s
  • Match IPv6s
  • Match any valid URL (RFC 3986 Compliant)
  • Attempt to scrape security.txt files from your targets
  • Easily chainable with other tools. Use -ch/--chain-mode to disable the fancy text decorations.
  • TLD-Based detection of mis-configured bug-bounty programs: Sometimes, bug bounty programs set apk package names such as as web_application resources instead of as android_application resources. hacker-scoper will detect that, and alert the user of the mis-configuration.
  • If no company name and no custom files are specified, hacker-scoper will look for .inscope and .noscope files in the current or parent directories.
  • Save output to a file.


Using Chocolatey

choco install hacker-scoper

Using go install

go install

From the releases page

Download a pre-built binary from the releases page


Demo with company lookup


Demo with custom scopes file


Usage: hacker-scoper --file /path/to/targets [--company company | --custom-inscopes-file /path/to/inscopes [--custom-outofcopes-file /path/to/outofscopes] [--verbose]] [--explicit-level INT] [--reuse Y/N] [--chain-mode] [--fire /path/to/firebounty.json] [--include-unsure] [--output /path/to/outputfile] [--hostnames-only]

Usage examples:

  • Example: Cat a file, and lookup scopes on firebounty
    cat recon-targets.txt | hacker-scoper -c google

  • Example: Cat a file, and use the .inscope & .noscope files
    cat recon-targets.txt | hacker-scoper

  • Example: Manually pick a file, lookup scopes on firebounty, and set explicit-level
    hacker-scoper -f recon-targets.txt -c google -e 2

  • Example: Manually pick a file, use custom scopes and out-of-scope files, and set explicit-level
    hacker-scoper -f recon-targets.txt -ins inscope -oos noscope.txt -e 2

Usage notes: If no company and no inscope file are specified, hacker-scoper will look for ".inscope" and ".noscope" files in the current or in parent directories.

Table of all possible arguments:

Short Long Description
-c --company Specify the company name to lookup.
-cstxt --check-security-txt Whether or not we will try to scrape security.txt from all domains and subdomains (Warning: experimental feature.)
-r --reuse Reuse previously generated security.txt lists? (Y/N). Only needed if using "-cstxt"
-f --file Path to your file containing URLs
-ins --inscope-file Path to a custom plaintext file containing scopes
-oos --outofcope-file Path to a custom plaintext file containing scopes exclusions
-e --explicit-level int How explicit we expect the scopes to be:
1 (default): Include subdomains in the scope even if there's not a wildcard in the scope
2: Include subdomains in the scope only if there's a wildcard in the scope
3: Include subdomains in the scope only if they are explicitly within the scope
-ch --chain-mode In "chain-mode" we only output the important information. No decorations.. Default: false
--fire Set this to specify a path for the FireBounty JSON.
-iu --include-unsure Include "unsure" URLs in the output. An unsure URL is a URL that's not in scope, but is also not out of scope. Very probably unrelated to the bug bounty program.
-o --output Save the inscope urls to a file
-ho --hostnames-only Output only hostnames instead of the full URLs
--verbose Show what scopes were detected for a given company name.
--version Show the installed version

list example:

Custom .inscope file example:


Custom .noscope file example:


  • Q: How does the "company" scope matching actually work?
    A: It works by looking for company-name matches in a local copy of the firebounty database (firebounty-scope-url_only.json). The company name that you specify will be lowercase'd, and hacker-scoper will check if any company name in the JSON contains that string. Once it finds a name match, it'll filter your URLs according to the scopes that firebounty detected for that company. You can test how this would perform by just searching some name in the firebounty website.

Special thank you

This project was inspired by the yeswehack_vdp_finder


All of the code on this repository is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. A copy can be seen as LICENSE on this repository.