Stream Connect is a user interface for the StreamConnect-Bridge, a backend/CLI application that bridges multiple programs together. It allows these programs to communicate with each other without having direct knowledge about each app's API. Stream Connect is an Electron app built with SvelteKit, developed by ItWasEnder.
Stream Connect provides a user-friendly interface to manage and monitor the communication between different applications. It leverages the power of StreamConnect-Bridge to seamlessly integrate multiple programs, making it easier to create complex workflows and systems.
To install the project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Run the setup script:
- Select the installation option:
The setup script will automatically install the required npm packages for the project and package it for installation of the standalone application.
After installation, you can run the project in development mode or build it for production using the commands provided in the package.json
To run the project in development mode, use the following command:
npm run dev
To update the project, simply run the setup script again: python The script will automatically update the main app and the StreamConnect-Bridge repository.
To package the project for distribution, run the setup script with the package option: python package. The script will automatically package both the main app and the StreamConnect-Bridge repository
Contributions are welcome. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.