This project was part of a (full-stack) course at the University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam. This is the front-end part for an API that we created. I chose to build a kanban board.
Client: Bootstrap (bootstrap-react), React
Server: Node, Express, MongoDB
This was my first app using React. I have learned to:
- Implement the basic CRUD functionalities (using my own api) using react components
- Use the React hooks useState, useEffect, useContext, useRef, Fragments, Custom hooks
- Work with JWT tokens and React protected routes (by using context and custom hooks) (back-end implementation tutorials followed from Dave Gray as this was my first time working with JWT and protected routes in React. I expanded this system by checking ownership of boards instead of the universal system he created.
- Work with the libraries react-beautiful-dnd and react-router
- Work with Socket.IO for a real-time application when creating/deleting/moving/editing cards etc. using rooms and events.
Due to the lack of time there are plenty of things that I was not able to implement. In the future I would like to add the following:
- Live updates through Socket.IO
- Ability to add boards
- Add indexes to list order and
fix bug when dragging a card in the same list - Add an authentication and Authorization system
- Deploy front-end
- Add ability to add members
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project/client
cd my-project/server
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
/cd my-project/server
npm run server
/cd my-project/client
npm run start