Guestay is a a cutting-edge vacation rental platform inspired by Airbnb. With this full-stack web application you can look for vacation rentals or become a host and rent your own property. This web application was built with Nodejs, Express, Sequelize and PostgreSQL for the backend, and React Redux for the frontend. Guestay combines top-notch technology with a user-friendly interface to deliver an exceptional rental experience. Check out the live link of Guestay to see it in action.
- Node.js
- Express
- Sequelize
- PostgreSQL
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- Browse all available spots and view individual spot in detail
- View all spots owned by the current login user
- Create a new spot to start hosting
- Modify an existing spot
- Delete a spot
- Add / Remove images from a spot
- Read all reviews for a spot
- View all reviews written by the current login user
- Add/Edit/Delete a review for a spot by the current user
- Add /Remove images for a review
To run the application locally, please follow the steps below:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies for backend and frontend Backend:
cd backend npm install
Create a .env file to setup environment variables refer to the .env.example file and execute the following shell script to migrate and seed the database:
cd frontend npm install
Start and run the App in both backend and frontend directores:
npm start
- Complete Booking and search features
- Use AWS to store Images in the cloud
- Use Google API to show actual location for each spot