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[PLT-87] marconi: Log progress of synced blocks (#489)
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* Make the indexer use plutus-streaming

* Separate Marconi executable from plutus-chain-index

Rename plutus-indexer to marconi

* Add logging to marconi

* Fix typo

* Better time formatting

* Deal with malformed block hashes

* Catch NoIntersectionFound and warn the user

* Simplify logging logic

* Improve display of chain point

* Improve display of chain point [take two]

* Remove duplicate dependency

* Improve logging output

If the user started processing the chain at a point close to the end,
the messages made it look like the synchronisation was already almost
finished ("Synchronising (99.96%)"), risking confusing the user.
Thats indeed the relative point on the chain that is currently being
processed and has nothing to do with an ETA.

This patch reworks the message to clear the meaning of that percentage.
E.g.  "Synchronising. Current slot 57848748 out of 57901784 (99.91%)"

* Use iohk-monitoring-framework

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: koslambrou <[email protected]>

* Adjust logging format

* Display last processed block, not chain tip

* Rework imports and extensions

Co-authored-by: koslambrou <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
andreabedini and koslambrou committed Jun 22, 2022
1 parent e322e49 commit eba253b
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Showing 7 changed files with 348 additions and 183 deletions.
140 changes: 0 additions & 140 deletions plutus-chain-index/app/Indexer.hs

This file was deleted.

150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions plutus-chain-index/app/Marconi.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module Main where

import Cardano.Api (Block (Block), BlockHeader (BlockHeader), BlockInMode (BlockInMode), CardanoMode,
ChainPoint (ChainPoint), EraInMode, Hash, IsCardanoEra, NetworkId (Mainnet, Testnet),
NetworkMagic (NetworkMagic), SlotNo (SlotNo), Tx, chainPointToSlotNo, deserialiseFromRawBytesHex,
import Cardano.BM.Setup (withTrace)
import Cardano.BM.Trace (logError)
import Cardano.BM.Tracing (defaultConfigStdout)
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Control.Lens.Operators ((^.))
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as C8
import Data.List (findIndex)
import Data.Map (assocs)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
import Index.VSplit qualified as Ix
import Ledger.Tx.CardanoAPI (withIsCardanoEra)
import Marconi.Index.Datum (DatumIndex)
import Marconi.Index.Datum qualified as Ix
import Marconi.Logging (logging)
import Options.Applicative (Parser, auto, execParser, flag', help, helper, info, long, maybeReader, metavar, option,
readerError, strOption, (<**>), (<|>))
import Plutus.ChainIndex.Tx (ChainIndexTx (..))
import Plutus.Contract.CardanoAPI (fromCardanoTx)
import Plutus.Script.Utils.V1.Scripts (Datum, DatumHash)
import Plutus.Streaming (ChainSyncEvent (RollBackward, RollForward), ChainSyncEventException (NoIntersectionFound),
import Prettyprinter (defaultLayoutOptions, layoutPretty, pretty, (<+>))
import Prettyprinter.Render.Text (renderStrict)
import Streaming.Prelude qualified as S

-- | This executable is meant to exercise a set of indexers (for now datumhash -> datum)
-- against the mainnet (meant to be used for testing).
-- In case you want to access the results of the datumhash indexer you need to query
-- the resulting database:
-- $ sqlite3 datums.sqlite
-- > select slotNo, datumHash, datum from kv_datumhsh_datum where slotNo = 39920450;
-- 39920450|679a55b523ff8d61942b2583b76e5d49498468164802ef1ebe513c685d6fb5c2|X(002f9787436835852ea78d3c45fc3d436b324184
data Options = Options
{ optionsSocketPath :: String,
optionsNetworkId :: NetworkId,
optionsChainPoint :: ChainPoint,
optionsDatabasePath :: FilePath
deriving (Show)

parseOptions :: IO Options
parseOptions = execParser $ info (optionsParser <**> helper) mempty

optionsParser :: Parser Options
optionsParser =
<$> strOption (long "socket-path" <> help "Path to node socket.")
<*> networkIdParser
<*> chainPointParser
<*> strOption (long "database-path" <> help "Path to database.")

networkIdParser :: Parser NetworkId
networkIdParser =
pMainnet <|> pTestnet
pMainnet =
( long "mainnet"
<> help "Use the mainnet magic id."

pTestnet =
Testnet . NetworkMagic
<$> option
( long "testnet-magic"
<> metavar "NATURAL"
<> help "Specify a testnet magic id."

chainPointParser :: Parser ChainPoint
chainPointParser =
pure chainPointCloseToGoguen
<|> ( ChainPoint
<$> option (SlotNo <$> auto) (long "slot-no" <> metavar "SLOT-NO")
<*> option
(maybeReader maybeParseHashBlockHeader <|> readerError "Malformed block hash")
(long "block-hash" <> metavar "BLOCK-HASH")
-- We don't generally need to sync blocks earlier than the Goguen era (other than
-- testing for memory leaks) so we may want to start synchronising from a slot that
-- is closer to Goguen era.
chainPointCloseToGoguen =
(SlotNo 39795032)
(fromJust $ maybeParseHashBlockHeader "3e6f6450f85962d651654ee66091980b2332166f5505fd10b97b0520c9efac90")

getDatums :: BlockInMode CardanoMode -> [(SlotNo, (DatumHash, Datum))]
getDatums (BlockInMode (Block (BlockHeader slotNo _ _) txs) era) = withIsCardanoEra era $ concatMap (go era) txs
go ::
IsCardanoEra era =>
EraInMode era CardanoMode ->
Tx era ->
[(SlotNo, (DatumHash, Datum))]
go era' tx =
let hashes = either (const []) (assocs . _citxData) $ fromCardanoTx era' tx
in map (slotNo,) hashes

main :: IO ()
main = do
Options {optionsSocketPath, optionsNetworkId, optionsChainPoint, optionsDatabasePath} <- parseOptions

let initial :: IO DatumIndex
initial = optionsDatabasePath (Ix.Depth 2160)

step :: DatumIndex -> ChainSyncEvent (BlockInMode CardanoMode) -> IO DatumIndex
step index (RollForward blk _ct) =
Ix.insert (getDatums blk) index
step index (RollBackward cp _ct) = do
events <- Ix.getEvents (index ^.
return $
fromMaybe index $ do
slot <- chainPointToSlotNo cp
offset <- findIndex (any (\(s, _) -> s < slot)) events
Ix.rewind offset index

finish :: DatumIndex -> IO ()
finish _index = pure () -- Nothing to do here, perhaps we should use this to close the database?
c <- defaultConfigStdout

withTrace c "marconi" $ \trace ->
(S.foldM_ step initial finish . logging trace)
`catch` \NoIntersectionFound ->
logError trace $
renderStrict $
layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions $
"No intersection found when looking for the chain point" <+> pretty optionsChainPoint <> "."
<+> "Please check the slot number and the block hash do belong to the chain"

maybeParseHashBlockHeader :: String -> Maybe (Hash BlockHeader)
maybeParseHashBlockHeader = deserialiseFromRawBytesHex (proxyToAsType Proxy) . C8.pack

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