TuioNet is a .Net implementation of the TUIO specification by Martin Kaltenbrunner. It supports TUIO 1.1 and TUIO 2.0 for the following message profiles:
TUIO 1.1
TUIO 2.0
A brief overview over the most important classes and how to use them.
The Tuio session class is the entry point for the communication between the client application and a TUIO sender. It takes the TUIO protocol version, the connection type and the IP-Address of the TUIO sender.
Based on the protocol version the TuioSession
creates a Processor
which is responsible for parsing the incoming TUIO messages. By default, the Processor
classes add MessageListeners
for the currently supported Tuio profiles (see above for a list of the supported profiles). But it is also possible to register for your own custom message profile by calling AddMessageListener
on the TuioSession
. Here you are not limited to the Tuio profiles. You can register to every OSC message format your Tuio sender supports.
using(var session = new TuioSession(TuioVersion.Tuio11, TuioConnectionType.Websocket, ""))
session.AddMessageListener(new MessageListener("/my/profile/example", OnMessage);
private void OnMessage(object? sender, OSCMessage message)
// Do something with the message
Tuio processors are responsible for parsing TUIO messages. There are two types of processors, one for TUIO 1.1 and one for TUIO 2.0. They get a client object and can listen to specific messages by register callback methods for them. In the current implementation the TUIO processors listen to the following message profiles.
public Tuio11Processor(TuioClient client)
client.AddMessageListeners(new List<MessageListener>()
new MessageListener("/tuio/2Dobj", On2Dobj),
new MessageListener("/tuio/2Dcur", On2Dcur),
new MessageListener("/tuio/2Dblb", On2Dblb)
_currentTime = TuioTime.GetCurrentTime();
public Tuio20Processor(TuioClient client)
client.AddMessageListeners(new List<MessageListener>()
new MessageListener("/tuio2/frm", OnFrm),
new MessageListener("/tuio2/alv", OnAlv),
new MessageListener("/tuio2/tok", OnOther),
new MessageListener("/tuio2/ptr", OnOther),
new MessageListener("/tuio2/bnd", OnOther),
new MessageListener("/tuio2/sym", OnOther),
_currentTime = TuioTime.GetCurrentTime();
The TUIO Specification (1.1 and 2.0) defines different kinds of
TUIO message profiles:
TUIO 1.1 Examples:
/tuio/2Dobj set s i x y a X Y A m r
/tuio/2Dcur set s x y X Y m
/tuio/2Dblb set s x y a w h f X Y A m r
TUIO 2.0 Examples:
/tuio2/tok s_id tu_id c_id x_pos y_pos angle [x_vel y_vel m_acc r_vel r_acc]
/tuio2/ptr s_id tu_id c_id x_pos y_pos angle shear radius press [x_vel y_vel p_vel m_acc p_acc]
/tuio2/bnd s_id x_pos y_pos angle width height area [x_vel y_vel a_vel m_acc r_acc]
/tuio2/sym s_id tu_id c_id t_des data
In general there are four different kinds of events for TUIO 1.1 and 2.0: Add
, Update
, Remove
and Refresh
. The Refresh
event gets triggered at the end of the current frame after all tuio messages were processed and it provides the current TuioTime
. There are different Add
, Update
and Remove
events for the different kinds of TUIO messages (cursor, object, blob, token...). All possible events are shown below.
The Refreshed event is triggered when a TUIO frame is completely processed. This event is useful to handle all updates contained in one TUIO frame together.
_processor.OnRefreshed += OnRefreshed;
private void OnRefreshed(object sender, TuioTime time)
// update stuff after the whole tuio frame got processed
This event gets triggered when a new cursor was added this frame.
_processor.OnCursorAdded += OnCursorAdded;
private void OnCursorAdded(object sender, Tuio11Cursor cursor)
Console.WriteLine($"New cursor added -> ID: {cursor.CursorId}");
This event gets triggered when an already known cursor gets updated, for example changes its position.
_processor.OnCursorUpdated += OnCursorUpdated;
private void OnCursorUpdated(object sender, Tuio11Cursor cursor)
Console.WriteLine($"Cursor {cursor.CursorId} -> Position: {cursor.Position}");
This event gets triggered when a cursor was removed this frame.
_processor.OnCursorRemoved += OnCursorRemoved;
private void OnCursorAdded(object sender, Tuio11Cursor cursor)
Console.WriteLine($"Cursor {cursor.CursorId} removed");
This event gets triggered when a new TUIO 1.1 object was added this frame.
_processor.OnObjectAdded += OnObjectAdded;
private void OnObjectAdded(object sender, Tuio11Object tuioObject)
Console.WriteLine($"New object added -> ID: {tuioObject.SymbolId}");
This event gets triggered when an already known TUIO 1.1 object gets updated, for example changes its position or rotation.
_processor.OnObjectUpdated += OnObjectUpdated;
private void OnObjectUpdated(object sender, Tuio11Object tuioObject)
Console.WriteLine($"Object {tuioObject.SymbolId} -> Position: {tuioObject.Position}");
This event gets triggered when a TUIO 1.1 object was removed this frame.
_processor.OnObjectRemoved += OnObjectRemoved;
private void OnObjectRemoved(object sender, Tuio11Object tuioObject)
Console.WriteLine($"Object {tuioObject.SymbolId} removed");
This event gets triggered when a new TUIO 1.1 blob was added this frame.
_processor.OnBlobAdded += OnBlobAdded;
private void OnBlobAdded(object sender, Tuio11Blob blob)
Console.WriteLine($"New Blob added -> ID: {blob.BlobId}");
This event gets triggered when an already known TUIO 1.1 blob gets updated, for example changes its position or rotation.
_processor.OnBlobUpdated += OnBlobUpdated;
private void OnBlobUpdated(object sender, Tuio11Blob blob)
Console.WriteLine($"Blob {blob.BlobId} -> Position: {blob.Position}");
This event gets triggered when a TUIO 1.1 blob was removed this frame.
_processor.OnBlobRemoved += OnBlobRemoved;
private void OnBlobRemoved(object sender, Tuio11Blob blob)
Console.WriteLine($"Blob {blob.BlobId} removed");
The Refreshed event is triggered when a TUIO frame is completely processed. This event is useful to handle all updates contained in one TUIO frame together.
_processor.OnRefreshed += OnRefreshed;
private void OnRefreshed(object sender, TuioTime time)
// update stuff after the whole tuio frame got processed
This event gets triggered when a new TUIO 2.0 object was added this frame. This could be a pointer, token, bounds or symbol.
_processor.OnObjectAdded += OnObjectAdded;
private void OnObjectAdded(object sender, Tuio20Object tuioObject)
// if you expect the object to be a pointer you can check it and act accordingly
Console.WriteLine($"New Pointer added -> ID: {tuioObject.Pointer.ComponentId}");
This event gets triggered when an already known TUIO 2.0 object gets updated, for example changes its position.
_processor.OnObjectUpdated += OnObjectUpdated;
private void OnObjectUpdated(object sender, Tuio20Object tuioObject)
// if you expect the object to be a token you can check it and act accordingly
Console.WriteLine($"Token {tuioObject.Token.ComponentId} -> Position: {tuioObject.Token.Position}");
This event gets triggered when a TUIO 2.0 object was removed this frame.
_processor.OnObjectRemoved += OnObjectRemoved;
private void OnObjectRemoved(object sender, Tuio20Object tuioObject)
// if you expect the object to be a symbol you can check it and act accordingly
Console.WriteLine($"Symbol {tuioObject.Symbol.ComponentId} removed");
A simple console application which demonstrates a simple setup for a TUIO 1.1 connection via UDP.
- First create a
(the default port is 3333) - Get the
from the session object and cast it to the appropriate type based on the TUIO version (Tuio11Dispatcher
). - Register methods for the desired events on the dispatcher object.
- The connecting and disconnecting is handled by the session object. As soon as the session gets disposed it disconnects from the sender.
- The application runs and prints to the console when TUIO objects/cursors appear, move or get removed.
- By pressing the
button you can stop the application.
using TuioNet.Common;
using TuioNet.Tuio11;
namespace TuioNet.Demo;
class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
using (var tuioSession = new TuioSession(TuioVersion.Tuio11, TuioConnectionType.UDP))
var dispatcher = (Tuio11Dispatcher)tuioSession.TuioDispatcher;
dispatcher.OnCursorAdd += CursorAdded;
dispatcher.OnCursorUpdate += UpdateCursor;
dispatcher.OnCursorRemove += RemoveCursor;
while (true)
if (!Console.KeyAvailable) continue;
var pressedKey = Console.ReadKey().Key;
if (pressedKey == ConsoleKey.Q) break;
dispatcher.OnCursorAdd -= CursorAdded;
dispatcher.OnCursorUpdate -= UpdateCursor;
dispatcher.OnCursorRemove -= RemoveCursor;
private static void RemoveCursor(object? sender, Tuio11Cursor cursor)
Console.WriteLine($"Cursor {cursor.CursorId} removed");
private static void UpdateCursor(object? sender, Tuio11Cursor cursor)
Console.WriteLine($"Cursor {cursor.CursorId} -> Position: {cursor.Position}");
private static void CursorAdded(object? sender, Tuio11Cursor cursor)
Console.WriteLine($"New cursor added -> ID: {cursor.CursorId}");
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Erich Querner 💻 |
Giles Coope 💻 |
Martin Kaltenbrunner 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!